Baby' Sister Wants a B-Day PewDie Shoutout; Acquire Action Plan?

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  • Baby' Sister Wants a B-Day PewDie Shoutout; Acquire Action Plan?

    My little sister, Nicole, is turning 14 this month. All that she wants from me for her birthday is to get a sweet little birthday shoutout from her favorite YouTuber in one of his videos.

    She introduced me to PewDie about 5 months ago and now we watch his videos together religiously. He's a big bonding point in our relationship and all she asked for her birthday was if she got a birthday shoutout on the 11th on PewDie's little Friday videos.

    My initial idea for my action plan to get this to happen was to send in a response video to PewDie to ask for the shoutout. I'm not sure if there is a more effective way of going about this, but that's all I've got.

    This is where you bros come in! I need your help! Any suggestions, tips, tricks, stalking measures (not really) that would help me make this happen. I would be the best sister ever to her if I made this happen as it's ALL she wants for her birthday.

    Anything would help, guys. REALLY. I would appreciate this to no end if you guys had any advice to give.
  • Hope your sister has a sweet birthday! c:
    But to be completly honest, I'm not sure sending him a PM about it would work.
    He said he receives a LOT of messages daily and then there's also the fact that lots of youtubers request a shoutout for their reasons as well...
    I'm not sure how to help bro, but I really wish I could!
    Sorry and good luck, if you somehow manage c:
  • Sorry to be blunt, but he will probably 85% not do it. DO NOT SPAM HIS VIDEOS. After seeing comment after comment of " I want a shoutout " "Dieing *insert relative here * wants a shoutout " "*insert relative here* wants a special B-DAY shoutout. " It just gets tiring. The right thing to do is to send him a PM once on youtube. If he reads it and actually does it, CONGRATZ! The next thing to do is request it in a PM here on once. Again, If he reads it and actually does it, CONGRATZ!
  • Thanks for the help so far, guys! I'm devising a plan so genius, so intense, so desperate...there's no way this can't work!

    My sister really needs this. Our parents are divorcing and she's been so depressed and shut off. I asked her what she wanted for her birthday and this is ALL she asked for. So, no matter what I have to do, I am going to make this happen. I hate seeing my sister so distraught like this. I want to make her smile.
  • actuallyktjane wrote:

    Thanks for the help so far, guys! I'm devising a plan so genius, so intense, so desperate...there's no way this can't work!

    My sister really needs this. Our parents are divorcing and she's been so depressed and shut off. I asked her what she wanted for her birthday and this is ALL she asked for. So, no matter what I have to do, I am going to make this happen. I hate seeing my sister so distraught like this. I want to make her smile.

    Correction: No matter what you do, nothing will happen. We are sorry to hear about depressed teenagers. People divorce all the time, it's not something special.

    If your plan is SPAM SPAM SPAM, I advise you against it. Instead of trying to get pewdiepie to say something, how about you tell her how messed up it is to lock herself from the world just because her parents are divorcing. When my parents divorced, It really didn't matter, I saw both of them and no longer had to listen to fighting in the house. My parents have gotten back together though, it was mutual that they both loved each other.

    A better present would be to convince your parents to stop all the senseless fighting and tell them that they are so wrong for divorcing, that they love each other.

    Although if you think spamming pewdiepie until his brain explodes into 419 pieces, go ahead you senseless monster.
  • While I agree that pewdie gets spammed for shoutouts every day, and that it is hard to tell if people actually are truth full in their attempts, I will link this page to pewdie, if he decides to do something then he'll most likley post, if not then at least you have an answer. Don't think that pewdie doesn't care about your sister because he doesn't decide to do it, because I'm pretty sure if he does than a billion other people will ask and then complain when they don't get shoutouts. Anyway, I'll link him when I talk to him next. Good luck bro.
  • Flamez3 wrote:

    While I agree that pewdie gets spammed for shoutouts every day, and that it is hard to tell if people actually are truth full in their attempts, I will link this page to pewdie, if he decides to do something then he'll most likley post, if not then at least you have an answer. Don't think that pewdie doesn't care about your sister because he doesn't decide to do it, because I'm pretty sure if he does than a billion other people will ask and then complain when they don't get shoutouts. Anyway, I'll link him when I talk to him next. Good luck bro.

    actually if she will get a shoutout , a whole bunch of people will be pissed and rage @ youtube etc. or even keep spamming him with more.