Best childhood memories of gaming.

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    • Best childhood memories of gaming.

      ]One of mine would have to be crash team racing. Loved that game so much used to play it all the time with my dad and my sister but unfortunately the game got scratched over two years ago and isn't playable any more. Also another game i used to love was goldeneye 007 in which is still my favorite game today i used to play 3 player mode with all the cheats on blowing my friends into oblivion, good times good times. What are your best childhood memories with video games?
      Childish?! whats the point of being grown up if you cant be childish sometimes.
    • I have to say mine was, the very first time I've ever played Pokemon and that was before I discovered like, the early Gold, Silver, and Crystal versions. I played Sapphire and the moment that Kyogre was like summoned, and everything started going to hell. I was like Nerd-gasming out xD
    • Gamecube, N64, SNES and PC were my childhood.
      I'd play Zelda Windwaker, Smash Bros Melee, Super Mario Sunshine and Mario Kart on my Gamecube.
      Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time on my N64, Donkey Kong and basically all the Mario games on the SNES.
      And on my PC I'd play Fable: The Lost Chapters, Morrowind, Star Wars Jedi Knight Academy, Black & White 1 and 2, Impossible Creatures and Jurassic Park. <3

      YouTube channel:
      Skype: twonords
      Steam: TwoNords | Freddy or freddynord
    • Too many but I'll just choose one.

      The fondest memory I have of gaming was, the first time I played Mortal Kombat with my cousins James and Emily. Why? Because at home I wasn't allowed to play such a violent game, and that day I played with Katana (who still to this day is my favorite female character) and James taught me how to use her special move and I remember just mashing those buttons and I beat them both...repeatedly. It was a good day.
    • This is tough! I guess my most fond memory would be playing The Legend Of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Really, I guess it was watching my mother play it was the best. She would kick us off the telly in the middle of our cartoons to play that game, and we kiddos never minded it. In fact, I recall, as a 5 year old, pulling her to the living room and asking her to play. The bad men with swords (castle soldiers) scared me too much for me to play myself until I was 7.
      Did anyone else ever call Nintendo up when they couldn't figure something out, pre-game guide era? She did that. She was so determined to find that last glass bottle...
      "When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and let the world wonder how you did it."
    • My favorite moment is when me and my bro challenged our mom to original super mario and we would probably die on the second level of the first world and then it was my mom's turn and she went through that like it was cutting paper, she would kick are freaking butts in that game no matter how many times we challenged her and we cant even beat are dad in a sports game hes too good at sport games, mainly football!

      Symmetry is Everything ~Death the Kid
    • Buttons wrote:

      Playing super mario world at the age of 5 with my mom ( as far back as i can go)
      And playing all crash bandicoot with my mom ( kicked my butt so hard, we used to take turns and she'd win all the levels)

      Lol xD
      I used to play SMW too. My first console was SN, but i didn't have many games, only SMW and ISSSD(International, Super Sturz SuckerSoccer... DELUXE!! XP).
      But anyways, after that mom bought me a Nintendo 64. But since she had not enough money to buy the games, she rented some. For what i remember of it, i THINK, the first one was Castlevania. But i always got stuck in the first scenario of the game, and i didn't like it.. So i had to give it back.. :/
      Then i also got Donkey Kong Island.. It was cool at the start, but then i dropped it cause it was getting boring and hard in some parts..
      And then i got Mario.. I liked it a little bit, but i didn't see how awesome it was.. I wasn't sure about my tastes in that age(i was like what, 5, 6 years old, maybe?).. Anyway..
      Then i also got Super Smash Bros.... It was like, the greatest game i ever played in my childhood.. Man, i just loved it! Always tried to beat that game and unlock new characters.. And something i really LOVED in that game, was the Battle Royale Mode... It was so cool i just loved it! :D
      I used to play with Link/Pikachu/Samus often, always wearing blue costumes.. Man, Samus got some sort of purple costume in the blue team... I LOVED IT!!! :D
      But then my mom had to give it back, cause she had no more money to keep it.. But who cares? At least i enjoyed the few time i spend with it as much as possible and i don't regret it! :D
    • NuMetalWolf wrote:

      Buttons wrote:

      Playing super mario world at the age of 5 with my mom ( as far back as i can go)
      And playing all crash bandicoot with my mom ( kicked my butt so hard, we used to take turns and she'd win all the levels)

      Lol xD
      I used to play SMW too. My first console was SN, but i didn't have many games, only SMW and ISSSD(International, Super Sturz SuckerSoccer... DELUXE!! XP).
      But anyways, after that mom bought me a Nintendo 64. But since she had not enough money to buy the games, she rented some. For what i remember of it, i THINK, the first one was Castlevania. But i always got stuck in the first scenario of the game, and i didn't like it.. So i had to give it back.. :/
      Then i also got Donkey Kong Island.. It was cool at the start, but then i dropped it cause it was getting boring and hard in some parts..
      And then i got Mario.. I liked it a little bit, but i didn't see how awesome it was.. I wasn't sure about my tastes in that age(i was like what, 5, 6 years old, maybe?).. Anyway..
      Then i also got Super Smash Bros.... It was like, the greatest game i ever played in my childhood.. Man, i just loved it! Always tried to beat that game and unlock new characters.. And something i really LOVED in that game, was the Battle Royale Mode... It was so cool i just loved it! :D
      I used to play with Link/Pikachu/Samus often, always wearing blue costumes.. Man, Samus got some sort of purple costume in the blue team... I LOVED IT!!! :D
      But then my mom had to give it back, cause she had no more money to keep it.. But who cares? At least i enjoyed the few time i spend with it as much as possible and i don't regret it! :D
      I think, i think you were my clone and we drifted away some how... I also got the 64 and got stuck in Castlevania so i decided to turn it in then started playing mario on the 64 ( and had my PS1 at the time played that too) but the game i really got hooked on was Smash Bors.
      Jesus...that game was crack to my system.

      Fav. players: Link/Samus
    • Buttons wrote:

      I think, i think you were my clone and we drifted away some how... I also got the 64 and got stuck in Castlevania so i decided to turn it in then started playing mario on the 64 ( and had my PS1 at the time played that too) but the game i really got hooked on was Smash Bors.
      Jesus...that game was crack to my system.

      Fav. players: Link/Samus

      LOL! I ALSO had PS1 in my childhood(like 9, 10 years old?)!!! Man..... Let me guess... You were stuck on the graveyard once you've beaten the giant skeleton, right? :3
      Man, there's just no way to go in there! It sucked the hell out of me.. :/
      Yes! Dude, i also played Smash Bros a lot and i always played with these two and Pikachu. Specially Link. But i also like fighting Kirby cause he can change his powers according the other characters and it's so cool! XD
      I used to play in the blue team, btw. Just to see how their outfits would be. xD
      Man... WE'RE BROTHURRZZ!!! X3
    • I was eight at the time when Power Rangers the Movie had come out. With it came a Genesis game based off the movie. Now my friends at the time were also like me, consumed by this new kind of awesome, so finding someone to play co-op was hard because we were all at different stages.

      That was until I found some way to get my mom to play. Realizing that while my friends were amazing gamers, my mom knew how to play the pink ranger like a beast. Because of this, I have fond memories of me and her beating back the King of Ooze and hearing my friends' gap in awe at my mom's ability to kick butt.