Your favorite game console, and why.

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    • Your favorite game console, and why.

      So I was thinking about what my favorite game console is overall, and I am actually kind of surprised by my own answer. So I'm interested to see what yours is, and how you came to that conclusion.

      Note that I would not count PC as a valid choice, as it does not cover a specific generation of gaming.

      After a lot of thought, I came to the conclusion that my pick would be the Nintendo Gamecube. I really wanted to give it to N64 or Snes, as I have great memories when them.... but ultimately looking back, it has gotta be the GameCube.

      The cube was the first system I bought out of my own pocket, as well as my first release day purchase. The controller remains my favorite to this day, and it has got the most play time in by far. I can't count the hours me and my friends would play Super Smash Bros. Melee. Not to mention other greats like Super Monkey Ball, Soul Calibur 2 (w Link!), Naruto GNT 4, Mario Power Tennis, Mario Strikers.... the list could go on and on. Also, Zelda Four Swords Adventures was one of my personal favorite gaming memories. Pac-Man VS was also pretty sweet.

      The system and controller were sleek, stylish, and durable, yet in a very unique and bizarre way. Not to mention the portability of the system. It was also the first system I used to Import Japan only titles, which was a lot of fun.

      Last but not least.... the single player experiences were top notch as well. There were so many that I loved, but to list a few that really stick out.... Tales of Symphonia, Wind Waker, Mario Sunshine, Animal Crossing, and Metroid Prime(s). I didn't have a PS1 or Dreamcast, so I was happy to be able to enjoy some of the classics I missed out on remade for the Gamecube. Such as Skies of Arcadia, Sonic(s), Resident Evil, and Metal Gear Solid.

      Ultimately, Nintendo 64 is a very close second place though!
    • Altough not technically a console, more a PC(but somehow it got stuck in most peoples minds as console) my vote would be for the Commondore 64! :thumbsup:
      I mean cmon, it's a 30 year old piece of hardware that survives to this day, with new games still being developed for it, who wouldn't find that amazing?!

      P.S. If my statement has you scratching your head and you wanna know wtf it is I'm talking about go ahead and check out this great article.
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    • My favorite game system by far would have to be the Nintendo 64 because it was my first game system, the first game I played on it was Mario Kart 64. To this day it's controller is my favorite and always will be... but sadly my 64 is dead and it will always stay in my heart. R.I.P. Nintendo 64:(
      I'm an owl hear me Mooo!!!!
    • Not much, nor little.
      Opened many titles for awesome franchises, such as Fatal Frame, Sillent Hill, Haunting Ground, DMC and much more.. Also the fact that it gave continuity to other awesome titles from PS1, like RE, Tekken, Clock Tower and also Tomb Raider, giving their future sequels many increasements.
      The graphics ain't perfect when compared to PS3, but man, if you take a cutscene from any PS2 DVD-R game, and compare it to the cutscenes from those games for PS1... Dude, it's waaaayyy better...
      And of course, since the PS2 were recorded in DVD-R games, or at least most of the games, for all i know, they also support in-game movies and cutscenes as well as other issues.
      Extra contents, such as Concept Artwork, as well as other Bonus features appeared for the first time in the PS2 games(i don't really remember any PS1 game with extra content but, however)..
      The game graphics are fairly great, and the games themselves also got many changes that were not able on the other console. Besides, the memory cards support a fair-sized larger amount of memory for "Save" data files, the soundtracks for PS2 games are even more hearable and in a better quality, and yet: man, PS2 ALSO supports PS1 games as well! This helped a lot, even after the PS1 related sales had stopped, so people who already got PS1 games could play them as well without worrying about having a PS1 console or anything. And i can say that PS2 is being sold for a fair price, compared to these modern consoles and it's still in a good shape and worths the money.
      Man, PS2 is awesome in many ways, and it's very simple! That's why i really love PS2. :)
    • My favourite's probably the PS1 also, as back then games were made for their gameplay rather than graphics, which made games really fun to play. I remember games like Juiced and Lord of the Rings the Third Age which were awesome games, and still some of my favourites today. I remember with nostalgia flicking through my disc collection of demo games, and then having to try them all as they were unlabelled.

      A second for me though would be the GameBoy Advanced, as that was my first handheld console and has been passed down through my family even today. My brother (he's 7) still takes the gameboy I had as a child on holidays and on long car journeys with him.
      A smile a day, keeps sadness away!

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    • My favorite would have to be the Gamecube! MAN, I had so many memories on that thing. I remember when me and my brother would come home, switch thing on, and play some Super Smash Bros. Melee against each other. We would also go against each other on our (now dead) Giant big screen TV on Mario Kart: Double Dash as well, ah memories! :D

      Symmetry is Everything ~Death the Kid
    • A part of me wants to go out on a loop and say my N64 but no, I can't say that it really comes close to my current favorite. My PS3. It's my favorite because of all the games, platforms, features and so much that you can actually enjoy more of the gaming experience. Yes, I deeply love the classics and always will, but upgrades will come and times will change. So the PS3 has taken my vote.