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    • Welp, here I am at last lol.

      Uhhhh my name's Sparta, I'm a 19-year-old art student from New Jersey. I'm a MAJOR superhero fan, I like watching horror games but can't play them, and I love monsters and aliens with a passion. If I'm not flopping around on the internet, I'm drawing. Or doing both. Usually both. When I do game, I prefer sandbox RPGs and Action Adventures (Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, the Batman Arkham series, and the Legacy of Kain series are some of my favorites). I love animals a lot. I've got a pit bull/boxer mix, a fish tank, and 5 snakes lol.

      I think that's it, so uh, yeah. Dunno why it took me so long to get here but here I am. -brofist-