missing school?

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    • missing school?

      I've been a college student since 2010. I recently applied for the program I want to major in and got wait-listed, and eventually denied :( then I moved to California to be with my husband, who's in the Marines. I'm going to be in Cali for 2 years and I'm realizing, I really miss being in school. Is that normal?? I mean, during school I hated the stress and having to study and do homework and write papers and blah blah. But now I honestly miss that hectic lifestyle. Studying in between classes, skipping meals to finish a paper, taking my notes to work to study during the slow hours. My friend is still in college and I've found myself helping her with her work and making study guides for her just to get some of that college experience again. I'm at the point where I sit around and read my old textbooks and highlight and write notes in there. Am I weird, or is this just a normal thing people go through??
      That's how I roll!! That's how I get all the ladies! ;)