House sharing

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    • House sharing

      Hi guys!

      So in September, I'll be moving out into a new house which I'll be sharing with two other girls.
      I don't really know much about them, except that one is a bit of a party animal, whereas the other is much quieter- they're both really nice people though.

      But no one in either our families has ever been in a house sharing situation before.

      So I was wondering if any of you guys are sharing/ have shared houses before. What should we expect? Any tips on living together and getting the bills paid on time?

      We just signed the contract yesterday- and now I'm nervous about having our own place- so any words of wisdom would really, really be appreciated.
      I don't do much, but I occasionally tumbl .
    • It's kind of hard to live with others that you don't really know. Usually, the first thing you want to do is make sure their able to pay the bills. Be reliable. For me, my mom and I split the mortgage and bills between the two of us. We each get paid two checks a month. Half of what we owe for mortgage (such as, we owe 680 a month for each of us- so 340) goes into a joint checking account each check as direct deposit. From there, the mortgage company pulls the money. This way, we know that is being paid without late payments. After that, we sit down and go over any access bills, which is electricity, cable/internet/phone, and water.

      Make sure you guys keep up with the bills, try very hard not to slip behind. If you're late, you'll be scrambling to find money to pay it off and that will put you behind for the next month.

      Go over rules and boundaries when you guys move in, too. Each person was raised differently and probably has their own ways of running things.

      I think that's all I can really say. I never moved in with someone I didn't know (I'm still with my mom because she needs help financially, so the place we live we look at each other like roommates when it comes to bills), and when I have thought of moving out with someone, it was with someone I knew very well. Hope this helps you a little bit - with the bills at least.

      It might help to have someone in charge of it to make sure you have better track of them, and have like an expandable file or something that you can use to put the bills in. One - to keep track - and to know what you will pay. You'll save a lot of money if you guys don't keep lights or TVs on or water running (it really does run up, trust me), and when it's hot but bearable, keep windows open and keep the air off.
      Scream and be free.
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