Xbox 360 game

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    • Xbox 360 game

      Hey pewds,ive got a game for you to play. Its called Aliens Vs Predater for the Xbox 360 *psst kinda scary,bring Stephano* i wont spoil it but its a shooter and i dont think you know it too
    • pr0nz wrote:

      Hey pewds,ive got a game for you to play. Its called Aliens Vs Predater for the Xbox 360 *psst kinda scary,bring Stephano* i wont spoil it but its a shooter and i dont think you know it too

      Nope, not coming.

      Also, if you are going to suggest a game, next time, post it in the suggestion sub-forum so pewdie can ACTUALLY see it. Allow up to 24-48 hours for the suggestion to be approved, if nothing happens, it's either because the game had already been suggested or played it WON'T be added to the sub-forum, otherwise, if its because the mods are too lazy to check it, just give them the heads up about what is happening (you making a suggestion) and they will follow up with it. Don't just automatically think that pewdie will play the game you suggest. Only a few suggestions ever get played. I was one of the lucky ones. If you have seen the pewds and Marzia play: get on top video you will have noticed in the description this...

      Suggestion by: NZ Stephano

      It also requires some support before the game is actually played (forum members), follow the suggestion guidelines so that the suggestion isn't just another big waste of space on the forum. And finally for the love of god. PEWDIE WILL NEVER PLAY COD AGAIN. HAVE YOU GOT IT NOW?
      "I think we shall call him... STEPHANO."
      Thus, a legend was born. 8)

      Oi! I'm on the new thing called a 3DS!
      Friend Code: 2251-5486-7013

      The post was edited 1 time, last by NZ Stephano ().