What is the sense of the life? Does it really have a sense?

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  • What is the sense of the life? Does it really have a sense?

    I was wondering... (Mental masturbations time)
    We was born into a random planet, into a random galaxy, into a... random time...
    All is casual, we was thrown into an universe that we don't know anything about, we don't know if there is other universes, we don't know what there was before big bang and after universe end, but, mainly, we don't know why we are here...
    I mean, there is a big universe out there, with bilions of stars and bilions of planets, and... if no one can observe it, what's their sense? Here that we come!
    I think that we was born as observers, and without us (and all other civilities) our universe would not have a sense, that what we should do, we should look at everything with a different view, we should appreciate all we see only because it exist, we should study the universe, tryng to understand it, because if we don't do that, our universe was born for nothing...
    "Life becomes a waste if we think egocentrically"

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