Looking for name of game in this montage of PewDie.

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  • Looking for name of game in this montage of PewDie.


    Basically, 4:30 if the url decides to fart out.

    I've seen games with stone corridors like that and something chasing you, but definitely not that one, and I'm really curious as to what happens next. Unfortunately, the guy that uploaded the montage was about as intelligent as a banana and didn't include a single list of the clips he pasted in.

    So I was hoping one of you could recognize it and link me to the full PewDiePie video :P

    Nevermind. Found it. Just going to never post again without telling anyone else that might be curio-nah I'm not a complete and total waste of life, so I'll tell you the answer.

    Haunted Investigation.

    The post was edited 2 times, last by Typheus ().