The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim (Role-play) PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION

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    • The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim (Role-play) PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION

      Welcome to the world of Skyrim! You are either an Adventurer, Bandit, Imperial, or Stormcloak. You are here because of the rumor from the Thalmor, that the dragons are coming back. You are getting ready for them. Its either survive, betray, kill, or help. Here are the things (and rules) you need to do before starting:

      1. You will need to pick one side: Adventurer, Bandit, Imperial, Stormcloak.
      2. A race. Here is the list of the races:
      3. Character Information:
      Name: *insert name here*
      Age: *insert age here*
      Race: *insert race here*
      Side: *insert side here* (Which side you are on)
      Beginning Inventory Choice: *insert number here*
      Notes: *Insert notes here*
      4. If looting a chest, I will be the one generating the loot. I'll try to act fair.
      5. OOC is allowed
      6. No there is not a Dragonborn. Not yet. (This takes place before Dragonborn was captured)
      7. I will select a Dragonborn. Yes, it will depend on your skill.
      8. Act fair.
      9. No cheating
      10. Beginner Inventory Selection:
      1. Iron Sword, 2x Potion, Fire Spell, Clothes (no protection)
      2. Iron Sword, Imperial/Stormcloak Beginning Armor, Heal Spell
      3. Steel Sword, 1x Potion, Fire Spell, Ragged Clothes
      11. This is the location of where you should be starting at:
      Adventurer: Riverwood
      Bandit: Ustengrav
      Imperial: Solitude
      Stormcloak: Windhelm
      12. Vampires/Werewolves NOT ALLOWED (too OP)
      13. Factions are allowed (Dark Brotherhood, Companions, Thieves, etc.)

      When you die, please make a new character, and inform people how many times you died.

      Anyways... Enjoy and Good Luck! :D


      "As long as it doesn't kill me, college is a lot of fun."

      The post was edited 4 times, last by Ryuzaki ().

    • I'll start first.

      Name: Ryuzaki
      Age: 20
      Race: Khajit
      Side: Adventurer
      Beginning Inventory Choice: 2
      Notes: A very sneaky little bastard. Part of the Dark Brotherhood. Very skilled with a bow and a dagger.

      *Walks up to Riverwood*
      "And my legacy begins....."


      "As long as it doesn't kill me, college is a lot of fun."
    • Finally, a Skyrim rp :)
      Name: Rex
      Age: 23
      Race: Imperial
      Side: Adventurer
      Beginning inventory choice: 2
      Notes: Rex is a newly member of the Dark Brotherhood. Rex is good at sneaking and can easily hide in shadows, and is very good at archery. Prefers to use bows, but when needed, will use sword and shield for close combat. Always keeps face hidden, whether it's with a helmet or a mask.
      Visit my channel...IF YOU DARE!!!
      "Specializes in horror...not"

      The post was edited 1 time, last by RexReflex ().

    • *walking around Riverwood*
      "Ok, so I should get some gear first before I make my way to Whiterun right?"
      *looks at gear he already has*
      "This iron sword is good, but I should get a shield too I guess, and my armor should provide enough resistance against damage"
      *tests out heal spell*
      "Ahh...and I have heal spell so if I were to be injured, I can just heal myself"
      *sees weapon shop and blacksmith*
      "Maybe I can find a bow and arrows too"
      (Quick question, how much gold do we start with?)
      Visit my channel...IF YOU DARE!!!
      "Specializes in horror...not"
    • *sees a stranger in the armor shop*
      *walks the other direction to the shop and opens door*
      *walks up to the Imperial Stranger*
      Ryuzaki is nice to see another brother.
      *shows Black Hand tattoo*


      "As long as it doesn't kill me, college is a lot of fun."
    • Name: Revan Stormcloak (Yes I chose this name as a twist in the Skyrim canon. If it is a problem, tell me and I'll think of a new name."
      Age: 45
      Race: Nord
      Side: Imperial
      Beginning Inventory Choice: Imperial sword, Ebony Bow, Iron Arrow (x15), Imperial heavy armor, Bread, 15 septims
      Notes: Brother of the famed Ullfric Stormcloak, He did not agree, rather despised, his brother's choice to lead a rebellion against the imperial legion many years ago. He heard the legend on the dragonborn in The Winking Skeever and told Ullfric that with the Dragonborn might return in time to defeat the rumored new dragon threat, his skill will come in handy in the imperial legion's will to free skyrim and the rest of Tamriel from the thalmor. Arrogant and selfish as he was, Ullfric ignored his brother and went to Windhelm to kill the high king. With the war raging, Revan has taken up arms in the imperial legion against his brother, in hopes of reunifying Skyrim.
      "Embrace your dreams. And, no matter what happens, protect your honor as SOLDIER."
      SOLDIER First Class Zack
      Final Fantasy 7