Welcome to the Mojave(Fallout RP)

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    • Welcome to the Mojave(Fallout RP)

      Like it says, welcome...yeah, ok, so lately I've been playing Fallout New Vegas more than the usual popular games like BO2 or Halo4. So, I've decided to make a Fallout New Vegas roleplay. Why? Because I love games like Fallout. Unfortunately, there is no Fallout online games, Fallen Earth being kind of like a Fallout-like game (but it's not Fallout). So, the only thing we can do in tribute of Fallout is to roleplay in Fallout. Hope this is a good idea (and I really hope the lot of you know what Fallout is).
      So, let's get straight to the tour...guide? Uh, yeah, ok, so, here we have the still intact city of New Vegas. The outer area of New Vegas is Freeside, this is where you start. Buy some gear from Mick&Ralph's who sell your basic weapons and armor...and drug-I mean, meds. If you feel like getting a more powerful weapon like laser or plasma guns, then head towards the Silver Rush...if you have the caps for it...oh yeah, bottle caps are used as currency...however, if you do find some dollar bills, you can change them into bottle caps from your nearest vendor. Don't have enough money to enter New Vegas(2000 caps), thats ok, the Atomic Wrangler Casino is nearby...so go there instead...until you have enough caps to actually get inside New Vegas. I guess that about wraps it up for New Vegas...oh, and here's some warnings, watch out for crazies, they'll try to kill you, and same goes for the robots that guard the New Vegas gate...well, unless you have enough caps to enter. There are some other things but I've decided to leave them out because they aren't as important as the main things.

      If you are ready, you can take on the wastes and venture out into the unknown, but be warned, you will face things much fearsome foes than the crazies in Freeside...

      1. No godmodding or making up bullsh*t, for example, finding a lot of shit in this one small box, carrying a ton of sh*t in your inventory or dodging bullets, be realistic, this is the wasteland for god's sake, not some anime action show.
      2. No killing other RP-ers' characters unless they give permission, may I notify those whose characters die, you will HAVE to make a new one and update the status of your dead character from alive to dead.
      3. Hardcore mode WILL BE ON. You will have to deal with radiation over time(unless you're indoors or it's night), you won't heal instantly when using stimpaks, you will heal over time, you get hungry and thirsty over time, etc.(basically, it's like real life).
      4. Unfortunately, no V.A.T.S., it'd be too overpowering. (Those who don't know what V.A.T.S. is, it's a system where you're able to target body parts of your target)
      5. RP nicely, try not to get each other mad, you guys can fight each other and sh*t but, don't take it too far to a point where you'll actually fight.

      -Beginner's gear-
      You can choose from the gear group listed below on what you want to start with, every gear group comes with 5 stimpaks(heal), 5 radaways(radiation), 5 purified waters(thirst), and 5 canned beans(hunger) If you don't know how the gear looks like, search the items on google images(except for the ammo), and if you want, you can even check the stats of your gear.
      1. 9mm pistol, 50 9mm rounds, knife, field hand outfit
      2. 9mm submachine gun, 150 9mm rounds, baseball bat, merc grunt outfit
      3. Varmint rifle, 50 5.56mm rounds, switchblade, wasteland wanderer outfit
      4. Assault carbine, 150 5mm rounds, spiked knuckles, merc cruiser outfit
      5. Sawed-off shotgun, 50 12 ga rounds, 9mm pistol, 25 9mm rounds, brahmin-skin outfit

      -Character info-
      Name: (please let it be a realistic name)
      Age: (can range from 18-80)
      Race: (Caucasian, African-American, Asian, Hispanic)
      Hair and Eye Color: (whatever, I've seen weirder colors in the game)
      Specialty: (can have a maximum of 5 specialties from these: Guns, energy guns, melee weapon, repairing, sneaking, medic, explosives, lockpick, science(hacking), survivial(cooking, 'natural' person)
      Traits: (choose at least 1 from these: 'built to destroy'-more damage, equipment decays faster, 'fast shot'-weapons fired are faster, less accurate, 'four eyes'-can see targets better with glasses, bad vision without glasses, 'heavy handed'-melee does more damage, less chance to critical hit, 'small frame'-faster, limbs break easier, 'trigger discipline'-guns do more damage, low fire rate)
      Gear: (remember the gear sets, just put it here, example, Set 1, 2, etc.)
      Description: (make up a story of your character, how he or she got here, and what's his or her plans for surviving Mojave)
      Companion: (optional, you'll have the reponsibility of taking care of him or her)
      If you have a companion, put info of companion
      -Companion info-
      Pretty much the same info for your main character, except they can only have 1 specialty, and no traits, and of course, your companion can't have a companion, description is optional unless companion is involved in main character's description.
      And that about wraps it up, well, go out there and survive bros. :thumbup:
      Visit my channel...IF YOU DARE!!!
      "Specializes in horror...not"

      The post was edited 2 times, last by RexReflex ().

    • Guess I'll make my own = w=
      Name: Rever
      Age: 23
      Race: Hispanic
      Hair and Eye color: Black short hair, brown eyes
      Specialty: Guns, repairing, sneaking, lockpick, melee
      Trait: Trigger Discipline
      Gear: Set 3
      Description: Rever used to be a security guard in one of the casinos, who did his job pretty well. He worked alongside a friend, and they both made a good team. One day, Rever woke up to what sounded like a riot and sirens going off. Rever left his apartment to see disaster, everywhere he looked. Buildings were on fire, people running around, whether it was for their life or not, people lay dead on the streets. Rever rushes to his friend's apartment building, only to see that it is on fire, which then leads to it collapsing. Rever knew exactly where his friend's room was...and it was no longer there. Rever knew there was nothing he could do for his friend, and starts off into the direction of the casino he works at, however, he is stopped by a site that he'd never seen before. A huge mushroom cloud in the distance, a nuke that went off in the Capital. As Rever stares at the mushroom cloud, he is knocked out by supposedly a rampaging person. The next day, Rever wakes up to see that he is in the streets that he was knocked out in. He looks around finding destruction everywhere, seeing few people walking around, looking like they've been in hell. So, from then on, Rever now knows that he needs to survive this hell.
      Companion: Naya
      Race: Asian
      Hair and Eye color: Black shoulder-length hair, black eyes
      Specialty: Medic
      Gear: Set 1
      Description: A little after the events that happened to Rever, Naya was found on the streets, unconscious, having bruises all over her body, probably by the ravaging people. Rever decided to take Naya into shelter, back at his apartment which the building is partially destroyed. Eventually, Naya wakes up, confused on where she is. Looking around, she notices she's on a bed, covered with bed sheets. She then sees Rever, sitting and sleeping on a chair, she wonders who this man is. Eventually, Rever wakes up to see that she is awake, and asks if she's ok. Naya nods, and thanks Rever. Rever then tells Naya what happened, what's going on, and what they should do. From then on, Naya trusts Rever for saving her life.
      Visit my channel...IF YOU DARE!!!
      "Specializes in horror...not"