[Suggestion] Friendship system customization

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    • [Suggestion] Friendship system customization

      Would you like these friend list changes to happen ? 27
        Yes (17) 63%
        No (5) 19%
        I don't give a flying f*** (5) 19%
      At this moment our friendship system isn't useful much, we just have a blind list of people on a kinda useless page (or more if we tend to have a lot of friends). Let's be honest : the friendship list is completely useless.
      This system only worths for people who don't have a lot of friends, but, on the other hand, it absolutely doesn't for "social" users.

      These suggestions are only ment for practicle purpouses, as we are a constantly growing community.

      My suggestions :
      • Interractive frienship list : hosted like the shoutbox did, the friend list would appear in the bottom of the page, reduced and expendable with every friend online, listed. This would allow any member to know when their friends gets on without constantly refreshing the friend list page every 5 minutes.
      • Friendship list customization : as we don't have the same relation with every single members, a customization of their "friendship title" would allow the user to "classify" his friends, as, for example, best buddies, acquaintances, etc... This would only lead in an easier way to browse the friendship list.
      • Private chatting : a lot of us want it I think, a private chatting system that would allow friends to talk to each other, like the shoutbox. The PM of course exists, but I said, I was suggesting more practicle systems, and it'd give a true point of having a friend list.

      Let's discuss about it.
    • I agree with this. It gets aggitating refreshing your friends list just to see whos on. PMs work but You don't know you have one until you refresh either. So the private chat system is a good idea aswell.
      Keep the ideas rolling Kahi ^^
    • A few things: The friends are useful when you want to set your profile to friends only for example. Apart from that your freinds are marked with a slightly bigger font in the Who is Online list at the bottom of the page, which we could theoratically put on autoreload. The titles would be possible, but not too much of an improvement to be worth the effort in my opinion. That's maybe something you could add with some minor update sometime. And, the last thing, we already had private chat on her, but not many people ended up liking it, so we went back to the shoutbox.
    • I like the first two points, but honestly adding a chat to here seems a little useless. There is skype first off. And every site out there seems to have chats. No one really uses them as much as we might think. Also things from private chatting could easily get brought out to the shoutbox, causing fights no one knows the reason behind. I'm all for the first two suggestions, but I dare say, I'm not thinking that private chat would be a good idea.
      Boobs Bacon
    • What's next? #Hashtags?

      Point 1 wrote:

      This would allow any member to know when their friends gets on without constantly refreshing the friend list page every 5 minutes
      I'd say that this is useless. Unless we're all agreeing on making this forum a social network, this isn't needed here.

      Point 2 wrote:

      a customization of their "friendship title" would allow the user to "classify" his friends, as, for example, best buddies, acquaintances, etc...
      As mKeRix said, this is a minor change, and probably would not be worth the effort. A few people would use this. Ain't nobody got the time for this, yo'.

      Point 3 wrote:

      a private chatting system that would allow friends to talk to each other, like the shoutbox
      We already had this. Only a few people compared to the majority of the forum liked this. And besides, if you have private chatting to do, why not go to Skype or Facebook or something? Almost ALL users here have Skype.

      But then again, that is only what I feel like about this. I'm not gonna vote for any, either.