Your ego...

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    • Your ego...

      So what's your interesting story about your ego (your name that is used for youtube, pewdie forums, etc.), well, the story doesn't need to be can just say where you got your ego. My ego is my nickname, Rex, combined with what I'm good at in video games (mostly shooters), my reflexes, thus forming RexReflex. Where'd I get the name Rex from? Well, I used to play this shooting game at the arcade called Ghost Squad, you know that game, the one where you use the G36c to shoot the screen. Yes, this game was very fun, especially when you could dress up your character as a cowboy. As I was saying, after playing this game a bunch, I realized on the first mission that you have friendlies helping you in battle. And I noticed that one of those friendlies was named Rex. I don't know why, but ever since I've seen Rex on Ghost Squad, I've always liked his name and I've always attempted to save him during the boss fight, and when I do fail, I always feel a little bit of failure in me. Eventually, they removed Ghost Squad from the arcade due to it not being played a lot. From there on out, I would keep my memories of this action filled game by using Rex as a nickname. Well, this is my story, so what about you? :|
      Visit my channel...IF YOU DARE!!!
      "Specializes in horror...not"
    • VikingJEF which is me and my friends youtube channel name is pretty simple, Viking because we live in sweden (obviously) and the JEF is from our first 3 member including me and stands for Joacim, Erik, Felix.
      My nickname Magragosh was actually just me tired of not having a game nickname so i smashed my keyboard and there magragosh was created. :3
    • my name PeaceKeeper...
      well i hate spoiling secrets... oh well...
      my name works kinda like a lone wolf soldier trying to
      keep the balance between good and evil... and hell i suck at it...
      i don't remember where i got the name from... hell i don't think i ever will...
      my YouTube channel has the same name only with the "747" number
      that i was forced to use since only the name "PeaceKeeper" was taken...
      hell i actually got lucky to use the number 747 (because it's my favorite number : D)
      it kinda also works that i like to remain anonymous to most people...
      so yeah...
      my name stays as a secret...
      but the name i can't punch out of my head stays as my only identity...
      not to mention that since i suck at keeping peace...
      i came up with an alter ego name HellBringer...
      i can't and wont talk about it for a certain amount of reasons...
    • Dandy Dragon


      Cos imma gangsta swagger

      Nah, kiddin. (But i wasn't kidding about the swagger part) First thing first. "Dandy" It's pretty much because i LOVE the looks of those chap with tophat n 'stache n monocle n shit. They're just freakin awesome. Secondly. "Dragon" Probably because dragon is one of my favourite mythical animals. Just like unicorn and kangaroo

      If you're angry, don't break anybody's heart, they only have one..... Break their bones, they have 206 of them
    • I in actuality have two "egos", or nicknames if you will. My gamertag, that I usually use when I play FPS games and competetive games, is "AzZa". AzZa came from when I was 12 years old. It was -the- cool stuff to have your nickname in different capitalized letters, and at that point, my nickname was "AzZaZiN" <---- Ohgodwhy.

      I shorthandled it, and now my nickname is AzZa.

      Now, I usually go by the name "Rav", which is shorthandle for Ravincal. Ravincal came from when I was playing Diablo 2, and I at that point needed myself a new nickname. I came into the place called "Travincal", where I simply moved the T from Travincal.. And I had Ravincal.

      Strange, I know. :D
    • The Birthday Massacre is one of the bands where I personally know guitarists Rainbow and Falcore. I met them in Canada a couple of years ago when I was touring with my old band. We are close even now.
      The nickname that I use in games is Psykocybe from magic mushrooms Psilocybe.

      "Black tongues speak faster than the car can crash
      You supply the rumors, and I'll provide the wrath"
    • My name goes back, waaaay back, and it all started when I had my first xbox live account!

      Below, is the names i've had, and how they've evolved :

      My very first name. This was made pretty much because Im a Capricorn, my name is Callum (hence the cal) and I was born on the 9th. Simple, but no-one else seems to understand it on Xbox 0-0

      Your Turkey
      After about a year, I decided a name change was in order. So, I made a disposable email address, and planned to call the account "masscarnage." In the end though, I decided against this name, and wanted something that would make someone giggle, once they saw it on the game servers. By now, I had built up a strong friendship group also, and had met loads of awesome people. My original thoughts were "your mum" and the like, but as it was near Christmas, I went with "your turkey." This name seemed to get me VIP pretty much wherever I went, so all was good..

      Alpha Kasamee
      By now, I had met a guy, who pretty much influenced this name solely. His name, I will not tell, but he was Irish. He was an Irish person, who magically went through puberty in one week, then came back out again, after. For about a week, he had a deep voice, one quite like Batman, and after, his voice went back to being high. Weird, eh? He was pretty mental, but still, I had some good times on Halo with him.

      Soon though, he went into a "rage" mood. He hated me, and we thought it was funny as hell. I once asked him whether Modern Warfare 3 was a good game, and he replied with "your all dickfaces." I had never encountered this word, but it made our days. He changed his name, and had a kasamee at the end, and to embrace the joke with my friends, another account was made, with this name.

      Soon though, the Kasamee's found me, and I joined their Halo clan, only to get bored and kill everyone.

      My current name, and one I've had ever since I started YouTube. I needed a name for YouTube, and this one combined all of my previous names, history and person. Whenever I see this name, I'm reminded of the good times I've had, and will continue to have.

      I've met many amazing people through the Xbox, some that I talk to everyday, for a number of years. They've been there through the good and the bad, and I love them for it. Some of these people, have gone on to record with me on YouTube, and some have remained there for me when I return to the Xbox.

      To anyone that call themselves xx snipezz xx, please consider changing your name.

      A smile a day, keeps sadness away!

      Come and have a good ol' cuppa with me... You know you want to ...
    • I used to use the nickname Denton because of my massive love for Deus Ex but after a while I decided I needed a nickname to stick by that felt unique! At the time I was heavily in love with the anime 'Ergo Proxy' and so chose to use the Proxy and then combine it with one of my favourite colour words. Thus 'Noir Proxy' was born...

      I LIE! Noir Proxy was born from a much deeper unfolding of events! Sit around children, SIT AROUND!

      Thirteen billion years ago, on top of Chacalate mountain a storm brewed from its peak. Hundreds of different creatures like Unicorns, Gremlins, Ewoks and...Mogwai gathered from all over the world to experience the birth of their would-be king. Within the middle of the gathering a hole begin to crumble into view as lava and a slight dashing of salad cream to add flavour spewed forth, forcing the creatures around it to fall to their fluffy knees in fear.

      For seventeen days this burning mixture bubbled and during that time the inhabitants did become hungry. This resulted in many forms of cannibalism where sadly the Mogwai did not survive...but there were fur bal spitting a plenty.

      On the seveenth day the a creature of pure might began to rise from his dressing flavoured lava pit but he did not come alone. For within his raised grasped hand was a single chocolate muffin that wore a golden, holy crown upon its icing crest. The remaining inhabitants cheered for this almighty being and within the crowd of excited followers a single squirrel monkey hopped forth to face the unknown creature. Twitching its nose the squirrel monkey asked with a nervous glee "What is your name kind sir? Do you bring crumpets?"

      The bunny looking being with the skull head looked down at the small squirrel like thing and smiled...BEFORE KICKING IT LIKE A FOOTBALL INTO THE ATMOSPHERE!

      "I AM NOIR PROXY! The ancient one announced. "AND YOU SHALL ALL BE MY BITCHES!" The crowd broke into chaotic applause as thousands of unicorns and ewoks rolled on the floor in excited, epilectic fits.

      The imaginary camera slowly zoomed on Proxy's evil looking grin as he suddenly spoke under his magic sparkle flavoured breath "...It has begun".
      There is always time for muffins.
    • Well.. I'm not sure how I came up with Swinky, I think I got the idea from these videos on yt called 'Sminky Shorts'. I made my PDP account around the time those videos were the talk of my
      And Leprechaun cause Tiffany = Irish.
    • On YouTube I'm known by my full name... because once I get settled, I'll be using that channel to promote my book and do Vlogs, so I want people to be able to find me that way.

      You can find me with three different names. First one is basic - Trish-Ah. It's my name, Tricia, but spelled in the way you can pronounce it. Reason? Because people say it wrong, and it aggravates me. Second one is rxrrazroblade, which is a song title called Rock n Roll Razorblade. It was one of my favorites. I've been using that one for years, but I felt like I needed a change recently, so I started to use LoveSrength. Which means you need strength to love, and you need to love to gain strength. Bam. That's me.
      Scream and be free.
      Skype: Hansonislove | My Author Page