Banned from HoN FU S2!!

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  • Banned from HoN FU S2!!

    Well i got banned from HoN because i am to "agressive" to play.

    Fucking Retarded shit reported me boom 1 hour later gm bans me well fuck him their game sucks anyway.

    I am playing Dota 2 and fuck if id fucking ignore HoN and played LoL i mean like OMG

    I'd be a Star shit id be rich!!

    But no i though S2 would manup and do the game right but guess what they perma ban me for nothing.

    well newsflash S2 your game is dead and your company will be ruined GOOD DAY SIR!!
    Saxton Hale, Proud owner of Mann Co.
    Soon to be a proud owner of a Diablo 3 Collectors Edition!! :O