A website full of awesome. Gone With A Blastwave. Kewl webcomics

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    • A website full of awesome. Gone With A Blastwave. Kewl webcomics

      Not mine, but wanted to share it because it's a kewl website.

      Gone with the Blastwave is not a very serious comic. It is not being made very seriously, so you shouldn't try to take it, or my writings, too seriously. ~Author

      It's a comic about a bunch of dudes [3 teams of people] getting lost in a destroyed city or possibly an alien planet while trying to find a way out.


      Frequently Asked Questions. Under Spoilers :3
      Display Spoiler
      Questions people have asked me more than once.

      Q: Why not update every week? Why is there so many hiatuses? If you don't like doing the comic, why do you continue?
      A: I consider Blastwave to be a sideproject. I never intended to do this comic "full time". I understand that people like it and want more, but I just don't feel like forcing myself into it just to make my readers happy. I do like making the comic, just not as much as my readers would want me to.

      Q: It's now so long between updates. Why do you bother?
      A: There is a definite end I want to get to before I call it finished. The comic wont "end" before that. Current plan is to get there before 2015.

      Q: You should add a mailing list so we would be notified whenever you update.
      A: There is a thing called RSS feed already on the page. Basically it does the exact same thing. Any modern browser should support them automatically. Just click the "RSS Feed" button at the top of the newsbox to subscribe to the feed. (Note the RSS feed was meant to only report new pages. Not news updates.)

      Q: What do you use to make your comic?
      A: The comics are made 100% in Adobe Photoshop with a Wacom tablet. No, I don't sketch them on paper first. All digital.

      Q: How long does it take to make one page?
      A: Varies around 5 and 10+ hours. Coming up with an idea might take months (I have a pretty weird standard.)

      Q: This comic seems to rip off [anything_here], does it?
      A: Probably.

      Q: Can I give you ideas for the comic?
      A: No.

      Q: Can I do a guest comic?
      A: No. The possibility of you stealing my future ideas is just too great. I do accept fan-art though (you know, single pictures).

      Q: Is there a backstory to the comic?
      A: Yes. Sort of. But I would rather reveal everything related to it in the comic if it is ever needed.

      Q: Can I do a shortfilm based on this comic or borrow things/ideas from the comic for such a thing?
      A: My answer is no. But as you should know... You don't have to wander far off from the blastwave setting and themes to have something "original".

      Q: You speak horrible english.
      A: My native language (or whatever they call it) is finnish.

      A: The website was coded by few friends of mine. Who apparently don't want the credit.

      Q: What?
      A: Exactly!

      A little known fact: I'm acutally NOT a big fan of postapocalyptic and/or war concepts.

      ht :) / :P b ;( la:love: t X( e- :cursing: c ?( :thumbsup: . :thumbdown: / 8o in :sleeping: e :sleeping: x. :evil: php? :?: :thumbsup: c :wacko: o :!: :!: ic :rolleyes: &nro 8) = :?:

      Dat swag link. Click away <3