How the HELL does a normal person deal with love?

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    • How the HELL does a normal person deal with love?

      I guess I could explain my situation a little. There is a girl whom I have like for 6+ months. But until very recently, I was in a slightly complicated relationship. So hey, I finally just say "fuck it". And tell her how I felt. She liked me back. Yay, right? So I ask her on a date. But she said no, because a friend of hers had set her up on a date with another fellow. Two. Fucking. Days. Before I told her. She completely rejected the thought of going out with me. But a few days later, my charm is working its magic. Sort of.

      Her family is christian, and the guy that she was set up with is christian as well. Some gay-ass goodie two shoes fucker. I guess. You could technically say I was the bad boy, if it were to be a movie-like scenario.

      She was given EXTREMELY shit-tier advice by her family. She took it. I actually can't go in to detail, because hey. She's an Internet user and would know it's her being talked about.

      One little thing about this whole situation is that she's also my best friend.

      She is on my mind 24/7.

      It's come to the point we are not talking for a few days, just so we can both calm down. Sadly, I know it will just make me miss her that much more. She may quite possibly choose the other guy.

      How the hell do I deal with this.

      Im Awesome.

      Here's my youtube channel.

    • I would ask you to try and get a distraction from you and her. You said she's on your mind 24/7, right?

      Isn't good for you incase she chooses the other guy. You'll be much depressed.

      In this case, I think her choice would be to either spit on her family's values and shit like that, OR, go on with the family's words and choose the other guy.

      Try to stop thinking of her that much.

      And don't call me a fish >.>
    • Figerox , do you really really need love?

      Is it important to you to live?
      I personally don't like to fall in love-relationship

      But since you want it , I tell you what to do , if you want to get rid of her from your mind. Simple , do some juggling , tennis , chess , soccer , you know , sports

      But if you want her to like you more than the other boy , act normal. Very very normal .
      Don't act like another self (act sweet and extremely kind) because she can figure out after small period of time you just wanted to pick her up.

      There is also one thing , help her with everything , from home works , social or technological problems to any problems she have.

      Or simply wait few months until that boy break up with her Dx .
    • It's so hard to act normal when all I want to do is just hug her and kiss her and just be with her. It's such bullshit, in my opinion.

      And as for sports... Hello I'm skinny, and in shape, but you'll never see me do a sport.

      And fuck her family values. In the literal sense. Fuck her family is stupid. They literally cut the Internet off at night so she can't talk to me. (they don't know who it is in particular, though.)

      Im Awesome.

      Here's my youtube channel.

    • Lets say you can't get with her, I know you've heard it all before, but there is plenty more fish in the sea. My first "love" turned into a long distance relationship after she moved away and when she said "You're going to have to try harder because there is competition up here" I was left crushed. Then I soon came to realise, that if someone doesn't respect me and my feelings, then they're not worth it, no matter how much I like them.

      I'm not judging now and not telling you what to definitely do, but if this girl won't cancel a first date to go on one with you, you need to find someone who wants you too. You don't want your relationship to be all about you groveling and pleading by constantly trying to impress too keep her.

      I've been in a relationship with my girlfriend for 4 years now, I adore her and she adores me. I would do anything for her and she'd do the same for me. My god we can argue and moan and bitch at each other. But at the same time, that woman is like a limb to me and can make me laugh til I cry (and in my opinion, the most attractive thing in anyone, is that they can make me laugh)

      So take it easy, it feels like forever now, but someone who you deserve too might just come along soon.

      And BTW when you say you're the bad boy type. I hope you mean it's just compared to him and now that you're a proper bad boy. You don't have to be a soppy git, but don't act like a wall and be all image, be yourself.
    • Nomme wrote:

      Lets say you can't get with her, I know you've heard it all before, but there is plenty more fish in the sea. My first "love" turned into a long distance relationship after she moved away and when she said "You're going to have to try harder because there is competition up here" I was left crushed. Then I soon came to realise, that if someone doesn't respect me and my feelings, then they're not worth it, no matter how much I like them.

      I'm not judging now and not telling you what to definitely do, but if this girl won't cancel a first date to go on one with you, you need to find someone who wants you too. You don't want your relationship to be all about you groveling and pleading by constantly trying to impress too keep her.

      I've been in a relationship with my girlfriend for 4 years now, I adore her and she adores me. I would do anything for her and she'd do the same for me. My god we can argue and moan and bitch at each other. But at the same time, that woman is like a limb to me and can make me laugh til I cry (and in my opinion, the most attractive thing in anyone, is that they can make me laugh)

      So take it easy, it feels like forever now, but someone who you deserve too might just come along soon.

      And BTW when you say you're the bad boy type. I hope you mean it's just compared to him and now that you're a proper bad boy. You don't have to be a soppy git, but don't act like a wall and be all image, be yourself.
      If it matters, I guess I forgot to mention we video chat. Alot. And talk about some uh.... Pretty weird stuff.. (ahem)

      And as for that idiotic comment about being the bad boy, ks kind of literal. Her sister said she should not go for me because of "who I am". I don't think anything actually made me more mad than that. I'll be honest, I know I would have a bad influence on her. But in a good way. You know how someone is sheltered, but not sheltered at the same time? She was sheltered until she got a few pretty kickass friends.
      Oh, another reason why her family possess me off ^

      Oofun4 wrote:

      Shikieiki Yamaxanadu wrote:

      Sharky wrote:

      Cirno wrote:

      Figerox wrote:

      It's hard to give respect when they don't deserve it. (Families)

      then tolerate

      ^ Yes.

      Either way, don't say bad about her family. That's really low. /:

      basically ruining every chance you have lol xD
      Or more basically you hate her since HER FAMILY made her exist. (You know what I'm sayin' ?)
      I know the whole family thing would be a problem, but in this case I honestly don't think it matters. She has told me so many stupid and idiotic things that her parents have done. She is alright with it if I don't like her parents. We have talked about it before.

      Thanks for the response bros... It's really helping.

      Im Awesome.

      Here's my youtube channel.

    • So, you really love her but in the same time you really hate and disrespect her parents?
      If you love her, you have at least respect her parents. If you can't, tolerate it (as Shiki and Sharky said).
      Family is a vital part of a relationship.
      And, you said that she really love her parents, right? So, what will happen if she know that you hate thier parents?

      Second solution, move on. She isn't the only girl in the world.

      Formerly: Raven

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