The word "LOVE" and the meaning of life.

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    • The word "LOVE" and the meaning of life.

      I was walking down the street just the other day...
      Then I saw these two good looking ladies, *they were looking my way*

      What are you girls doin' tonight is what I wanted to say...
      but then my feet went cold and I just went away.

      That, as cheesy or as weird that might have sounded happened to me a few days ago...and it got me thinking...What is the meaning of life?
      A hard question to answer, no doubt.
      But I will give it a shot.

      I think the meaning of life is all about finding that special "someone" that everyone is talking about... :love:
      and yes...I know it can be hard or frightning to ask a person you like to a date or whatever, but all you need to know is that you gotta stick in there. "practice makes perfect"
      As I told before I didn't succeeded in asking one of those girls to a date but now...even just a few days later I think I might have found the love of my life!! :love: :love:
      and that was just by keep telling my self, "you can ask this girl, you can!"

      I will now tell ya'll what happened.

      I got a text 2 days ago from a girl in my class. I didn't really know her that good but I've always been a bit interested in her.
      The text said:
      Hi, can we meet up after school someday and study?

      I was really suprised to say the least, but I accepted.
      So the next day (yesterday) I met her after school in the library and we greated eachother as you might expect, then we just simple sat down and started studying...After a while we started talking more and more, and then all of a sudden we were sharing dreams and just talking about all kinds of things...We didn't study much after that.
      Then I asked her if we should be a couple, she said yes with a big grin on her face.
      That's when I knew...I had finaly succeeded in asking a girl a "BIG" question.
      After that we've been texting eachother NONSTOP.

      It was then I knew...The meaning of life.
      Get that special "someone" and everything else doesn't matter.

      Much love...SWEDD xoxo
      :love: :love: :love: :thumbup: :thumbup:
    • Not to burst your bubble or anything, but you're 16. The girl you're with right now won't be the first, nor the last. Just live life day by day, try to achieve as much as you aim and take it easy. There is no "meaning of life" or explanation of "love", because it's different for every single person.
    • I'm happy for you - the fact that you found someone to share your dreams, thoughts, and almost everything with is something special, and something to treasure. You're still young and still living your life. Is there a chance it wont last? Yes. Is there a chance that it will? Yes.

      While love is a crucial thing in everyone's life (love for your family, love for your friends, love for that special someone), it isn't the only meaning to life. There is soo much out there besides being with that one person. Go out and live it. Make life your adventure and keep searching. Don't stop and focus on just one thing - this relationship. Focus on more than just that. If you make this love your meaning, and it doesn't end well, then you'll be thinking there is no meaning to life. There isn't just one sole answer to it. There are a million answers, and you are here to experience them.
      Scream and be free.
      Skype: Hansonislove | My Author Page