Best Response I've Read?

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    • Best Response I've Read?

      Hey guys,

      So I was watching one of Pewds' videos and I decided to dare take a peek at the comment section ;)
      Now, I know Pewds doesn't like it when people respond to troll comments, but I thought this response was
      hilarious and I felt like sharing :D Best counter-troll comment I've seen in a while. Anyway, enjoy!

      ( I blocked out their names so it's just a funny picture :D )


      • dear_dumbass.jpg

        32.13 kB, 0×0, viewed 227 times
    • Here's my take on this.

      yes the original post was a troll and yes, i can understand the counter message but it is really kinda childish imo. On one hand, it's funny but really the counter message is feeding the troll cuz trolls always look for attention, good or bad.

      It also doesn't make pewds look good by saying "Think before you speak or we'll troll your account for stupidity. Trust me, we're capable of doing that." Yes I know pewdie didn't write that, but eh. The best way to deal with a troll is to not deal with it at all. It's like a kid asking for the same toy for a week. eventually he'll get tired of asking and be done with it.

      (This is only my opinion. Plz don't hate lol)
      "Bro, I don't have time for parties"

      "Your pussy"
    • My only thought is that most people think, "Oh it's a troll, ignore them." True, it doesn't solve the problem to respond, but neither does it solve it to ignore it because someone somewhere is going to post something troll-y because they can. It's the whole argument, "Bad people do bad things because they can." Trolls troll because they can. I don't think this guy is responding to the troll more as he's trolling the troll. Which is quite funny if you ask me. :)