Overcoming Stage-Fright

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    • Overcoming Stage-Fright

      I've been wanting to start doing LP's in the same style as Pewds and Toboscus, but I really have problems talking to the camera. The first time I tryed I was silent 10 minutes straight because I had no idea what to say. Does anybody anything that helps?
      It would help me out alot :) *brofist*
    • I'm right there with you man. When I started on my old channel I was so awkward and weird lol. I think what helped me a little was to create a different personality for myself. It was almost like playing a character in a play. Of course that only lasted a little bit, I soon stopped doing that mostly because I was getting more comfortable when recording and my real personality started showing through.

      It might be easier for you to start without a facecam in the beginning to get more comfortable with commentary and then throw it in, but that's up to you. Also always remember especially when you first start that you can always go back a re-record something. You don't have to do only one take. A lot of times I end up doing more than a few takes until I get it right. This helps because you won't be thinking about not screwing up because if it happens you can just go back and either cut it or redo it.

      I know there is a lot more I could say, but it's just not coming to my mind right now. There is also a ton of information out on the internet that might help. I hope this helps you out.

    • LOL. Same here man. During videos I have nothing to say. I don't know why. But when there is an awkward silence between me and the camera, I start singing for no reason. I don't even know why. BUT THAT'S MY WAY TO KILL AWKS SILENCES SO YEAH. But seriously, I think maybe you should start making more and more videos until you gain enough experience to actually speak to the camera. It works, trust me. I actually make videos but I don't upload them since there's alot of awkward silences. I look back to my work and try to improve it. SO YEAH. Maybe try making some videos and not uploading them and use those videos to improve. C:
    • Practice, Practice, Practice. You don't become good at something without practicing first. A tip, look at yourself in the mirror and start talking about something you like. People may think your crazy and you might feel a little silly, but it works. You need to approach what you are talking about with a passion so make sure it is something you are excited about, pump yourself up, get excited. Get so excited that you are ready to burst. Rinse, and repeat.

      Not only do I run my own youtube channel, but I make my living sell a $139 dollar a month martial arts program. At work, before a new client is in I get nervous, I spend fifteen minutes in advance preparing myself. I get stage fright all the time. But it's getting better with each successful sale. You just gotta keep at it, and stay confident.

      Also, try talking with someone you have never met before. Just walk up to someone at school (or work, not sure how old you are) and start talking. Don't interrupt a conversation, but if you approach people you would never talk to the confidence will come in time.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by ScottMasonGames ().

    • mrflipp3r wrote:

      I've been wanting to start doing LP's in the same style as Pewds and Toboscus, but I really have problems talking to the camera. The first time I tryed I was silent 10 minutes straight because I had no idea what to say. Does anybody anything that helps?
      It would help me out alot :) *brofist*

      Just pretend you are the most interesting person in a world.
      No that is a joke. Talking to a camera is like talking to a friend who just likes to listen ;)
      I don't even know man D:
    • That, my friend, is a syndrome called cambrahankala-syndrome.

      I just did not make that up.

      Anyways, just try talking to yourself in the mirror and other inanimate objects. Soon, you will find yourself be able to 'converse' with the camera and other lifeless objects.

      Such as a dead pig.