Pewdiepie's video editing style

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    • Pewdiepie's video editing style

      Hey! I wanted to start a topic about this and I'm not sure if this is the right forum, but I'll post it here anyhow.

      I wanted to just state my thoughts about how Pewdiepie has been tending to edit his videos more and more lately, which is lots of cutting and taking about the presumably "boring" parts. When Pewdie was posting older videos, we generally saw him messing around not knowing how to solve puzzles and he didn't really cut those bits of. In his more recent videos, he's cut them down a lot so you don't see the in-between parts. I especially noticed this with his Bully videos, because it's starting to become a bit disorienting to me if he's cutting suddenly to right before he starts a quest.

      Anyway, I'm not sure if pewdie will read this at all, but still I will explain my opinion, which is that I don't really like this style of editing. I am starting to find it a bit disorienting when I'm watching him play and he's cutting from place to play in a game. Personally I don't actually mind longer videos or more videos where you witness in between parts, getting from place to place, messing around trying to figure a problem out, etc. I'd rather see more of that stuff even if there's not much going on in it because it helps me have context always about things that are going on in a game, and makes everything feel connected!

      That's just my opinion though, and I'm not sure if anyone else would share it or not.
    • I did that myself with my recent LP of Grey. I was stuck downstairs in an early part of the game simply running in circles for 10 extra minutes. I was not stuck on a puzzle but was simply lost.

      Considering the general slow pace of the game, the 15 minutes accrued after I "cheated" still pushed the overall video to around 22 minutes. I like to keep my videos around the generally digestable time of around 10-15 minutes, and despite some nice jokes and anxious moments, nothing really stood out in the ten minutes I cut from the vid. Cutting the vid also reduces file size, and subsequently lowers the time to render and upload.

      My friends have said themselves that a 20 minute video is a bit long, no matter how interesting the video seems. I always want to end my videos with a memorable moment, for reasons (one of which to coax my viewers into watching my outro and potentially clicking the video annotation)
    • I suppose I don't really mind cutting out 10 minutes of being stuck, though I haven't minded Pewdie's commentary when he's stuck on puzzles in the past, but if you cut that out you should at least pad it a bit so you're not jumping immediately to the moment you discover the solution. What I see Pewdie doing is cutting out things like just him travelling from place to place and walking around in Bully, and I'd rather see those in between bits when he's walking from A to B because it helps me have context. =P

      I don't mind 20 minute videos either as long as the video is entertaining.
    • Guys, you didn't even know how hard was pewdie's doing, maybe just because his internet's slow and cut the bits off cause he can't upload that long? and plus if he don't cut at the part where he's messing around, it's much frustrating and annoying. soo forgive pewdie cause he works hard to entertain for us :> ;)

      *brofist* :D
    • I agree with you there, he's been editing out too much content lately to the point where it is getting confusing.
      Personally I think what PewDie should do is instead of cutting out the parts, they muted and sped up the section. That way, the bros who don't like waiting through the 'boring' parts will be satisfied, and us bros who like watching all of his progress can still stay on track. c: