Suggestion: Youtube Review Forum

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    • Suggestion: Youtube Review Forum

      ((I'm not sure if this is in the right forum or not, haha))

      Hey guys!
      I have a suggestion that I think would be really fun and a lot of help for everyone..
      This would be a lot different from the Youtube advertising forum. As in that forum, people submit channels for people to check out and share their opinions.
      As I find that very helpful, some of us may be wanting a professional critic on our channels..
      Based on:
      First Impression

      Each area of review should be givin a score 1-10 and a review.

      What you could do is have people follow a template to ask for the review and then a Youtube Reviewer would flag the topic.. Once the review is done, they could send the review to the Finished Reviews section.
      And to avoid spam, let's say they can only submit a review every 30-60 days.
      The only problem I could see with doing this, is finding a good amount of reviewers. I would be more than happy to be one if you decide to make this part of the forums.

      Thanks for reading the suggestion and tell me what you like and don't like about this in the comments.. :)
    • Cirno wrote:

      I don't this is smart as new users will abuse it just like the current youtube section.

      PLZ SUBSCRAIB PLS *Brofist* , if you want honest criticism , ask it on your channel topic.

      Yeah, I figured that would be a big problem.. Maybe there would need to be a post requirement to ask for a review.. Maybe 50 posts? That would clear a lot of spam. And I figured this was a good idea because people may be wanting professional reviews.
      Because if you look it, there are tons of small channels ((including my own)) that could need lost of areas of improvement. Something like this may be a good addition to the community.

      Anyway, thank you for your idea on the subject. :)