A concern I have for Pewdy

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    • A concern I have for Pewdy

      Hello fellow bros. I have a concern for Pewdy so hear me out on this one.

      My mom told me a story not to long ago about something that happened when she was a kid. She said that during Halloween there was a kid who had gotten candy from someone who poisoned it. What type of sicko would poison candy to kill a kid? Well the kid did end up dying from the poison and since they couldn't tell who had poisoned the candy, this mad sicko got away with it. If they ever found out who did it idk.

      After watching Pewd's video he uploaded today of him eating a bunch of the candy sent in it made me think about the story my mom had told me. Obviously the stuff sent to him is from us his bros. But Pewdy does have a lot of haters as I'm sure many of us know. How much some people hate him idk. What I'm worried about is that someone who truly hates to the point of wanting him killed does do something like poison some food? It might sound far fetched but it is possible.
      It's meh Skat3rat from OutintheOutland
      Come check out my channel if you have time :D
    • I wouldn't be too concerned about it; he filmed it quite a while ago and is fine. Besides, I seriously doubt people who don't like his videos would go THAT far. Making inflammatory comments about somebody online is one thing, sending them poisoned goods to try and harm or even kill them is something else entirely.