Weird issue with my screen...

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    • Weird issue with my screen...

      Okay, be patient with me. If you know me, you should know I can't explain anything without babbling.

      But so ever since I got my new graphics card (I can dig out the info if you need?) I've had this weird issue when playing certain games (such as World of Warcraft, Dragon Age, Lord of the Rings Online - mostly open world games have this issue!) there's this weird almost transparent white wave going across the screen from top to bottom (it takes about 3 seconds) and it's causing me headache. I see it 'best' on dark areas in games and I have no idea how to get rid of it. I have tried to poke with framerate settings but even when they match it doesn't help.

      My own screen settings in the computer won't allow me to change from 65hz and NVIDIA settings are locked in 85hz. Like said, even if I changed game settings to match this... I see the darn wave anyway. I also wondered if it could be about directx 9 and 11 (I can use 11 now)... but it's not that either. I don't see this weird wavy thing on games such as Sims 2, The Walking Dead, Doom 3.

      And no, it's not present when I normally use my comp (or watch videos), only certain games. I took a screenshot and short video clip of this wave but it doesn't show in them either of them so it's not the games, right? My brother says screens aren't effected with graphics card... he speaking the truth or...?
    • Hmmmm, I had a similar problem. I didn't get a wave but in a lot of open world games my screen flashes for like half a second of black ever so often. (Mostly in C9, but also in PSO2 and Dota 2.)

      For your problem, mess with the graphic settings of that games. Like low quality (try with Dx 11 and 9 too<3) and such and see if it helps. Thats what fixed mine. I would say maybe its your connection but Dragon Age isn't mmorpg or multiplayer so meh...

      Hope your issue gets fixed.