Pharmacist, Psychiatrist or Computer Systems Technician?

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    • Pharmacist, Psychiatrist or Computer Systems Technician?

      Hey there guys!

      I'm at the stage where I have to choose a career path to study through university! Sigh.. It's really hard to decide! MY FUTURE DEPENDS ON IT!! :wacko:
      Here in New Zealand, Pharmacists and Psychiatrists are in high demand and pay is pretty high (for my future). I would enjoy working in the medical side but I am also very interested in electronics, computers etc. I work with computers all day and would love to know more about them! But I'm not sure if this job can last me a lifetime since it is quite a common job.

      My sciences are a bit bad but I will improve this year so that I can qualify for both medical jobs.
      I heard that to be a Computer Systems Technician, you need to have some knowledge of Physics (which I do not have..) Which makes me wonder whether I should just focus on the pharmacist, psychiatrist path.

      If one of you guys have one of these three jobs can you can give me some opinions, feedback about it? It would help me immensely!

      If you need to know any more details about me to determine which career may be the right path to take for me, please ask away! :)
    • Akisha wrote:

      Do the job that you like the most, not that pays the most... and computers pay too so i guess that would do and keep you happy. That is just my opinion

      Yeah ^ what she said~

      From what I heard, choose on what you like so yeah you have passion on electronics. Go for it! :D

      You may also have backup like medicine, if you want to but yeah :D

      This is what the adults told me.

      Good luck
    • It really depends are you interested in learning stuff from books or are you more of a practical person - I'm studying psychology at uni right now, and I can tell you it really is tough since I've never been that into studying. I really wish I would've chosen polytechnic sometimes :'D

      Just like the others, I think you should pick the one that interests you the most, or at least somehow. Pharmacists make quite well and it's quite interesting, I used to consider that too :> it can be a bit of a bother to study Physics if you aren't that into it, that much I can say ; v ;
      "Cool guys don't look at explosions~"
    • It sounds like you are more into computers, and it's always best to choose the path that you'd love to do, than something you'd do for the money. In the long run, you'd be happier with your choice. Your thinking financially, and while that's something to think about - it's something you could live off of. Mentally, though, if you go into a career you're not interested in, you'll be unhappy.

      The choice is yours, though =) Do what your heart wants.
      Scream and be free.
      Skype: Hansonislove | My Author Page
    • I'll tell you right now computers are great. Sure they're fun to fix, work with, build, yada yada. BUT.. Unfortunately many MANY other people have a passion for it too. Personally I'm a fixer upper in geeksquad and wow I have met a ton TON of people interested in the field. It's very competitive and in the long run hard to find a job.
      For me, computers is just a back up plan. I suggest you choose another major and keep computers up the sleeve. Good luck brah
    • We can't help you with this decision.

      I first wanted to study Informatic and Computer Science but now I fall in love with media (webdesign and social media) and I'm in an apprentenceship as an mediadesigner.
      That Means: Do what you love the most!
      motherf*cking pumped
    • Just a thought, I would say if you are not scientifically gifted (and i mean naturally talented with a love for science) don't do medicine, computers sounds better for you since you already work with them. Oh, and thought it would be obvious, but don't EVER decide on a job just because of the pay or that it is in demand, only decide on a job because that is what you want to do for a living and because you will enjoy it and get good experiences from it. Personally, I'd MUCH rather get a piss-poor wage and love the shit out of my job than get paid 2k a week and be poppin' prozac everyday! Also, what are your other interests, if sciences aren't your strong point then maybe neither medicine nor computers would suit? Maybe you're good with animals, or children? maybe you're artistic? Don't limit yourself to just high paychecks, and look for careers in your talents, hobbies and interests, not in the current demand.

    • AnneChoV wrote:

      Thanks for all the support guys! :)
      I've decided to choose the path of a Pharmacist! I'm also going to try and learn how to fix a computer by myself and not at uni (hope that works out haha..) I'm gonna need a lot of old computers and parts.... :P
      Well, I like pharmacists... I mean aren't they the people who work in drug store? Sorry if I'm completely stupid with this... xD Anyway, if it is that person, I like them... they always take time to explain me stuff when I'm paranoid about meds.