"My opinionated two cents" Topics - PewDiePie.

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    • "My opinionated two cents" Topics - PewDiePie.

      Alright, guys, before I put this up here, I want to get this clear as a just in case: All points for and against PewDiePie is mearly an Opinion, please do not try to correct me or reconsider my points.

      Alright, so we all know PewDiePie, he screams at shit that makes him jump, he is a bro and most of his fans (Except for occasional few people) are more or less irrational or just basic people who hate on him.

      Regardless of this hate, he does provide some material that is: Gameplays, let's plays or whatever else he does. So... what is my opinion gonna say about this?

      Well, let's see, shall we? --

      Points FOR PewDiePie
      1. He provides content for people who like him, sort of like Barney the dinosaur, lovable yet odd. (Or a better example: Marmite)
      2. He has A LOT of subscribers (Yes, I realize this doesn't mean anything, but this is where I HAVE to disagree, when it comes to content, PewDiePie is doing well for himself, this CANNOT be denied.)
      3. He has a wicked imagination. (Stephano, Piggy, Mr.Chair, ETC.)
      4. Tries his hardest to keep in the neutral. (Sorta like me.)


      Points AGAINST PewDiePie
      1. He screams a lot even if it's not that scary, but will make viewers jump. (BARRELS!, AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!)
      2. Looking back on my Barney (Or Marmite) comment, most of the majority that hates him are usually people who are grown up, or they just blatantly hate them with not much of a reason. (Up to them, I suppose.)
      3. He does a bit of faking or over-reacting once and a while, which can be a bit off putting.
      4. Most of his fans. (Yeah, got nothing to say about this one.)

      Though, that doesn't necessarily mean what I say is bad, not at the slightest, in fact, though this segment is more towards the hatred factor: They escalate the hate WAY too much, even though they have the right to give off such opinions, it just over escalates, I keep wondering why they waste this energy on ONE person, where they can use this energy on a better cause. (Like, you know, the government, or whatever the hell ANON does these days... Just putting it out there...) But, it is kinda sad, it's like people want him gone because of, dare I say it: The most pointless of things.

      In short, I like PewDiePie, I like his content, I like his odd sense of humour, he over reacts, but it is kinda good to have a chuckle at even the most cheesiest of lines. But, I cannot over look his bad points, but HEY, no one in this world is perfect. (Unless you're Perfect Cell, then maybe we'll talk.)

      [achievement]Wasted at least an hour making this topic.[/achievement]