Why does it hurt?

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    • Why does it hurt?

      My ex told me to look at her facebook yesterday and I saw a bunch of pictures of her and her new boyfriend. She cheated on me a few times and constantly broke my heart. Now I'm in a relationship, and I'm happy with it, but why does it hurt seeing her with a new guy?
      That (imitating someone you respect) is something you do in order to grow. You can't use it as a disguise to pretend to be someone you are not.-Itachi Uchiha"

    • You know, I spoke to a few friends about this kind of thing a few nights ago. A few years ago I had one or two girlfriends cheat on me with four or five different guys total. It stung a lot, but the best thing you can do is realize that you are already a better person than she is. That you don't deserve to be treated like that, and you won't have to be any longer. She won't stop her unfaithful habit, and this other guy will get played too. Eventually she will leave a path of people hating her, and she won't go anywhere when it comes to love or happiness.
      So, in an odd way, you're lucky she is out of your hair. Sure it hurts to have to deal with all of that, but the pain subsides and you will be better off in the end.
      Sorry if that was harsh, but that is my take on people who cannot be faithful or trusted. It's immoral and I have no tolerance for it.
    • Some awesome serious AND humorous advice in this thread :p

      She seriously sounds like a real piece of work. She's obviously not over you if she's trying to make you jealous and saying and doing things like that, it's always going to hurt seeing someone you used to be with for a long time with someone else. I still talk to my ex on facebook occasionally (after she found some maturity) and the fact her profile picture is of her kissing her new boyfriend it strangely doesn't bother me anymore. What bothers me is just the thought of her doing "things" with him but then I just fart and forget about it (short attention span FTW XD)

      What I'm saying is you will get over her man but maybe it would be best, like someone already said, to delete her off facebook if (in all honesty) she's going to be a childish immature cow. Besides at least you have someone else, right? :p Just, whenever you're feeling down ask your current girlfriend to send you a long emotional soppy text to cheer you up or just get her to hug you... I tell you, I'd kill just to have someone there for me on the nights (night times are HORRIBLE for thinking, especially with insomnia when everyone else sleeps fine -.-) At the end of the day you don't HAVE to tell her what it is bothering you either so it's a win win from what I can see. Your ex is only further proving how much better off you are without her ;)
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      The post was edited 1 time, last by Rune ().

    • I agree. I have 0 tolerance when it comes to someone cheating. If you're not happy in your relationship, just end it and instead of being a coward. I know one friend who cheated on her husband and one friend who cheated on her boyfriend (who is now her husband). I can never understand that. At the time, I didn't know she cheated on her husband until after she told him (so I couldn't really do anything) and another one I wasn't close with yet - but I stepped up and said if his friends didn't say anything - than I would. My respect for people who cheat goes downhill - big time.
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    • TrueRedRevenge wrote:

      You know, I spoke to a few friends about this kind of thing a few nights ago. A few years ago I had one or two girlfriends cheat on me with four or five different guys total. It stung a lot, but the best thing you can do is realize that you are already a better person than she is. That you don't deserve to be treated like that, and you won't have to be any longer. She won't stop her unfaithful habit, and this other guy will get played too. Eventually she will leave a path of people hating her, and she won't go anywhere when it comes to love or happiness.
      So, in an odd way, you're lucky she is out of your hair. Sure it hurts to have to deal with all of that, but the pain subsides and you will be better off in the end.
      Sorry if that was harsh, but that is my take on people who cannot be faithful or trusted. It's immoral and I have no tolerance for it.

      Listen to him. This guy knows his words.

      I've had a problem with some bitches a while back. They started a rumor about my girlfriend. It spread quickly. And we dealt with it. Was not easy, but yeah. And soon enough, the school management came to know of it, downloaded the video the others put up on YouTube. It didn't take time for people to know the truth and start to hate the group of bitches.

      As he said, be strong in the start, because everything will go away and become better in the end.

      About this, just forget her. Stop thinking about anything related to her. Soon enough, you'll come to know that you're better than her, and the people she's 'dating'.

      Good luck, buddy.
    • TrueRedRevenge wrote:

      You know, I spoke to a few friends about this kind of thing a few nights ago. A few years ago I had one or two girlfriends cheat on me with four or five different guys total. It stung a lot, but the best thing you can do is realize that you are already a better person than she is. That you don't deserve to be treated like that, and you won't have to be any longer. She won't stop her unfaithful habit, and this other guy will get played too. Eventually she will leave a path of people hating her, and she won't go anywhere when it comes to love or happiness.
      So, in an odd way, you're lucky she is out of your hair. Sure it hurts to have to deal with all of that, but the pain subsides and you will be better off in the end.
      Sorry if that was harsh, but that is my take on people who cannot be faithful or trusted. It's immoral and I have no tolerance for it.

      I don't want to say much on this situation because this is something I never really came across before so I'll let those with experience handle the serious things

      On the other side, you should be like Kevin on this situation. Cuz you know... "Y the hell did you date her indeed..."

      • kevin heart don't have ex's.jpg

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    • Thanks everyone for the advice. We just had a lot of "firsts" together. If I ever think about her I'll just remember that the dude she's dating is a douche XD. And Rune how did you know she's big? 8| All of you guys give good advice.

      Also damn it Cormano you did it again XD
      That (imitating someone you respect) is something you do in order to grow. You can't use it as a disguise to pretend to be someone you are not.-Itachi Uchiha"

    • Does your new girlfriend treat you better than your ex?
      If the answer is yes then to hell with that thrown-away bitch!

      That hurt will go away, focus on the good thing you have
      now let the bad thing you threw away get a STD in her
      mouth/ears/nose/where ever humans have sex :wacko:

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Klawtaurus ().

    • RE: Why does it hurt?

      kk226 wrote:

      My ex told me to look at her facebook yesterday and I saw a bunch of pictures of her and her new boyfriend. She cheated on me a few times and constantly broke my heart. Now I'm in a relationship, and I'm happy with it, but why does it hurt seeing her with a new guy?

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