explorer.exe error "class not registered"

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    • explorer.exe error "class not registered"

      i can't open my documents anymore it say class not registered.
      idk where it came from i've done several scans i don't have a virus or any other type of infection on my pc
      i think it's the file: ExplorerFrame.dll that is corrupt
      but can anyone tell me will it be solved if i download a new one and replace it or does it fuck up my pc?

      and *brofist* :)
    • Um .. did you search on Google before you posted here?

      I got the following solution from the Microsoft website.

      "Make sure that all instances of Windows Explorer are closed.

      Go to Start/All Programs/Accessories, right click the 'Command Prompt' and select the 'Run As Administrator' option.

      In the command prompt window, type the following command, exactly as shown.

      regsvr32 ExplorerFrame.dll

      Press Enter.

      You should see a 'succeded' message. Close the command prompt.

      Reboot the computer and try to open those components again.

      If this does not fix the problem, I suggest you use System Restore to go back to a point before this problem first occured."

      Hope this helps.
    • then it says an error that the ExplorerFrame.dll is not compatible with the version of windows i'm using
      check if the module is compatible with a x86-(32bit) or x64- (64-bit) version of regsvr32.exe
      (this is translated from dutch to english so it's not 100%corrrect)

      and i tryed it but the problem remains
      i'm now thinking of downloading a new ExplorerFrame.exe (but i don't know if i fuck up my pc)
      or format the whole shit
    • To reformat your system might be a little overkill, I suggest you at least try to reinstall windows system files, if you have a install cd, or try recovering to an earlier state where your system worked.
      If that doesn't help I guess formatting is your last hope.
      If it comes that point consider using your computers recovery partition, instead of wiping the whole drive.

      It might not make much sense, and maybe I'm to late, but I hope you able to fix your problem anyway :)