The Walking Dead spin off RP.

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    • Ok, the protection is almost done. I think i see some zombies from over there. F**K! I NEED TO FINISH FAST!

      *finishes the protection*

    • hunterthewolfs enter

      Name:hunter gray

      Occupation:tech for the army

      Appearance: Tall,skiny,and dark but somehow peaceful

      condition: hurt from a fall [running from zombies]

      Weapon: bow, 10 arrows,with a sword for backup

      clothes:black hoodie with a face mask and a pair of black pants also im wearing some armor not much but a desinte amount [im sorry for spelling errors]





      reaction to people|not good

      reson for reaction|bullys

      reaction type|attack

      how to stop reaction|get him to talk to you and make him know your not a bad person

      survival skills|




      Story|after the run from the zombies i started off to the town to look for food/talking>huh i wonder if theres food up ahead i should go and make sure nonthing sees me<sees>i see a couple of people</sees> <action>i run over to a spot to look and spot the area out</action>huh maybe there good or maybe not i cant take that chance if they see me i have to take them out
      Wolf Pack


      Makes Awesomeness

      Stay Awesome Bros and Guys And Girls
    • reaction to gates1

      <story last time on the walking dead hey whos that maybe i should go and open and close the gates abit to see if they notice it</story this time on the walking dead/says>huh the gate its opening and closing over and over maybe they seen me i should be careful ill draw my bow and if they ask il just say it was in case of zombies/action>i start to walk down the road and i draw my bow then out of the corner of my eye i see a zombie i turn and shoot it right in the head quickly putting another arrow in my bow i walk over to the zombie and it doesint move i grab my old arrow and clean it off with a rage that i found along time ago i need to clean this out once i get inside i walk inside the gate and i keep my arrow drawn and then i hear someone/
      Wolf Pack


      Makes Awesomeness

      Stay Awesome Bros and Guys And Girls
    • oh sorry<action puts my bow and arrows back/ so you say this is your town well is there anything i can help with im a good shot but i guess it up to you im hear to help
      Wolf Pack


      Makes Awesomeness

      Stay Awesome Bros and Guys And Girls
    • hmmmm im a tech but i also do know some crafting designs i also know how to get a server online like a wireless network i know a few things about crafting food and medical suppliies to and im ok in the arts of painting suplies to and im also good a scavange
      Wolf Pack


      Makes Awesomeness

      Stay Awesome Bros and Guys And Girls
    • Name: Sam Quinn

      Occupation: Student, Skater and Paintballer (earned his money by making skate videos with his friends and play paintball competitions.)

      Appearance: Average height and weight of an 18 year old male. Long blond hair (front 'till chin and back just beneath neck.) and Green/Brown eyes.

      condition: Great, has an good condition due to Paintball.

      Weapon: His Longboard, a wrench which he 'stole' out of an garage from his neighbor who was thorn to shreds, and a pocket knife.

      clothes: A purple T-shirt with zombie hands from one of his favorite bands Bring me the Horizon. Also wears a black shredded jeans and his pair of black and white sneakers. Has a Shredded black converse shoulder bag with some supplies.

      Skills: Knows a lot about Zombies (Being a Horror fan and all) and has some survival knowledge.

      Before Gates: Sam was, as usual skating with a couple of friends until from out of nowhere people came running towards them screaming and yelling. After a while they realized the people where being chased by Walkers and ran/skated with them towards safety. On his way back home with his friends, they got attacked by some Walkers Which killed his friends, from then on he tried to survive as long as possible, skating around his hometown for supplies, finally making his way towards the gates he passed a couple of times.

      OOC: I hope this would be enough info?

      *I skated towards the gate and looked around myself, spotting no Walkers i tap on the gate with my board* "A...Anybody here?!" *I look back around, defending myself with my board and a wrench, prepared for any surprise attacks from Walkers.*