Youtube channel : the basics to know

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    • Youtube channel : the basics to know

      A lot of people have been requesting about their Youtube channel, so here is a compilation of the basic tips to know when you are a beginner in the Youtube sphere.


      1. The nickname

      Your nickname will be the name everyone might one day call you by. So, before creating a Youtube channel, be sure to have in mind the best nickname possible, as once you'll start, you won't be able to change.

      A good nickname :
      • is something personal : it must appeal to you, so you don't regret your choice later.
      • doesn't have any number in it. L33T or random numbers will only make you stupid looking. Only letters, or a very few special caracters.
      • doesn't sound stupid. Think of how it sounds when you pronounce it, it'll make a huge difference about your credibility as a video maker.
      • isn't something rude or childish. Try not using words like "dark", "shadow", or anything like this, usually used by young teenagers.
      • musn't in any case look like someone else's nickname. It'll only bring you problems. If you have any doubt, try typing your nickname idea as a research on Youtube.
      • should suit to your channel's type. But avoid using the word "game" or "gaming".
      All of this may sound difficult, but trust me, it's a must-do.


      2. Your channel type

      Once you picked your nickname, it's time for you to settle the type of videos you want to make. I'm pretty sure most of you want to do gaming channels, but there are a lot of interesting alternatives you should give a thought on :
      • comedy channel : making sketches, for everyone's entertainment. A valuable choice, but asks a lot of work in creating the scripts and the acting.
      • machinima channel : using games, you'll create stories and animations. If you're inspired with a good story, it's a nice option, but choose the game wisely.
      • podcast channel : creating podcasts is overused, but you still can try your luck. Originality and humour are required.
      • animation channel : if you like drawing, you can learn how to create animations. It's a good way to have a large possibility of content.
      These are the most used types of channel (and mostly the only ones watched, besides music ones). And of course, the gaming channel.
      You always can try all of these but it'll be more appreciated if you restrain your videos to a single type, as it might be confusing for the viewers.


      3. Precautions

      Once you've picked your channel type, it's the moment to start your videos ! But first, there are some precautions to take. The Internet indeed can be a dangerous place if you fail on your way : hatred, bully, you can even get famous in a bad way (ask to Rebecca Black if you don't trust me) !
      So, before starting, be sure of the followings :
      • don't be too young. If you're less than 14/15 years old, don't even try. Viewers don't like kiddy voices. You will never go anywhere.
      • you need a basic material to work on, whatever your channel type is. Your audio and visual qualities need to be good, or you won't get anywhere. A Youtube channel indeed means to invest some money.
      • don't start immediately face commentaries. If you fail, you'll at least be safe from the Internet trolls. Try to build yourself a bit of popularity first.
      • be sure to set your channels private settings the best way. Piracy is a plague among Youtube channels.
      • when you start your first videos, why don't you first let them in Private and show them to your surroundings first ? It's a good way to dodge any content problem.
      • be sure you want to do it. A Youtube channel asks a lot of time and efforts to make, it's not that easy.
      I may sound like a coward, but Youtube is a cruel jungle. Never take it too easily, or it could lead you to your own sorrow.


      4. The content

      It is now time to talk about the content ! It'll be a long list of the basic requires in your videos, so try to keep up !
      Here are the basics for a good gaming video :
      • as I said earlier, a good audio and visual quality is a must-have. No need for perfection though, it just must not be too annoying for the viewer.
      • be original. Video games like Call of Shi...sorry, Duty, Minecraft, Amnesia/Slender, and else are way too much used. Pick your games wisely, ask around for advices. A good source are independant games (also known as indie games) : they are full of surprise !
      • be reguliar. You need to post videos as much as you can. One video a week is anything but enough. The real basic to follow is at least 3 videos a week (so 1 every 2 days). You can post more, but don't exagerate : you viewers need to be able to keep up with your work.
      • work your voice. You must sound enthusiastic, energic, and excited to play. If you can share your passion with your viewers, they'll be more into your videos. Tip : when you talk, smile. Even if they can't see you, your voice ton will be different, in a very good way.
      • don't swear too much. Some of you might think it's funny, but it actually isn't at all. You can swear sometimes, but don't exagerate, keep it as clean as you can.
      • avoid controversial topics or bad taste jokes, to keep your comments out of any problem.
      • gather some informations about the game you're playing. A true good Let's play is realized by a person who has a good sens of humour, a slight bit of skill but also who can give various informations about the game's background. It can fill the blanks, and it's always appreciated.
      There are many other subtilities of course, but you'll learn it easily by yourself.


      5. The "outside"

      A Youtube channel isn't only a bunch of videos you'll randomly throw and leave them. There is a lot of work to do after. Here are some examples :
      • stay close to your subscribers. The first ones will be the one that'll start your way on the Youtube sphere. Don't hesitate to answer to their comments, to thank them, or ask their opinion. If you do so, you'll be more humanized, sensed as a real person who you can talk to. Attract and keep your subscribers is the key to success.
      • organize your playlists. It's really important for your viewers to be able to find your other videos easier, especially if these videos are numerous.
      • don't start a social network page too quickly. It's not necessary before a long long time.
      • use the tags wisely. The tags are the words that people uses to look for videos. So, be sure to choose them wisely if you want to be seen ! WARNING : NEVER use a tag that doesn't suit to your video just to make people come and watch (like putting the tag "pewdiepie"). It's the best way to attract hatred.
      • advertise wisely. Advertisement is a good way to promote your channel, but do it wisely : you must not use other people's videos, or random websites. If you just go to a website, throw your link without paying attention and then leave, nothing good will come up. Just keep it clean and look for the real good spots. Also, try to be convincing and just not throw a link without any description or anything. The more serious you look, the better it is.
      • deal with the trolls. You can't escape it, trolls are everywhere. Click here to see how to do.
      And, according to me, the most important one :


      It can take months before you start to dig your way. Don't give up or do anything stupid. If you trully enjoy what you're doing, then just roll with it, and success will come by itself.

      Luck is a huge factor in Youtube. Just pray your little star, and keep going !
    • this was a very good and i understood everything. and i hope many people will like this to and succeed in making a good youtube channel thanks to this tutorial.

      [people i like and care about Dawn, krissnumadness, Madklauss, Kahisys, default, fire,Jericho, Flamez, dano, LordVoldemort, Emoteddylion, Toyosatomimi No Miko, Shikieiki Yamaxanadu, Dandy Dragon, Magragosh, Twixie, SqueedilyPlays, ChibiBunny,may837, GamerAddict247,ThatCoderBaron,Misfit the Inhumane, Emily and some more fuckers pm me if i forgot your name.