An awesome, freeware game for nostalgic people!

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    • An awesome, freeware game for nostalgic people!

      Hey there, bros! Once again, it's me, TreacherousFox, bringing you awesome suggestions of games for Pewdie and everyone else to play!

      This time, I bring you a newly released freeware game that nostalgic guys will surely enjoy a lot. And it's also made by a developer of my country! It's name is...

      This freeware game, developed by Spanish Indie game developer Locomalito, offers us to travel back in time, to Spain. It is the Late Middle Ages, the year 1081 AD, more precisely. King Alfonso VI The Brave rules over the realms of Leon and Castile, and pushes his forces on to retake the Spanish lands from the muslims. The struggle is fierce, and many people die in the ruthless battles that follow.

      A girl from the Castilian village of Tolomera del Rey, Moura, cried inconsolably as she found out that her beloved had fallen in battle. Her cries roused the attention of an old, sly demon, who seduced her to turn away from God.

      Moura became a witch, and her tears became a magical key. They key opened the gates of Hell, and without delay, demons overran the village. Nothing and no one survived.

      News of this demonic invasion came to the ears of the king, who quickly dispatched his most loyal and experienced knights to deal with this threat.

      You are put in the skin of Don Ramiro, one of the knights sent to deal with the demonic invasion in Tolomera del Rey. Together with your three loyal companions: Don Diego the archer, Mendoza the stout and Quesada the missionary knight, you set forth to stop the forces of evil that have set root in your beloved land. Nothing can follow you in the place where you're going. Only your trusty companions, the might of your weapons and the favor of God will be of any use to you.

      Here is the trailer for the game, so you can check out how it looks like:

      As I said before, the game is Freeware. It can be downloaded (Together with a few nice goodies) here.
      Remember, Pewdie: When you're surprised by a jumpscare... THAT WAS ME AS WELL!

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Mary The Painting ().

    • Wow, this seems really good! I remember when I used to pla... Wait. What's that? Hold on, it's getting closer. Oh SHIT IT'S COMING RIGHT FOR ME.

      I'm running as fast as I can.

      I feel like this is my last moment alive.

      I turn back for one last glance.


      *suddenly black screen and punching and kicking sounds*



      *Sometime later...*

      Holy shit that was scary. Nostalgia beat me up.

      Have a +1 reputation. I loved this game :D.