'' I Am Alive '' YOU HAVE TO PLAY THIS - Grate Arcade game on Xbox 360 or PC (on steam)

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  • '' I Am Alive '' YOU HAVE TO PLAY THIS - Grate Arcade game on Xbox 360 or PC (on steam)

    Ello everyone!

    Here is a grate game for everyone to try - One the best games i played in years and has a creepy vibe to it also feels so real as well as the recations that characters give in the game feel as if there real too - I put down what the game is about and some screen shots- PLEASE PLEASE just try it out, you will not regret it.
    - Cluelesscargo


    In the post-apocalyptic action/adventure I Am Alive, players are
    faced with thought-provoking choices in the role of a survivor on a
    journey to find his wife and daughter, who were lost during the "Event."
    Arriving at his hometown of Haventon one year after it happened, he
    finds the town in shambles. Buildings are destroyed, toxic ash fills the
    streets, and society has been torn, causing inhabitants to take all
    necessary actions to survive.

    In I Am Alive, players will be challenged by both their environment and
    their enemies. Stamina and resource management are key when being
    exposed to deadly atmospheres and scaling enormous buildings in search
    of supplies. The unique combat system requires players to utilize
    intimidation: cowards are easily swayed with an empty gun, while other
    enemies will put players to the test. - IGN

    • Enhanced for the PC
      • More ways to experience survival. The new Easy mode provides
        infinite retries and a slightly softer, more forgiving introduction to I
        Am Alive. With the Replay mode, go back and replay any level any time
        to uncover more secrets, alternate path, and hidden resources.
      • Explore the dark, atmospheric post-apocalyptic world in higher
        resolutions and sharper graphics, with fully customizable graphics
      • Fully configurable mouse, keyboard and game pad support to play the way you like.

    • Explore the destroyed city. Find your way in
      murky streets covered in toxic dust and rubble. Climb the ruins of the
      last standing skyscrapers to find the few last unspoiled resources.
      Watch out for survivors - some are friendly and need assistance, some
      are scared, most are outright hostile and use group tactics to hunt you

    • Intimidation-based combat

      Combat is deadly and ammo is scarce. Use deception to deal with groups
      of enemies while trying to keep your precious few bullets, but watch out
      for the toughest ones - they may call your bluff. __STEAM__

    ---------------------------------------------- THANK SO MUCH GUYS - PEWDIEPIE! HOPE TO SEE YOU PLAY THIS!