Sick of my aged people / some of my friends

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    • Sick of my aged people / some of my friends

      So hello there! I am trying to start this thread pretty happily before this turns into a rant:

      So hello, I am Niko and I am 14 years old (15, 16th of december). I come from Finland and i have problems with certain kinds of people.

      Ok, so I want to start with these sport fanatics or something. In Finland they are not just sports fanatics but ice hockey players with way too huge ego.
      And these people really annoy me due to being well too "pushy" with their SOOO big ego. They are always like: "Hey I play ice hockey and it makes me better than you. I am going to make it to NHL and be really rich!"
      Yes seriously they almost say it out like that. I usually try to stay away from their business but sometimes when they come and annoy me I usually tend to revenge back by calling them 'hockey clowns'. After I say that they look at me with their angry faces and i laugh at them. Also most of them smoke and use snuff (or snus whatever it is, just looked it up from dictionary.) which makes them smell like shit and I like to mention them that.

      After those people come the people who smoke and do other stuff... I F*CKING HATE THEM! I barely can bury my anger here. I've seen way too many times people being drunk, it's disgusting. (Sorry if I offend you.) Though it's not only that they smoke and use alcohol but they don't have age for that sh*t. It's okey if they do it but they have to bring it to every f*cking topic/subject. And people say that my problem is that I am being an absolutist! I mean: WAT DA FUQ?!? Is there something wrong with not drinking or sucking sh*t and keeping my self healthy? The worst thing here is that my friends do smoke and drink. And sometimes I feel like punching them. They are ok usually but yet they bring drinking and that everywhere, not to mention they smell like cigarettes which smells like sh*t. They also try to get me into it and say like this: "Oh yeaaa we should get him drunk somehow and blablabla....". Though they are the only people I can somehow be with in my school and I don't want to be completely alone. There are 2 girls in my class who I can talk with but they do their own stuff most of the time so yea...

      I am not sure what to do here. Sometimes I think that I am the asshole here. I think I have some sort of problem of trying to help people.... I DON'T KNOW! I am thinking of their best, what is good for them... One day I said that I know better people on the internet than they are and they were like: "DUH don't you know they all rape you?" Then they went away I thought they were angry. They took it as a joke which I am glad for.

      I hope you guys have something inspiring or provoking that could help me ignore those things in them. Also i hope other people share something in common in this thread.
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      Silly/Weird/Scary Moments Montage #2

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Naikey ().

    • Hello Naikey!

      I totally know how you feel. Especially that 'sick of my aged people'-part.
      The problem is, that drinking and smoking and this sh*t is (sadly) normal nowadays.
      I would say 90% of the people I know drink, smoke and/or do drugs, and this is really sad and disgusting (in my opinion).
      They are waaaaay too young for it and they don't even think about what they are doing.
      All they wanna have is fun. Fun, Fun, Fun. Why? Maybe they want to escape this reality.

      Maybe the reality is too hard for them. I don't know.

      Unfortunately I lost all of my friends because of their brainless actions. Just because I didn't want to follow them. I didn't want to do the same mistakes they did. I don't drink. I don't smoke. And this is what seperates me from them.
      Don't get influenced by the wrong sort of people.

      And i think that SOME people i get to know on the internet are way better people than any of them.

      All I can say is that, maybe there's a time, things getting better.
      I really hope you will find people who think the same way you do and also accept you the way you are.

      Good Luck :)
      ''The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple.''
      ''A good friend will always stab you in the front.''
      -Oscar Wilde
    • Thank you for your kind and brave words RyLex. Maybe it is supposed to be so.
      Off topic: Never seen a Pikachu with mustache before.
      Amnesia Custom Stories , Home, Dead Space, Amnesia: Machine for pigs. :love:
      Silly/Weird/Scary Moments Montage!

      Silly/Weird/Scary Moments Montage #2
    • You're welcome. I hope I've helped just a little bit. :)

      Uh.. this Pikachu. Well, me neither till the day I found that glorious picture. xD
      ''The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple.''
      ''A good friend will always stab you in the front.''
      -Oscar Wilde
    • A lot of it is simply the typical maturity with your age group.

      I know this isn't really something fun to hear, but it just takes time for that to fade, as you get older you start meeting more people that are more mature. Not everyone matures emotionally at the same pace. There were many people that I thought were total assholes in high school, and now some of them aren't that bad, they just needed more time to "grow up"

      As for your situation, Just try to let the bullies/clowns whatever you want to call them, do their own thing. Try to be friendly/passive toward them when they get in your face, it may actually disarm them a little bit since they won't expect it. And just try to stay clear of them as much as you can.

      You aren't being an elitest by choosing not to drink or smoke (especially for your age), but just be sure not to judge others for doing it. It's their business, you talked about you wanting them to stay out of your business and not judge you, you have to do the same, even if they seem like total idiots.
      Criticizing them won't help you or your relations with them in any way. It just makes them defensive, and they will take it out on you, similar to how you feel about them now. They give you shit, so you get defensive and fire back "hockey clown" comments at them.

      Just have to be calm and be more mature than them. I know it gets difficult, I've been there, but now looking back (hindsight is 20/20), choosing to be more mature than them and keeping your comments of their idiocy to yourself is the best choice you can make.

      Be wiser than others, but do not tell them so.
    • Lets see here mate.
      Sports fanatics exists everywhere and they are annoying time to time, but if you dont enjoy sport - dont bother interacting with them.
      Let them have their big ego's.

      And sure, go ahead and punch me mate ^^
      I do actually smoke and take a drink now and then. Snus is thou kinda overrated.
      And people your age, i assume you are a bit more mature than them - are quite immature and does it because its cool.
    • Hey there Mr Rape Face!

      I know those feels bro, Everyone here smokes shit, I can't walk more than a few steps outside without smelling it, and like you that has ruined my perception of people who smoke, but recently I've been making more friends and stuff, and a few of them do smoke, and I'll let you know this tidbit of life knowledge for free, but everyone who smokes aren't the same, sound stupid, but I used to believe it, but I have friends who do it now, they don't brag, force it, or do it in public cause they know it'll annoy people, it's just a thing, like normal smoking or drinking, you'll find people who aren't assholes who do it, and you'll get along with them, it's just a case of ignoring the majority.

      I do drink on the other hand, but not like every weekend, god I wish I could afford too! I could get a new computer, but when I do it's usually at a small thing with my friends/family, or more importantly, when playing a game, because y'know... drunk gaming is fun! just ignore the people who overindulge in that shit.

      Sports fans, I come from England, Do I need to say more about our sports fans?

      As for that whole "They'll rape you", dude, my fiance lives in America, I met her via the net, and I went to America to meet her for the first time, you can not imagine the shit I got for this, nor the things said, but people who don't make friends on the net, generally don't understand that you CAN make friends on the net, and that's fine, let them sit in their tiny worlds which spans a few miles around them, who cares, you're the one making friends across the world and making connections.

      Just ignore people, it's that simple, people can be as retarded as they like, but eventually you'll get to the point where you don't care and you life will just fit together, just work at ignoring them till then.
      Skype: Insaniaeternus
      Youtube: TheLonelyFryup

      Current LPs;
      Bioshock Infinite

    • I can tolerate smokers and drinkers to a certain extent. Those who respect my well being as well as my health, I don't mind them because they show that they respect your choice as well as your own decisions. I mean, I have many friends who smoke. Whenever they do, I start to cover my mouth and my nose with a kerchief whenever I can smell it (I've a very good sense of smell and I can detect a smoker from quite a good range if I can't see them) and they don't mind it.

      Drinkers, I'm a drinker myself but personally, I've only every been pissed (and hungover) once in my whole current life. I'm not saying it will not happen again but currently, I don't drink to the point of getting pissed. My drinking limit always gets me crazy and say stupid stuff but it never reaches the point where I can't think clearly or tactically. I've never been one of those touchy egotistical drunks who's asking for a fight or touching women up to the point where it seems like sexual abuse. Nah, I may be a crazy person but I do have respect for other people. Besides, I don't need to get drunk in order to do crazy sh*t, I have my personality to do that for me and heck I much prefer it since I remember the things that happened instead of getting a serious headache and not remembering it. I'm gonna be honest, I can tolerate drunks when they are happy and saying random funny stuff but when they get to the point where they start being abusive or start being touchy, that's when nerves start to get struck. For men, I'd probably beat the hell out of them if I get the chance to. Women on the other hand, I'd give em a good slap to the face and let my lady friends take care of them.

      In light of all the crap I just said (if you went 'tl:dr'), what I'm saying here is that we all have different views and opinions, but we need to learn to respect them in certain manners. I personally had such bad experience from disrespecting certain peoples views and actions and even lost a good chunk of my friends for it. I'm not saying respect them by opposing the view you have but rather see if they can respect your own well being. Obviously don't push your views onto them, I've made that mistake so many times, telling people they never understand. Yeah, don't do that. Instead, if they are willing to respect your well being and not smoke around you or make you feel bad because you don't drink or whatever then respect theirs well beings by not judging them because they do those things. Yeah sure you hate smokers, and you hate sports fanatics etc. but you can't change them. If they force their ways unto you, literally get away from them, they aren't worth it, but if they are willing to respect your views, then simply balance it. If they smoke, tell them they can, but you won't be near them cuz you don't like smoke itself or if they drink, tell them you can't because your keeping a good health routine.

      It's keeping balance that makes it all work. If one is far too heavy compared to the other, you won't make much progress there.

      "When life gives you bullets... ME! CORMANO!"
      Visit meh on deviantART and see all my horrible art stuff
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    • alright so i see you hate people that sport? that is ok just dont be with then.

      you hate people that smoke and drink? ok but hey! i smoke. i snus(swedish tobaco) and i can take a beer or so if am with friends or with my older brother. that you "fucking hate them" well let them snus or smoke its their life. and i dont think you should judge anyone because they smoke or snus.

      and the drinking stuff well you can care about that. depending how much they drink and how often.

      and if you feel for punching them dont. let them smoke, let them snus and drink just let them do what they want but then they face the consequences of the smoking.

      me well i know what the snus the ciggaret does with my body. but i choose to smoke and i stand for it.

      but dont hate them for it. you cant hate a person because he/she smoke etc etc. so my advise is.. avoid them all. or just ignore that they do all this stuff

      [people i like and care about Dawn, krissnumadness, Madklauss, Kahisys, default, fire,Jericho, Flamez, dano, LordVoldemort, Emoteddylion, Toyosatomimi No Miko, Shikieiki Yamaxanadu, Dandy Dragon, Magragosh, Twixie, SqueedilyPlays, ChibiBunny,may837, GamerAddict247,ThatCoderBaron,Misfit the Inhumane, Emily and some more fuckers pm me if i forgot your name.
    • Pfft most 13th years old kids in our country smokes. Anyway, i respect smoker in all ways possible. especially when they follow the rules and older than 17 years old. But those pesky kids.... my god, i can't stand them. Driving a motorcycle without a license, smoke, drink, skip schools n shit. they are definitely somewhere in my shit¬list.

      If you're angry, don't break anybody's heart, they only have one..... Break their bones, they have 206 of them
    • I havent seen any kids nor teens who smoke.
      Altrough I have heard of a multiple kids and teens who smoke,drink alcoholic drinks,do drugs or even all of them.Really why the fuck do they do that?
      And energy drinks oh boy those are dengaruos things to health espacily if you're not even teen or have a weak heart.

      And this is coming from someone who has autism.

      click the image above to see my channel.