java, C++, agk, dark basic, unreal... post anything :-)

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    • java, C++, agk, dark basic, unreal... post anything :-)

      Hello everyone! I have been programming and developing games for 8 years now and I figured I would start a thread for people who do not understand programming, but want to get into it and learn it! I have been doing some youtube vids for programming tutorials here and there and figured why not help my fellow bro's in programming! I will start this thread off by showing some great places to get you started with programming and if anyone has a question or is stuck on something just post it on this thread! This thread is mainly for people just starting out! happy coding!

      1. the new boston is great for java, C++, visual basic and unreal engine! they have thousands of vids to help in many levels of programming.

      2. for any java people there is the coding universe on youtube and many libraries out there for gaming!
      -slick newdawn
      3. I do agk vids on youtube which is app game kit... made to program once and distribute everywhere

      Also if you want, you can share your work, projects or how much you know of programming if you want! I so far have been working on a 3D sandbox game for the PC and iphone. I am planing it to be in a future time set and you explore the galaxies and meet different civilizations while you collect resources to build structures and work with different factions of your own race. I am hoping to get it out in around 5-6 months.
    • I have worked with unity a little... I was looking at the api it has for the javascript and the C# which seem easy, but the Boo script and shader programming I do not know that much on. I would have to test out unity again to remember most of the features and how you setup stuff. GML I have never seen before, but I have worked with GLSL shaders in my apps. I have only got bump maps and wavy grass so far for how GLSL shaders work... the GML I will have to look into. Also thank you for showing me the GML, it looks like I might be able to aply it to my PC dev since I use a little C++ for that :-). Anyways are you having a trouble in unity or GML?
    • wow that would seem a lot of fun! I have one thing to say and a question... first of all I am a very busy person, but I should be able to get in some programming :-)... second thing is a big question, but is it possible since I would do the programming maybe switch the engine? I have worked with unity but I am not total pro with it... something like unreal or AGK... with agk I could get all the same platforms as unreal and unity does, which would also mean you guys wouldn't have to spend so much for unity pro. Anyways don't sweat it if it can only be unity, just suggesting something :) and thanks for allowing me in *brofist*
    • Well, answering your question, if we switch the project, the whole programming burden would fall upon you, as I am not good with other languages.

      But am trying to learn Unity right now.

      We're planning to do a prototype-ish using Game Maker and then use it as an example while remaking it in unity w/ better graphics and stuff.
    • Hmmmm... I guess it will have to be unity then, I am already making my own game with agk already and I don't want an over load with coding. The reason why I brought up agk is because the coding is waaaaay easier then unity. I will start studying unuty during winter break and whenever there is time :)

      Edit: anyways what is the game? And also you want me to create a google doc's for file transfers?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by mrsovr ().

    • ShadowGamers, as for me, it was more of Trial and Error than tutorials. Download a game making software, and experiment with stuff. If it's too hard for you at first, YouTube some video tutorials. Basic ones. Then mess around with the code and fiddle around a bit.

      Eventually, you'll understand what each bit of code is for, and you are open to more experimentation.
    • well I have been looking very little in unity right now... after finals are done I will look at lot more into it for helping out with the coding! Anyways just to mix up the topic a bit I figure I would share with everyone a few projects I have done that are minecraft related and to ask people do you bro's want me to do a series on modding minecraft/java programming tutorial vids? anyways the four vids I have are apart of a game engine built in minecraft (technic), me having redstone control my real life circuits with redstone, and the other two are for my old minecraft mod! check it out, give me a like and I hope you enjoy!

      controlling circuits in real life with redstone:

      game engine:

      mod video 1:

      mod video 2:

      Just to explain a little the mod I made from vid 1 & 2 is a mod with a huge amount of stuff that I added in. I created a new mob called begin men that faught the endermen. both the endermen and beginmen built structures and dig also. There is a slightly more updated version that has the ender dragon in it with villagers fighting dragons... but that was when 1.0 came out.

      EDIT: for the game I have a really really really good terrain software that can create huge wonderful terrains! it can export it as a 3D object with shadow map, specular map, light map, normal map, attribute map and even water map! it is called LT3D... I got a paid version of it, so I can make any terrain out there :)
    • unity codings cool man, if i didnt know how to do BASIC stuff in javascript, i would have never been able to make SANIC R 2.

      so heres a script that makes you go fast:

      Source Code

      1. #pragma strict
      2. function FixedUpdate (){if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) { // get a reference to the script (assuming its name is "HealthScript.js"): var script: Carcontrol = GetComponent(Carcontrol); // access the variable using the reference: script.topSpeed = 10000; script.maxTorque = 2000; script.highSpeedSteerAngel = 0; script.lowSpeedSteerAngel = 0; script.decellarationSpeed = 0; }else if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1")) { var scriptF: Carcontrol = GetComponent(Carcontrol); // access the variable using the reference: scriptF.topSpeed = 450; scriptF.maxTorque = 75; scriptF.highSpeedSteerAngel = 2; scriptF.lowSpeedSteerAngel = 25; scriptF.decellarationSpeed = 30; }}

      and the pitch adjustment to match the speed we're going in:

      Source Code

      1. function FixedUpdate (){if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) { var scriptA: AudioSource = GetComponent(AudioSource); scriptA.pitch = 3; }else if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1")) { var scriptB: AudioSource = GetComponent(AudioSource); scriptB.pitch = 1; }}
    • Aw. Why don't you include the master race? "Master race?", I hear you say? Why Python, of course!

      Nah, it's an okay thread, I get the feeling that the majority of users here don't do much programming of any type.
      Skype: shock_bolt
      Taking help requests related to programming or graphics.
      Contact me on xmpp for blackhat jobs/discussions:
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