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    • I've been having Really bad Anxiety lately so i've not been on the pc much. But If any of you know some good ways to help with or during an Anxiety attack to help calm me down and such . Please tell me. I have had two seizures so far. And My Doctors Do not know if it's mrom my anxiety attacks or not. But anyways. I want to know something that would help calm me down. I do take Medicine for it.
      JON 8)
    • Well, I have anxiety as well, not as bad as you, but still there. Well, I am not sure if this will help you, but it helps me a lot. When I am beginning to feel it coming up on me, I hold my neckless and visualize all of my emotions, feelings moving down my arm and into the neckless. It honestly helps me calm down a lot. So I suggest you fine a object that you always have around you and give it a try? Couldn't hurt at the very least...
      ~Forever Bored~
    • I always have something like that,first thing you have to know is what are driving your anxiety and try to keep your mind out of it,usually helps

      But if nothing in your mind or that you see is driving it i can see that some cha,or water with sugar helps to your become a lot more calm,and try not to think about the anxiety itself it will drive you in a deeper abyss,you have to try control each thought in your head until you this go away.
    • Anxiety can be affected by confidence levels, taking baby steps to improve it could really help but yours sounds really bad and I would suggest seeking further professional help about it. There's not a great deal we can tell you to do or try with the small amount of information you've given us. Obviously don't forget to take your medicine and just try and keep yourself in a calm state and environment.
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    • Anxiety usually has to do with your mentality, phobias, etc., so a therapist might help you narrow down what causes you to have attacks. Even just trying therapy for a short time may help.

      Personally, I have social anxiety disorder and it hurts me too. Usually when I feel afraid in public, I try listening to my iPod. The familiarity of the music always makes me feel better. Taking notes, making lists, doodling on little pieces of paper, or even just sitting down and watching everybody pass by help me. I recommend doing something similar when in anxiety-triggering situations; find something that makes you feel at ease and cozy.

      And in my opinion, confidence has absolutely nothing to do with it. It's about comfort. Try to build comfort, not confidence. There is a huge difference.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Wednesday ().

    • Hi!

      I've been suffering from anxiety, depression and ADD for years and what I've learned after discussing these problems with doctors and other sufferers is that we all deal with it differently.

      What works for me are the things I do to try and prevent anxiety attacks as best I can. Tai Chi and meditation help me a lot. I still get an attack here and there, but not nearly as often as before.

      Personally, once an attack starts, there's nothing I can do. I wait it out. I've been told to try breathing exercises but that never worked. How the hell do I do breathing exercises when I can't breathe during an attack?! lol

      Anyway, I do hope you can find ways to deal. I know what it's like and sometimes hearing that you're not alone provides some comfort at least.

      Good luck! :)
      Keep your expectations low and we'll get along just fine.