Half Life 2/ Half Life 2: Deathmatch

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    • Half Life 2/ Half Life 2: Deathmatch

      Well, actually not a horror game or anything, but still it would be a fun game for Pewdie to play...
      "Why?" You ask.
      Simple answer: The game contains BARRELS! (those damn bastards), chairs (oh hello Mr. Chair *uses gravity gun* WEEEeeEEEEeeE!), and other stuff...
      Like holding objects in the air just like in amnesia and talk with them. Then end the conversation with launching the object with your Gravitythingy.
      example: *Pewdie walks up to a chair* Pewdie:"Oh hello Mr. Chair" Mr. Chair:"Hello Pewdie" *Combine shows up* Pewdie: "Oh shizzle ma' nizzle! Mr. Chair! CHAIRMODE! NOW!" *Launches Mr. Chair towards the combine bastard with high speed* Mr. Chair while in air:"Pewdie I love youuuuuu! Chairmode activated! *B00P*" *hits the combine and kills it* Pewdie: "Another job well done!" ^^
      ...So anyways, just imagine Pewdie playing it when the game is filled with barrels, and Pewdie is equipped with a gravity gun to pick up stuff and throw it away etc.
      Just a suggestion... :)

      "...My goal is to brofist every bro in the universe..."
      ...Avatar made by Stephanie... [Stephano's Girlfriend]