My opinion about this forum

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    • My opinion about this forum

      Well... I've been on this forum for quite awhile. The count of my posts maybe is not proving it, but I was just "observing" the life here for a few weeks.

      I have to say that this is a good forum with many helpful threads. I could find some interesting games and solutions for problems in games I already started. I also saw quite a few threads that could help me increasing my abilities in graphics and join one of the game creating teams, which is simply awesome.

      The only problem I see here is spam. So many people are just writing senseless posts to get a better rank, f. ex. a person writes one-two words in a post and an emoticon in the next in the same thread. The problem of spam is also present in the chat box, where dear bros are sending the same one entry multiple times on purpose. It annoys me to no end. There is also quite a mess in chat box section - many threads are multiplied and still open. The newer threads are better looked after, but I believe Admins should sacrifice those max. 2 hours and take care of that.

      (Sorry for my English - it's not my first language.)

    • Well, I was just kidding.

      The mods obviously do go there and try to clean them. But there are lots and lots of threads.

      There is 20044 posts and 642 threads. o:

      It would take forever to clean them.

      Plus, if anyone is trying to get their post-count up by posting in the Off-Topic section, that wouldn't work.
    • Addictive_Placebo wrote:

      f spam is also present in the chat box, where dear bros are sending the same one entry multiple times on purpose. It annoys me to no end.

      If that's directed at me, sorry xD It's usually to tell people I'm online and moderating the shoutbox but don't want to talk. And there are a lot of other things that are more important than the shoutbox/chatbox. Espcially the youtube section. Alot, and I mean A LOT of threads go in there every day and we needa clean them all out pretty fast. So more attention is directed towards the more important topics, but that doesn't mean me just ignore those. I just skimmed through the chat box and found little to no out of place posts. And as sharky said, posting or repping in off topic topics don't contribute to your overall
      post count/reputation modifier. I will how ever look through it again and delete any annoying posts in the near future :)
    • I am behind the scenes normally, and I make sure than things are getting looked at in reports as well as making sure rules are being followed in the youtube section. I do sometimes go in the shout box and say hi, but for the most part, I'm not seen. c:

      "Lefi is lefi
      if someone try to change lefi
      lefi will be mad
      lefi will fak yer shit up"
      Brootal c:

      I love Mkerix, more than my Pokemon.<3