Your Last Good Deed

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    • Your Last Good Deed

      As always apologies if a thread like this has been made before.

      Anyway I was wanting to discuss and find out what everyone's last good deed that they have done was while walking amongst this meat filled Earth. This idea came across my mind a couple of hours ago when I saw a homeless man shivering in the pouring rain while I stood at a bus stop. My city centre is pretty busy this time of year but no one seemed to be giving notice that this poor, bearded dude was out in the cold and suffering for no good reason that I knew of.
      I generally try to help these types of people out by getting them hot food and drink because well it is the decent thing to do. I was going to go a step further today because this particular person was actually slumped shivering outside our city train station which has a hotel next to it. Anyway my idea was to pay to let him have a night at this place and also pay for him to have a hot meal made by the hotel restaurant. I left my post at my bus stop and made my way over to the fellow until I noticed a woman literally appeared out of no where and instantly offered the same thing. The guy was obviously ill from the gold and couldn't talk properly from all the shivering (It gets incredibly cold in the UK at this time of year).

      I thanked the lady for doing this kind deed and went on my way. At that particular moment I was rather happy that other people in the world actually gave a damn about the less fortunate and wondered if anyone on this board has ever gone out of their way to help someone? It doesn't have to be a homeless person but any good deed of that capacity will do :)
      There is always time for muffins.
    • I can't think of anything off the top of my head but one time this guy, really rough looking with tattoos and tattered clothing asked me for change and I told him I'd be coming back that way shortly and would have change... I'd just been paid and went to go get a 20 out of the bank and with that money I paid off the rest of a deposit for a video game and then bought lunch from a gregs and I had about £3.70 or so left which I was going to give the guy (meaning I'd have to walk instead of get the bus but it was a nice summer's day) and then I saw him come out of a newsagents about 50 yards from where he was sat laughing with two bottles of whiskey so I just thought to myself, "only you can help yourself mate, on one else"

      However I just saw this on facebook:
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    • I don't know my most recent good deeds because I always do them everyday. My most recent ones are along the areas of helping people who have lost love ones as well as people whom are struggling with their life due to their health.

      My biggest recent good deed was that I had given my own time which I was going to use to do my college work to help a friend of my mother. Her husband recently died and she was asking people to help her out with things such as creating videos to commemorate her husband as well as recording the actual funeral service itself. It wasn't anything special and anyone could have done it, but it made me feel very honoured when she asked me instead of anyone else that she knew, so I did it. I spent 4 days of my half term (that week off we get here in England due to season changes) which I could've spent doing a huge chunk of my coursework, helping her before, during and after the funeral service instead. It may not seem like a daunting task but it took me as well as a group of friends and family friends to set up everything and it was definitely something I never regret doing. I may be lacking time to do my coursework now for my art but I'm ok with it because I knew I spent my time helping someone to make the best funeral for their loved one instead of wasting it on doing something else that may not even be so important. I didn't want to do it at first because it involved being in contact with the Catholic Church in our area and I'm not a religious person but I respected my mother's friend and I am willing to put that religion thing behind me in order to help out in the best ways I could.

      That's my story, it's nothing like helping a stranger, but to be fair, my mother's friend and I don't know each other that well so in a sense, she is still a bit of a stranger to me.

      "When life gives you bullets... ME! CORMANO!"
      Visit meh on deviantART and see all my horrible art stuff
      ChronoPinoyX deviantART
    • Well, there are plenty of times I've helped others but there was one time when I saw an old man lying on the ground in his own blood. I've called the ambulance and until
      they got there I've tried to help him in anyway I could. Short version.
      <--- Oh, you hate me son?
    • I think the good deed I've done a lot lately, is over tip waitresses and food delivery people.
      They look so surprised, and I've had a few people hug me and start crying because they're so happy.
      You know, people don't understand that sometimes these 40 year old people are making their money off of these tips, and to over tip by like 10 dollars, it makes their days/month. I earn my money from doing things around the house for my mom and dad, and then well, I do the right thing with it. c: Makes me feel good as well.

      "Lefi is lefi
      if someone try to change lefi
      lefi will be mad
      lefi will fak yer shit up"
      Brootal c:

      I love Mkerix, more than my Pokemon.<3
    • Hmmmmm. The last time would have to be a couple days ago I was in front of walmart waiting for my ride, cars were lining up waiting for this lady to leave but her car wouldn't go in reverse. So I walked to the front of her car and pushed it out of the parking space for her. Figured it was the least I could do because my car doesn't always like to go in reverse either, and the same thing happened to me the day before and a guy helped me push my car out. Lol.
    • last good thing i did.... hmmmmm


      i think i helped my cat get down from a tree while the branch it was on was going to snap
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    • Well I'm not good with recalling certain things but the last good deed I did was a long time ago.
      I could say the good deeds I had done.

      In the past, my parents and I used to go to some of the old folks home to help the elderly. I was very young so I just do small things and the best thing for me to go to one of the rest home...there was a parrot called Polly. I would go straight to her cage and greet her.

      Rather than just helping people in need, I like animals so I helped as much as I can.
      Back in Malaysia, SPCA is opened to anybody who wanted to help. They don't really mind the age, they just want people to help but I didn't help them yet.

      Since I live in New Zealand now, SPCA here only allows the age of 16 and above.
      I have to wait for another year or so because I'm too young which I'm quite frustrated about it.
      But I'm doing SPCA donation drive next Saturday with my friend so that's all I can do for SPCA.