First Date Advice

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    • First Date Advice

      Hey guys I haven't been on a real date since November last year and I've got like 2 hours so help me out fast! XD and don't say just google these questions because you guys have first hand advice that I can clearly see is more extensive than any google search :) anyway...

      I just need some tips on:
      - What to look for (signs that she might like me or want to take it further)
      - Things I can say to sound sweet and not come on too strong or sound creepy (give me examples of both - just right and too creepy/strong :p)
      - If anyone has seen 007: Skyfall are there any good moments to lean in for a kiss?

      Cheers in advance
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    • Remember, this is a first date so this means that you gotta be really on your toes here.

      Signs are always the hard part. We males often have problems interpreting female signs correctly.
      I'd be taking it easy on this part, dont look for any would be my advice.

      Things to say: This is also kinda hard. You have to choose something to compliment, but shouldnt be too friendly nor too creepy.
      Finding the midway is true skill, but complimenting looks/outfit would be enough for the first time.
      And i heard skyfall is a great movie, so try to enjoy it instead of having the aim of getting a kiss during the movie.

      The best kiss is the goodbye kiss.
      Because it makes both parts think, alot.
    • Some how part of this seems troll but some of it doesnt...

      If this is your first date it can be tricky for the 'kiss' part, as some women believe there shouldn't be a kiss on the first date, and some do.
      We also can't really help unless we know the situation, where you're going what you'll be doing, how old you both are, etc etc.
      Is it just the movies, or what else.
      It depends on the type of girl as to what you can do. Some have a sense of humor and pulling the ol' Yawn, stretch, and arm around her can work but only on certain types. Others it will just be weird.
      Personally you're there for a movie, not to make chat or quite hoenstly do anything, or at least in her eyes it's jsut testing the water.
      Slip in some funny remarks about things in the movie, but dont do it often some don't like it.

      Over all though man... It's your first date, don't worry about stuff and be yourself, you don't need to be looking out for signs as it's in a theatre, when you're sitting and having together, THAT'S when you worry. :)

      A successful date is all in the details.
    • BurstCraftGaming wrote:

      Some how part of this seems troll but some of it doesnt...

      If this is your first date it can be tricky for the 'kiss' part, as some women believe there shouldn't be a kiss on the first date, and some do. And then obviously there is the more sluttier dates that let you go all the way.
      We also can't really help unless we know the situation, where you're going what you'll be doing, how old you both are, etc etc.

      A successful date is all in the details.
      I am pretty sure Charles haves a good taste in the opposite sex and hopefully haves a semi-slutty girl. They are the best.
    • Br00tal wrote:

      BurstCraftGaming wrote:

      Some how part of this seems troll but some of it doesnt...

      If this is your first date it can be tricky for the 'kiss' part, as some women believe there shouldn't be a kiss on the first date, and some do. And then obviously there is the more sluttier dates that let you go all the way.
      We also can't really help unless we know the situation, where you're going what you'll be doing, how old you both are, etc etc.

      A successful date is all in the details.
      I am pretty sure Charles haves a good taste in the opposite sex and hopefully haves a semi-slutty girl. They are the best.

      I edited my post bro ;)

      We gotta know the age of them both and abit of info abou tthe girl. Thats the major points needing to be stated first up.
    • Br00tal wrote:

      Remember, this is a first date so this means that you gotta be really on your toes here.

      Signs are always the hard part. We males often have problems interpreting female signs correctly.
      I'd be taking it easy on this part, dont look for any would be my advice.

      Things to say: This is also kinda hard. You have to choose something to compliment, but shouldnt be too friendly nor too creepy.
      Finding the midway is true skill, but complimenting looks/outfit would be enough for the first time.
      And i heard skyfall is a great movie, so try to enjoy it instead of having the aim of getting a kiss during the movie.

      The best kiss is the goodbye kiss.
      Because it makes both parts think, alot.

      Thanks man, you're right... I'm way over worrying about trying to impress and getting her to like me it's just been THAT long XD

      BurstCraftGaming wrote:

      Some how part of this seems troll but some of it doesnt...

      If this is your first date it can be tricky for the 'kiss' part, as some women believe there shouldn't be a kiss on the first date, and some do.
      We also can't really help unless we know the situation, where you're going what you'll be doing, how old you both are, etc etc.
      Is it just the movies, or what else.
      It depends on the type of girl as to what you can do. Some have a sense of humor and pulling the ol' Yawn, stretch, and arm around her can work but only on certain types. Others it will just be weird.
      Personally you're there for a movie, not to make chat or quite hoenstly do anything, or at least in her eyes it's jsut testing the water.
      Slip in some funny remarks about things in the movie, but dont do it often some don't like it.

      Over all though man... It's your first date, don't worry about stuff and be yourself, you don't need to be looking out for signs as it's in a theatre, when you're sitting and having together, THAT'S when you worry. :)

      A successful date is all in the details.

      This post is not a troll in the slightest, I need legit help :')
      We're both 17 and she seems more like the innocent type, she's really cute and short with brown hair and brown eyes :)

      Br00tal wrote:

      I want all the secret details from the date when its over.
      Charles, you know where you have me babe <3 XD

      Her reactions to different actions are important to remember, it can be used for analyzing behaviour.
      That could make us give you advice on what to do next.

      Don't worry, I'll be sure to blog about it! ;)

      Morgrayne wrote:

      Grow a beard.
      That's all you need.

      I'm working on that XD I've never had a great deal of facial hair (or any at all) but in the last few months I've been getting thicker, black stubble...
      hopefully it'll start to come out when I partake in movember (were you don't shave for all of November)
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    • Ah the first date. I remember those from back when I was a kid. They were sessions of pure excitement, yet fear! The thought of something going wrong was immensely irksome, like the dreadful feeling of negative butterflies in your stomach.

      After going on a number back in the day of high school and college and can give you some pretty sound advice when it comes to these events, especially your first. Even though it has obviously passed and you have gone on it I will share these words to future worriers.

      Br00tal give me a drum roll please!

      1: Relax and have fun. This is only a lady we are talking about, sure she maybe sexilicious but if you end up freaking out and looking scared then it will only be an unpleasent night. Treat her a bit like if she was one of your friends. If you go all hyper round friends then don't do that but you know be laid back and just enjoy the time you have together.

      2: Talk about her and add little notes in about you inbetween. Ladies love it when you are interested in who they are and showing that you want to know more about them. Ask them questions that you would generally find on a personality questionaire e.g. favourite movies, music, life goals, etc. Be open minded about what they have to say too. Also show that you aren't trying to get her to do all the talking by adding in your own opinions. When she says what music she likes and you ask why then say "Oh that is cool! I remember hearing that one song they did, yadda, yadda, have you heard of [insert my favourite band] I think they are pretty awesome!" This way you are keep a conversation going. A first date is all about getting to know each other and having fun. You want to be doing a lot of talking, so have fun getting to know the lady in your life!

      3: Pay for stuff. Yeah this might be cliche but it shows the signs of a gentleman. You want to make this person feel like she is having a great time with someone who doesn't mind splashing a bit of cash to do it. Never let her pay for anything on a first date. NEVER. If she stands by her position as someone who wants to chip in then accept that and let her do so. But offer to initially do it with cash in hand is always a nice image.

      4: The signs! Look for the signs! Don't know the signs?! I will tell you the signs! Eye contact, smiling, embarrased laughing, fumbling of the hands, eye contact!. I know I keep saying eye contact but always make sure you glance to her and smile. Don't make a creepy, tooth showing grin like you want to roofie her in a back alley but just give her a pleasent smile during your moments of silence to show that you are still having a good time. If she keeps glancing at you with a slight smile on her face then she thinks you are a sexy beast! A SEXY BEAST!

      5: Don't try and kiss her or hold her hand unless... This one is a major booboo and quite a grey area when it comes to dating. If she is a shy person then don't force this kind of thing on her as she will find it uncomfortable and forced. If she is chatty and playful then still don't do it! Why? She is probably expecting it. As I said this is a first date, so you want to be getting to know each other first. But just because you aren't swapping spit or playing footsy doesn't mean you can't invade her personal space. The gentle touch or soft poke is a sign of interested interaction. Pretend you are playing a game of snooker in a bar or the cinema game room. Pretend you just did an awesome shot that she initially missed, this is where you gently poke her arm and jokingly tease her. Don't start carressing her and running your tongue on her face while saying "who is your daddy?" but just be playful and touch her shoulder briefly while going "Aaaah ha how about that? Think you can beat that?" This goes with rule #1. Have fun with her!

      Finally to end #5. As I said don't expect to kiss her or anything. When you are both about to go seperate ways for the night, simply put your hand on her arm and say that you have had a great time and hope that you can both do it again. If you both got on really well then try and go in for the good bye hug. Don't hang on like a puppy hanging off a cliff or a creep who sniffs people's hair while hugging, just a quick 2 second hug and then let her go on her way. If she looks back then WOOO! You are in dawg!

      6# Don't text her or call her after. Show that you are laid back. Give it a day and then during the afternoon next day send her a text, facebook, whatever saying that you had a great time and thank her for making it awesome. That way it adds casual talk with a nice little compliment.

      There is always time for muffins.
    • Noirproxy wrote:

      Ah the first date. I remember those from back when I was a kid. They were sessions of pure excitement, yet fear! The thought of something going wrong was immensely irksome, like the dreadful feeling of negative butterflies in your stomach.

      After going on a number back in the day of high school and college and can give you some pretty sound advice when it comes to these events, especially your first. Even though it has obviously passed and you have gone on it I will share these words to future worriers.

      Br00tal give me a drum roll please!

      1: Relax and have fun. This is only a lady we are talking about, sure she maybe sexilicious but if you end up freaking out and looking scared then it will only be an unpleasent night. Treat her a bit like if she was one of your friends. If you go all hyper round friends then don't do that but you know be laid back and just enjoy the time you have together.

      2: Talk about her and add little notes in about you inbetween. Ladies love it when you are interested in who they are and showing that you want to know more about them. Ask them questions that you would generally find on a personality questionaire e.g. favourite movies, music, life goals, etc. Be open minded about what they have to say too. Also show that you aren't trying to get her to do all the talking by adding in your own opinions. When she says what music she likes and you ask why then say "Oh that is cool! I remember hearing that one song they did, yadda, yadda, have you heard of [insert my favourite band] I think they are pretty awesome!" This way you are keep a conversation going. A first date is all about getting to know each other and having fun. You want to be doing a lot of talking, so have fun getting to know the lady in your life!

      3: Pay for stuff. Yeah this might be cliche but it shows the signs of a gentleman. You want to make this person feel like she is having a great time with someone who doesn't mind splashing a bit of cash to do it. Never let her pay for anything on a first date. NEVER. If she stands by her position as someone who wants to chip in then accept that and let her do so. But offer to initially do it with cash in hand is always a nice image.

      4: The signs! Look for the signs! Don't know the signs?! I will tell you the signs! Eye contact, smiling, embarrased laughing, fumbling of the hands, eye contact!. I know I keep saying eye contact but always make sure you glance to her and smile. Don't make a creepy, tooth showing grin like you want to roofie her in a back alley but just give her a pleasent smile during your moments of silence to show that you are still having a good time. If she keeps glancing at you with a slight smile on her face then she thinks you are a sexy beast! A SEXY BEAST!

      5: Don't try and kiss her or hold her hand unless... This one is a major booboo and quite a grey area when it comes to dating. If she is a shy person then don't force this kind of thing on her as she will find it uncomfortable and forced. If she is chatty and playful then still don't do it! Why? She is probably expecting it. As I said this is a first date, so you want to be getting to know each other first. But just because you aren't swapping spit or playing footsy doesn't mean you can't invade her personal space. The gentle touch or soft poke is a sign of interested interaction. Pretend you are playing a game of snooker in a bar or the cinema game room. Pretend you just did an awesome shot that she initially missed, this is where you gently poke her arm and jokingly tease her. Don't start carressing her and running your tongue on her face while saying "who is your daddy?" but just be playful and touch her shoulder briefly while going "Aaaah ha how about that? Think you can beat that?" This goes with rule #1. Have fun with her!

      Finally to end #5. As I said don't expect to kiss her or anything. When you are both about to go seperate ways for the night, simply put your hand on her arm and say that you have had a great time and hope that you can both do it again. If you both got on really well then try and go in for the good bye hug. Don't hang on like a puppy hanging off a cliff or a creep who sniffs people's hair while hugging, just a quick 2 second hug and then let her go on her way. If she looks back then WOOO! You are in dawg!

      6# Don't text her or call her after. Show that you are laid back. Give it a day and then during the afternoon next day send her a text, facebook, whatever saying that you had a great time and thank her for making it awesome. That way it adds casual talk with a nice little compliment.


      Thanks for the amazing advice man but looks like I'll have to save it away for next time... it was what I can only describe as the absolute date from hell... I mean I've been on awkward dates before but this just tipped the scale... normally if a girl I've just got interested gets a maximum of 5 strikes (things that annoy me or put me down or are just a plain out no-no) in my mind then she's considered finished and I hardly speak to them again... I think by the end of the date she was in double figures... SERIOUSLY... She actually leaned in for the kiss before leaving (will explain why she left early when I write my blog later - be sure to read it, it's one hell of a cringe-fest!!) but I pulled away and when she left I sprawled out my legs, laid back with my arms on both arm rests and enjoyed the ending (something else happened after that but that's for the blog) The highlight of my day was listening to heavy metal love songs whilst on the bus getting there! -.- ugh
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    • As a girl, I believe just to be yourself.
      Some girls might like charming, witty, sarcastic guys, but to hell with that.

      Its always the best to be genuine and nice. Don't be overly sweet, girls don't like fake.

      Do the gentlemen thing, like holding open the door and pull up a chair.

      i don't have much to say, but I hope this was of some help.
      Link Start!
    • "As a girl, I believe just to be yourself.
      Some girls might like charming, witty, sarcastic guys, but to hell with that.

      Its always the best to be genuine and nice. Don't be overly sweet, girls don't like fake.

      Do the gentlemen thing, like holding open the door and pull up a chair.

      i don't have much to say, but I hope this was of some help."

      Thing is though.... there are guys that can be overly sweet and not fake.... I thinkif i was to classify myself as something it'd be that, too sweet. :P
    • I'm going to be honest. From the blog you wrote she seemed a little...weird. It sounded like she had maaaaajor emotional backage and I think the sign that the date had ended was when she broke down crying. She then puts fuel on the fail fire by asking about your ex? Seriously? That is really private and none of her business like you said.

      I think you did the right thing not giving in to temptation when she left. You sound like you gave it a go but she ultimately made it not work out. Not your loss, just hers really. Either way you will find someone even awesomer next time! Can't believe you got to go see Skyfall! Jealoooooous! I tried making my girlfriend go for a late showing as she finished work but she wouldn't even negotiate with free tickets and food :'-( That is Taken 2 and Skyfall that I am going to have to wait for Bluray now *cries*

      The thing to do now if you are really still interested is to wait it out. Don't contact her unless she contacts you. I don't really see any reason for you to try and make the effort after all the original effort you made. The fact she buggered off during the date would grind my gears too.

      There is onyl one thing you could have done during that situation and that is following her out of the cinema well the rest is shown in this little video...

      There is always time for muffins.
    • Br00tal wrote:

      Remember, this is a first date so this means that you gotta be really on your toes here.

      Signs are always the hard part. We males often have problems interpreting female signs correctly.
      I'd be taking it easy on this part, dont look for any would be my advice.

      Things to say: This is also kinda hard. You have to choose something to compliment, but shouldnt be too friendly nor too creepy.
      Finding the midway is true skill, but complimenting looks/outfit would be enough for the first time.
      And i heard skyfall is a great movie, so try to enjoy it instead of having the aim of getting a kiss during the movie.

      The best kiss is the goodbye kiss.
      Because it makes both parts think, alot.
      Yo, I am doin almost the same thing, but i just wanted to say. Thanks bro. That deserves a nice big brofist.
      • brofist.jpg

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