Epic RP with Val

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    • Epic RP with Val

      Dangerouscloud: and also Pewdie

      Mr Chair: *Sees the comments start to stop, then start up again with " You lie" and stuff*

      Mr Chair: It's true *Looks down*

      Dangerouscloud: we are sorry

      Dangerouscloud: who wants to kill the barrels?

      Dangerouscloud: Comment "We want to kill you"

      Dangerouscloud: crap I knew this would happen Mr.Chair

      Dangerouscloud: They will kill me and you

      Mr Chair: Well you know what, you realize thats the things that you are saying, make you part of the barrell army, not the Bro

      Dangerouscloud: Wait I am part of the broarmy

      Dangerouscloud: we are the only loyal bros left

      Mr Chair: Yeah *Gets up and walks a little away from the desk* I wish this was a dream

      Mr Chair: *Gets something from pocket but doesn't show Piggeh*

      Dangerouscloud: I don't wanna die

      Dangerouscloud: Mr. Chair I'll protect you!

      Dangerouscloud: At all costs

      Mr Chair: *Keeps back turned* I wish this was a dream, cos then this would wake me up *Slits throat*

      Dangerouscloud: nooooooooooooooooooooooo​oooooooooooooo

      Mr Chair: Marzi: You guys nearly done?

      Dangerouscloud: MR.CHAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Dangerouscloud: huh?

      Mr Chair: Marzi: What happened?

      Dangerouscloud: Pewdiepie died

      Dangerouscloud: so did Stephano and Mr. Chair killed himself

      Dangerouscloud: [frown]

      Mr Chair: Marzi [kiss] Put hand to mouth* Oh no, I had to tell Feilx something

      Mr Chair: * :

      Dangerouscloud: Marzia can you forgive us?

      Mr Chair: Marzi: I think, I know It's not your fault, but that thing was really important, i don't think it matters now

      Dangerouscloud: What was it?

      Mr Chair: Marzi: Nothing

      Dangerouscloud: okay

      Dangerouscloud: I miss him and now the broarmy wants to kill me

      Mr Chair: Marzi: I wanted to tell him before you guys

      Dangerouscloud: [worried]

      Dangerouscloud: What is it you won't be able to tell him before us

      Mr Chair: Marzi: I don't know If I should tell you *Bites lower lip*

      Dangerouscloud: What is it

      Dangerouscloud: I want to know

      Mr Chair: Marzi: I'm....I'm... Oh I can't say it!

      Dangerouscloud: TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​!!!!!!

      Dangerouscloud: NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Dangerouscloud: are you pregnant?

      Mr Chair: Marzi: I'M , *Sighs* yes

      Dangerouscloud: OMG

      Dangerouscloud: *takes knife and accidentally stabs Marzi's stomachs*

      Mr Chair: Marzi: I should have told him before he- *Screams*

      Dangerouscloud: woops OMG I am so sorry

      Dangerouscloud: *does CPR*

      Mr Chair: Marzi: Why would you do that!!

      Dangerouscloud: I was gonna kill that barrel behind you

      Dangerouscloud: *pushes Marzia outta the way and kills the barrel*

      Dangerouscloud: Are you gonna be okay?

      Mr Chair: Marzi: Oh okay, I mite be okay *Looks at ground* No blood, I'm good

      Dangerouscloud: okay that was lucky

      Dangerouscloud: how about the baby?

      Mr Chair: Marzi: It'll be okay

      Dangerouscloud: good

      Dangerouscloud: *walks to window*

      Dangerouscloud: OMG the broarmy is surrounding the house!

      Dangerouscloud: They want to kill me

      Mr Chair: Oh no

      Mr Chair: What will we do?

      Dangerouscloud: I will surrender

      Mr Chair: You can't do that

      Dangerouscloud: *looks down*

      Dangerouscloud: YES I WILL

      Dangerouscloud: I will save the baby

      Mr Chair: Don't

      Dangerouscloud: *Walks to the door and looks back* Goodbye Marzi and my life

      Mr Chair: Wait

      Dangerouscloud: What?

      Mr Chair: *Walks to Piggeh, kisses him*

      Dangerouscloud: OMG

      Mr Chair: You may never be kissed again

      Dangerouscloud: *runs out and attacks the broarmy*

      Dangerouscloud: I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Dangerouscloud: *takes out knife and arrow and asword and kills poeple

      Dangerouscloud: *

      Dangerouscloud: *kills 1/4 of the broarmy*

      Dangerouscloud: *falls to the ground in pain*

      Dangerouscloud: ow

      Dangerouscloud: [frown]

      Mr Chair: *Puts arm around stomach and watches Piggeh fight, grabs phone and dials a number* Hey, Pewdie's friend Piggeh needs help, thanks *Hangs up, sees Piggeh, runs to help*

      Mr Chair: Don't worry, Cry is coming to help, with his mates

      Dangerouscloud: *about to die*

      Dangerouscloud: uuu

      Dangerouscloud: people are gathering around run!

      Mr Chair: *Holds Piggehs hand* Please, do it for Mr chair, and Felix and Stephano, please stay with me

      Dangerouscloud: *dies*

      Mr Chair: *Takes gun out of sock, shoots 2/4 of the broarmy*

      Mr Chair: *Holds Piggehs hand till Cry comes*

      Dangerouscloud: Cry: need help?

      Mr Chair: *Nods*

      Dangerouscloud: *takes out gun and shoots 3/4 of broarmy?

      Dangerouscloud: *

      Dangerouscloud: *1/2 of cry's army dies*

      Mr Chair: Thanks Cry for coming

      Mr Chair: Sadly Pewdie, has past on

      Dangerouscloud: NOOOOOOOO

      Dangerouscloud: *Cry gets shot in the arm*

      Mr Chair: CRY NO!

      Dangerouscloud: *falls to the ground*

      Dangerouscloud: I'm gonna die

      Dangerouscloud: *blood rushing out*

      Dangerouscloud: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa​aaaaaaaa

      Mr Chair: Please no I have lost too many today

      Dangerouscloud: *lokks to the ground hoping to stay alive*

      Dangerouscloud: *looks

      Mr Chair: *Cries*

      Dangerouscloud: I-I-I *dies*

      Mr Chair: WHY!!

      Dangerouscloud: Skully:I will save the day

      Dangerouscloud: *Shoots the rest of the broarmy*

      Mr Chair: Whats the point, I lost too many

      Dangerouscloud: No more will die

      Mr Chair: Make that 1 more *Shoots self*

      Dangerouscloud: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO​OOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!​!!!!

      Dangerouscloud: *shhots self*

      Dangerouscloud: Scene

      Dangerouscloud: the end