Game Suggestion

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  • Game Suggestion

    Hey Pewds,

    I dunno if you own Starcraft2 or not, but if you do, you should check out the custom game Haunted Forest in the arcade section of it. Its a Slenderman inspired custom game and it is pretty well made. It works the same way slenderman does, you start in a dark spooky forest and try to collect the 19 crates all the while trying to avoid the crazy shedevil who wants to touch your butt and not in a good way. Like slenderman if you look at her for too long you die, but unlike slenderman she has a few more tricks up her sleeve other then just randomly appearing in front of you. The custom game currently has 2 levels and an option to try to beat both levels with in one try for those who are up to the challenge. Also the game is multiplayer and up to 6 players can play at the same time. I saw your thread about how you were looking for new co-op games, and while Haunted Forest isn't very in-depth, its still a fun horror/jumpscare game that is also co-op and I think is right up your ally.