I feel like a loser!

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    • I feel like a loser!

      I said this in one of my blogs but i want to write it also here:

      ''I feel so alone those days! I have many social problems in school. I feel like I don't have any friends anymore. They started to making fun of me. At first it was friendly. I was like: '' Ok, a joke never hurted anyone.'' But now they say those jokes all day and that makes me feel really sad. They don't want to understand me. All they want is to see me in pain. I try my hardest to show them I don't care, but it's really difficult for me. I just want to go to them, while speaking behind my back and insulting me, and say: ''FUCK YOU ALL!!'' But I don't want to do that because I know that's what some of them want me to do. They want to see me suffer that's all. And it's not that but they started to hide things from me. And not something personal like: ''You know I am in love with that girl, please don't tell it'' but things like:''We will go all out!'' And they wouldn't tell me to come before I hear them and say that I heard it, even though they didn't invite me.

      But answer me this, if you read this, can I consider you my friend since we are all bros? Can I tell you my pain? Can I tell you the things that makes me sad? Can you make me to not feel so lonenly anymore? ''
    • If its in school, try taking it up with a teacher or an elder close to you and discuss the problem.
      I've been bullied in school for some years and i know what you feel.
      I myself stopped the bullying with a act of using my physical strength. You can use anything to make them stop yourself, or with an elders/friends help.

      Once, i learned a lesson i still stick to now at this point.

      Never, ever tell anyone the truth of anything that happened in your life or is happening.
      It will most likely be used against you.

      Its my paranoid mind telling me this, i might be wrong - i might be right, who knows.
    • Don't listen to br00tal, he was rational , reasoning with experience...
      What I think you should do is... run... run like never before, okay just kidding...
      but starting doing a professional sport did help me... track and field :D
      You can find friends there as well, and they will defend you if needed but you'll be
      able to protect yourself...
      Today I'm gonna get a lot of paragon points! +5 paragon
      <--- Oh, you hate me son?
    • Friends can hurt you the most, more than enemies ever could, but when you're in a situation like that you sometimes blow it out of proportion, i had a similar thing and my mates were doin stuff without inviting me and would gang up on me a bit. I got really annoyed with them, in the end a "meeting" was called between me and one of them with both our mums in my sitting room. I can tell you it broke all known boundaries of awkwardness i had ever known, but things got better after that lol. Anyways, my advice (it may be crap or not applicable, if so ignore it) is ask yourself whether they're actual friends and care at all, (in which case ask organize a super awkward meeting or some shizz) if not, leave em be and join some clubs and make new friends! Really hope this helps bro. Oh, and promise not to use your hollow mask on them? :D
    • I feel like I need to respond to this message, although i've never been bullied in my life. This probably makes it a little bit harder to relate with you, but i'll give it my best shot, since you are a fellow-bro ^^. As probably most people have already told, you should not feed the bullies. You reacting to them will only increase the problem since they get the attention that they seek. Ofcourse, this is easier said than done. I think the best thing to do is find power in numbers. Try to find people with common interests ( probably video games and stuff? ) And just hangout with them, eventually those other bullies won't even look at you anymore, since you are just minding your own business. In any case, don't provoke them to make comments by intentially looking at them etc. I think you have to make a choice, either go full in by standing up and showing they should not mess with you. Or to just keep a low profile and avoid contact ( I guess the second one is the better one ).

      When I was in high school I actually had several people asking me for help with their bullying problem. Although I did help them, they all had certain stuff which really provoked the bullying... although people love the expression 'just always be yourself' I don't fully agree with it. Some actions can be very provocative and you should stop doing those. Be objective to yourself. 'always be yourself, unless you get yourself in trouble with it'. Sadly we live in a world where apparently not every one can be themselves, unless they want to face the (possible consequences). It's your choice which path you are gonna take.
    • Might sound brutal but telling adults won't solve shit. The teachers cant touch the kids without the parents sueing them, and its not like the parents will improve their child, since if they had their minds right, the kids wouldnt be fucking everything up in the first place.

      What solved bullying for me: My fist to the bully's face on a winter afternoon after him coming at me for owning him in a snowball fight. His nose cried red, his eyes cried white, and he ran away from there in tears, infront of the entire class. After that event the worst he ever gave me (apart from a couple other provoked fights, inspired by his surrounding friends) was an evil look from across the classroom.

      Don't be afraid to use your fists when the bully doesnt show a strict line of where not to cross.
    • Friends can be dickheads sometimes my friends annoy me and I annoy them but your bullying problem seems to be a bit more (unfriendly) so i would say that you could join to a sport or join a club where you can meet new people or just discuss that you dont want your friends to treat you like that anymore. One of my friends got bullied by some of my other friends ( I didn't take part in it) but he got bullied and he ended up begging them to stop and crying. Then they found out how seriously they have hurt.. Then all that bullying stopped.. :P Sry for my bad english
    • PlatonD you are not alone in this experience. I had been the victim to bullying for years and it went through different levels from bad to worse. I'm going to tell you how I got through it in hopes of enlightening you that things ultimately get a lot better the further you are in life.

      When I was a toddler my parents seperated and I grew up travelling between both my parents houses. One day when I was six years old while my mum had been seeing someone who she would later marry, she told me that I would soon be moving away from my dad to live somewhere completely new. Now back then in primary school I had a bunch of great friends, though that was the given of been so young as children at that age all want to play with each other. I was very socially awkward though. My dad was my best friend during those times and he introduced me to everything that made me what I am today e.g. video games, amazing horror/ action movies, Warhammer, comic books, everything. I grew up been incredibly attached to my dad and my social life suffered because of it.

      Anyway I moved to a place called Leeds with my mum and her then fiance and obviously I went to a new school. This one was not welcoming at all and I was picked on on a regular basis. This happens to the new kid though as with anyone who joins a new school where all the kids know each other. Either way it went on and on for years and I just accepted it because when I went home I would just fall into my need to play video games and just go off into other worlds. At that same time I began to take my drawing more seriously and I realised that I didn't need to be accepted to be happy. I could enjoy my own things and not give a toss what other people thought. Sure the name calling went on and on (I ended up taking my then step dads name, which was Elders. Elders Smellders, get it?)

      I eventually then went to high school, a really rough high school where I was bullied again for another two years. At this point I was a fully fledged gamer at the age of 9/10. I was so massively into games that it was all I ever thought about. Just like before though I was able to live through the two years at that high school where I could retreat to class rooms and just do my own thing. I was used to doing things by myself because I had done it through primary school and it is probably why to this day that I like to have a lot of time to myself. During those years at that school though I was beaten up, mugged, given death threats, the lot. Once I was even walking home one day and a boy and his older brother decided to beat me up outside the local super market while people just watched. I was humiliated and to be honest I sometimes felt like I wanted to kill myself.

      On the second year my step dad and mum decided they wanted to move to Austrailia, this meant I wouldn't ever see my dad again unless at christmas. This meant I was losing my best friend in the entire world. Picture experiencing nothing but pure sadness and having the one person you needed the most just torn away from you. In Austrailia the same thing happened for the year I was there. I was bullied, cast out from the crowd and made out to be some kind of unacceptable tourist. I did the same thing as I always did and found safety in my drawing and gaming. I even discovered online friends to play the original Starcraft and Baldurs Gate with. At one point though I decided I had had enough when my mum told me were were planning to stay in the country. On the week that I was allowed to go see my dad in the Uk for a month I told him I wanted to stay with him there in the UK. I ended up going to court to fight for my right to stay with my Dad. My mum already had two other children with my then step dad, so in a way I knew she wouldn't be without all her children.

      The funny thing is that though I stayed with my dad I had entered into a new high school and found that all my old friends from my first primary were there. Initially I was accepted into the crowd as the new kid but I was slowly pushed away when they noticed I was a major geek that wasn't into sports. It wasn't until my third year there that I got heavily into Rugby and was able to stand up for myself. I was sometimes bullied by a gang of thug kids there but I was a british teenager so being a hard ass eventually happens to you.

      After I had survived all the crap from High School I finally got to go to college where I became the person I am today. I took a course in Media because I loved graphic design and got top marks, then went and did a BTEC in media publishing and got a triple distinction diploma. During that time I made hundreds of friends with more grown up, open minded people. I was able to go out and have a good time with my class mates and at the same time play video games and focus on my drawing. I even met the love of my life in college. I was able to be socially accepted into the world because people had basically grown up. You are going to have to live through the crap of high school because kids don't know any better at those ages and will find targets to pick on for ways to impress the herd. It is just human nature and sadly it is just how the world goes round.

      The point is that through those hardships of early life you may be called names, you may be beaten just because you are a kind, intelligent person which you probably are, but children don't care about that. It is through doing the things you love and being with the people you love during that time that you will survive and forget about the crumby hardships in the past. Do what YOU love to do and revel in it. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise because the things you love doing will help you become to the person you hope to be.

      Four years on do you know where I am? I am an award winning childrens illustrator/ concept artist with a first honours degree in creative digital media, a loving girlfriend and friends on the internet that I would choose anyday over ones in real life. ANd most important I still have my best friend in the entire world. My dad.
      There is always time for muffins.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Noirproxy ().

    • My mum once told me that everyone has that ONE single friend for life... and so far she's been right!
      I've had friends stab me in the back because they found out that I'd either ran out of money, put on weight, kissed someone's girlfriend, got youtube partnership, started going to night clubs, etc. you name it and I've been stabbed in the back for it!

      I was bullied from my 1st year of school all the way through to my 8th year of school which included being spat on, verbally abused, punched, kicked, attacked with weapons (once splitting my head open) and I was even once shot with a BB gun in the head and as I've grown older I've realized that the last thing I had to worry about was being betrayed by fake friends.

      I promise you when I tell you this, you WILL make friends, true friends and they will have your back... School is a real rollercoaster for shit like this, just try to make the best of it because, trust me you'll wish you had enjoyed it more whilst you was there... the "real world" is a much more daunting place :\ I know I'd give anything to go back to school for those 5 years to do it all again even if it meant being verbally abused every day and even being shot in the head with stupid BB pellets... tears are actually forming in my eyes just thinking about how much I miss school despite the hardships that it brought with it
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    • It takes a long time to realize it, but anyone that can make fun of you and hurt you that badly isn't a friend and you're really better off without them. You will find better friends that actually treat you like a friend, and though you're down now they'll be there to keep you up later on. Don't sweat it because you're better than them for not stooping to their level. Keep your head up bro, and remember that it is never a bad idea to turn to a teacher or adult for help or advice in cases like this. They're older and all that but they really do have the best advice. I've been in your place many times, so I promise that if you just look up and keep going you'll find something better and people that won't let you down.
    • Br00tal wrote:

      Never, ever tell anyone the truth of anything that happened in your life or is happening.
      It will most likely be used against you.

      Br00tal is right.

      I used to be bullied at school too. Every fucking day.

      One day I broke his neck.

      Didn't see him ever since.

      I'm not telling you to go around breaking necks of the bullies, that'd be wrong.

      But, get an adults help and make it stop. And if that doesn't help, THEN it'd be a good time to use physical strength.

      Also, as Br00tal said, never ever tell ANYONE the truth of anything that happened in your life or is happening.

      It will most likely be used against you.

      Unless, it's someone you fully trust, 100%.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Sharky ().

    • I'm agree with Sharky and Br00tal, never tell anyone the truth of anything that happened in your life, except to some one that you really trust.

      And.. for your problem, I think you should talk to adults (teacher, parents) about your problem, maybe they can help you. If the bullying continues... there's no other way, you have to use your physical strength, but I kinda disagree with that.

      To be honest, I don't know how it's feel to be bullied, because no one ever bullied me, but I know how it's feel when everyone dislike you. I almost have the same social problem with you. Not bullied, but I'm ignored, everyone acts like I didn't exist.

      Formerly: Raven

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    • My best answer is that you should just not give a shit, go make new friends, if the bullying continues then yeah, go see an adult or a guidance counselor, they actually do help sometimes. But to be honest, i have never been bullied before, its probably because i dont give a shit about what people say about me. There is good friends, and there are the friends that just stab you in the back, if you think that your friends are in the "back stab" category then ditch them, go join a sport or club and make new friends, better friends that would not stab you in the back. Friends will come and go, so its not very important to have lots of friends, but there will always be that "true friend" who will stick with you forever. Go find that friend, and ditch the "friends" you have now, forget them and meet new ones, they are not friends at all if thats what they do to you
    • Mega_hyp3rrr_808 wrote:

      i have never been bullied before, its probably because i dont give a shit about what people say about me.
      Thats a good attitude towards others opinions :D

      Mega_hyp3rrr_808 wrote:

      There is good friends, and there are the friends that just stab you in the back, if you think that your friends are in the "back stab" category then ditch them, go join a sport or club and make new friends, better friends that would not stab you in the back. Friends will come and go, so its not very important to have lots of friends, but there will always be that "true friend" who will stick with you forever. Go find that friend, and ditch the "friends" you have now, forget them and meet new ones, they are not friends at all if thats what they do to you
      This is one of the main reasons truth never shall be told.
      If something happens, they will use anything thats awkward or fucked up against you.
      But you can always use that kind of approach to it as the previous quote.
    • Br00tal wrote:

      Mega_hyp3rrr_808 wrote:

      i have never been bullied before, its probably because i dont give a shit about what people say about me.
      Thats a good attitude towards others opinions :D

      Mega_hyp3rrr_808 wrote:

      There is good friends, and there are the friends that just stab you in the back, if you think that your friends are in the "back stab" category then ditch them, go join a sport or club and make new friends, better friends that would not stab you in the back. Friends will come and go, so its not very important to have lots of friends, but there will always be that "true friend" who will stick with you forever. Go find that friend, and ditch the "friends" you have now, forget them and meet new ones, they are not friends at all if thats what they do to you
      This is one of the main reasons truth never shall be told.
      If something happens, they will use anything thats awkward or fucked up against you.
      But you can always use that kind of approach to it as the previous quote.
      Why thank you br00tal!
    • Don't Take any Shit!

      Hey, I know what your feeling. I've had the same feeling before, almost everyone in my class was picking on me. It really was pissing me off, so I told an adult. Here's specifically what you tell them to do. Tell the guidance counselor or principal or whatever, and say that you want them in trouble, but you don't want them to know it was you that told. Tell them to say "An anonymous person said that you kids were bullying (your name here)."
      Also, if anyone touches you, don't be afraid to punch them in the face. I recommend a self defense class like Karate.
      Hope this helped!
      Peace out :thumbsup:
      Peace Bro :thumbup: ,
    • I was picked on relentlessly from Elementary to High school. My entire third grade was made hell by a bully and fifth through tenth was a bitch because everyone was in the hormonal stage. I had thin skin and everyone knew that, but I don't know how I didn't let that get to me. Maybe it was because I knew I was better than them at everything they did, but socially I was not. (Then again, I was a tattletale/snitch, guess I had it coming) But when things get physical, don't strike back. I remember when I got beat up by some punk. I tired to block him and just take the blows and when the teachers finally separated him, I was shaking that I was so angry at him. But I never laid a finger on him due to restraint. I growled at him, telling him how lucky he was and he should enjoy the rest of his time in juvie. But alas...

      I never really had friends backstab me, except for recently when that was the case. I blocked him from every form of communication I knew of, blocked him out of my life, he didn't exist yet I still ranted about him. I wouldn't take any shit but at the same time, don't block out anything they say, some of it might be useful...or help in a novel. It'll be hard, but like everyone that has told me before, keep your chin up and keep on walking.
    • I'd like to start by saying
      Bro, i'm pretty impressed, even with all the hurt they're putting you through you're keeping your head up!
      I'd also like to mention, this happens to everyone, yep.. everyone.
      Very, very few people never get picked on to some degree.
      What's happening has nothing to do with who you are, in all honesty some people enjoy hurting others.
      Luckily for you though, you belong to a family, a pretty amazing one at that..
      Bros stick together, & i'd also like to let you know that you can talk to me about anything anytime you need to.