I feel like a loser!

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    • Hi,Guys,I am Tommy,a romanian fan of Pewds and I just heard about the new site.I've been seeing Pewds more than a year and wanna say today he didn't post on Conker's Bad Fur Day ! I am sorry for his grandfather and I wanna know about what shoutbox ??

      If someone cand respond please reply !
    • First of all: its a good thing that you ask for advices. You'll get alots of help here :3.

      i can tell you that these are NOT real friends. i have the same freakin' problem with my 2yrs old brained classmates (but i showed them who's the boss here). A good thing to do is to tell it to your parents or the teacher you trust the most. Even better, go see the director. He'll do something, for sure. If it still do this, tell it again and again. One day, they'll be thrown out of the school. Where i live, you can go to prison if you bully someone... i hope it would be
      like this everywhere...
      Sorry for my typing mistakes.... I'm french ^^'

      My Deviantart:
    • You know, this actually happened to me in my last year of high school. Well, the last 3 months of it.
      I was best friends with 2 girls. Or I thought I was. But one of them kept saying how well she knew me even though she really didn't. So I said that to her and she was like 'oh nuh gurl then we no frandz anymore no' and she dropped me like I was worth shit.
      The other one dropped me too (shows what kind of friend that was :c) and they told everyone to stop hanging out with me.
      I kinda gave up on girl friends after that. So what I did was just ignore everything and everyone around me and focussed on my exams.
      I mean, I only had 3 months left. I really couldn't gief a sheet anymore. :p

      Now, I'm not saying you should do that. Quite the opposite actually. I'd go talk with them. I know how hard school can be, the majority of the people you meet there are downright asses.
      But I'd set aside my pride and have a good old conversation with them. If you're not comfortable with that, confide in a teacher or trustworthy person.
    • Well I will be quick in this post. There are some people you called friends that do not respect you .Right? I know it is hard to change your entourage when you get used with some people. If you were good friends it is harder because I think you feel an empty space in your life. This thing happenned to me. When this happenned I screwed them all, oppened my eyes and realised that there are lots of other people that really liked me. Beeing a bro, thrusting us and asking for advice means that you are a very confident and sociable person. I'm sure you will get pass through this. Be strong and thanks for reading ;)
      Those people who believe in telekinesis please raise my hand!
    • You're not a loser!

      Cheer up bro! I know you know you're not a loser..
      Life and people are sometimes mean and unfair but just think if you made it this far in life then you can go farther.
      Just endure a little bit and ask some friends for some comfort and advice and I think you'll be just fine! Think positive and no backing down!
      *Brofist* :D
      • 531709_306089449517650_1930814853_n.jpg

        41.66 kB, 960×562, viewed 87 times
      When everything goes wrong... You KNOW someone's trolling you.... 8)

    • I'm having the exact same problem today... Some girl told everyone lies about me and they compleatly ignored me and laughed about me behind my back. But people at you're school are dumb ass holes who are always mad so they just let there anger out on everyone and feel like there the best in all... So don't be sad, be proud that at least they won't have a reputation and you will because of how they are acting. Everyone has to be a little different. I dont know if that made sense at all xD
    • I have the same problems at school and I just wanna tell them to shut up but I don't because they're stronger then me but if I told the teacher it would get worse. They made up all these stupid jokes about me some were lies and spread rumors and most people believed them. Yes like your situation it was a joke at first but then after a while it wasn't they weren't joking. I feel like I have no friends at school anymore either and all alone. That's why I prefer my own company too so I jus like to be by myself most of the time and people take the piss because of that too. And people who don't mind me are friends with the people who don't like me and I don't want them to tell them how I feel as they'll tell them and they'll beat me up cause I'm really small for my age. Its also because some of the people that bullied me at primary are there and also spread rumors and silly jokes that aren't even funny about me. I just wish everyone would forget me and I wish I could then just disapear so I never existed. I feel like a total loser too... But I try to not think about these things and I try to think about the future and that in 4 years I can leave and also have a better future and think about a happier future which might happen if I leave after school.
      blah ... :P
    • Everyone has been bullied in their life time, including me I've been called names for no reason and been judged on my height everything that is normal as a human being. 1st time i was bullied i was in Year 4 that was 6 Years ago i felt weak because i just lost my Granddad that year and teachers, my friends supported me through it but their always one who doesn't give that kind of friendly support, We were friends till she started to take the piss out of my Grandmother because she was a small, kind, fragile woman and wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone. But my 'so' called friend decided to call her names like 'Troll', 'Fatty' anything she could think off to say to her, i didn't know till after a week when i saw her upset when she was picking me up from school i asked what was the matter she told me i was angry and upset at what has happened so i find her and confront her i front of her Mum i shouted at her and left to go home with my Grandmother. Next day at school she found me and threatened to stab me because of what i said to her the day before and if i tell anyone she'll make my life a living hell till i finish primary school and move on to high school, and me being stupid believed her,that she would do something like that it made me weaker and after a while i broke down and had to go to therapy for over a year because from my 'friend', death of my granddad and the birth of my 1st Niece i was under a lot of stress at the time and refused everything i was given i even ignored my friends who were worried about me and i just walked away and i regret what i did still today, But am better now i told the teacher about my old friend threatening me, police got involved and i'm so much happier now with my new life in high school and what am achieving now and my future is just around the corner now, You should never let anyone bring you down and them step all over you afterwards i made a huge mistake in my childhood and i'll never let it happen again.
      8o :thumbup: :thumbsup: :cursing: 8| :love: :rolleyes: :D 8) :P ;) :) :pinch: :sleeping: :wacko: :whistling:
    • PewDatBitch wrote:

      Everyone has been bullied in their life time, including me I've been called names for no reason and been judged on my height everything that is normal as a human being. 1st time i was bullied i was in Year 4 that was 6 Years ago i felt weak because i just lost my Granddad that year and teachers, my friends supported me through it but their always one who doesn't give that kind of friendly support, We were friends till she started to take the piss out of my Grandmother because she was a small, kind, fragile woman and wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone. But my 'so' called friend decided to call her names like 'Troll', 'Fatty' anything she could think off to say to her, i didn't know till after a week when i saw her upset when she was picking me up from school i asked what was the matter she told me i was angry and upset at what has happened so i find her and confront her i front of her Mum i shouted at her and left to go home with my Grandmother. Next day at school she found me and threatened to stab me because of what i said to her the day before and if i tell anyone she'll make my life a living hell till i finish primary school and move on to high school, and me being stupid believed her,that she would do something like that it made me weaker and after a while i broke down and had to go to therapy for over a year because from my 'friend', death of my granddad and the birth of my 1st Niece i was under a lot of stress at the time and refused everything i was given i even ignored my friends who were worried about me and i just walked away and i regret what i did still today, But am better now i told the teacher about my old friend threatening me, police got involved and i'm so much happier now with my new life in high school and what am achieving now and my future is just around the corner now, You should never let anyone bring you down and them step all over you afterwards i made a huge mistake in my childhood and i'll never let it happen again.

      wow she actually threatened to stab you 8| thats so stupid only an idiot would say that but at least your happier now :)
      blah ... :P
    • ofc you are a friend, we are all bros here, im really sorry for you pain that you are feeling, you are just in a bad community that don't know anything about other people's feeling
      There is nothing i can do for you only the comfort you find here, may the time change for the batter my friend
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