What is YOUR story ?

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    • What is YOUR story ?

      The Real life section proved one thing : a lot of people here went through a lot of things. Life can be tough, everyone here will agree. But when you feel alone, when you have some problems, it's always good to see that other people went through it and grew up from this. And I think the bro army already showed how united it is. That's why I think this thread might be helpful :

      Tell your story. What you went through. How you got over it. Anyone's story can help another, and maybe sometimes save a life.
    • The closest thing to a fatherfigure I've had in my life is my uncle, which at one point in my life was my best friend (I was very young at this time) and I lived with him for a while. However now there have been many many years since I've had any sort of fatherfigure in my life and that sucks.

      First to sixth grade was the worst time of my life.. Lets leave it at that.
      Seventh grade is when I got my redemption.
      Ninth grade, first kiss (had one in sixth grade but that doesnt really count since it was kind of an awkward accident lol :P)

      I might give out details and maybe write a full story of my life but I'd only be able to do that if someone asked me to.
    • Well my story ain't exactly original:

      Both my granddads died before I was born due to cancer so I never got to know them.
      Always bullied in school and I never fought back till grade 10 because I was a HUGE pacifist.
      Grade 10 I broke because they were using my pacifism to their advantage. Let's just say one swallowed 2 of his teeth and the other still can't use his fingers right.
      After that day I was always in a dark and morbid mood, no friends, still single, and still very much fluffy.
      Then I found the bright side of my life when I enrolled in Marching Band. Fuck you all I consider it a sport and those who say otherwise might as well say boxing ain't a sport.
      Obtained many friends and considered the band my extended family.
      Then I got out of the school and had to be home schooled thanks to a racist biology teacher. The guy hated me because I was Russian and thought I was a Communist. HELLO! THE RED SCARE ENDED NEARLY 50 YEARS AGO!!
      So I spent the remaining two years home schooled. And since I had more free time I went to the firing ranges and learned how to use a weapon. I don't have one as it is illegal for me to own one at my age.
      The weight of the pistol (M1911) felt good. Like I was in power. Although I knew that wasn't the case if I had no clue how to use it.
      So then I start thinking of what to do with my life. First joining the Air Force seemed like a good idea, great benifits, great pay, and I get to fly. But then the thought of the off chance of exploding changed my mind. I prefer my funeral to have my body in one piece.
      Then I thought of doing what I loved doing. Making and playing music. But then I looked around and saw that NO ONE is hiring a sound engineer so then I thought about what else I know about.
      Then the thought of going into medical interested me, the human physiology amazes me and I know quite a bit about it so maybe that is the one for me.

      So that is it. Working towards a medical degree for RN and saying "FUCK YOU!!" to my problems.

      Enjoyed? Is not surprised if you didn't :P
    • I hate telling 'my story' because it feels like I'm just digging for sympathy but I s'pose I could share what happened to me this year.

      Well first things first, my college tutor was just a COMPLETE arsewipe, always picking on me for doing something even though everyone else was doing it, if I was 30 seconds late always made me stand infront of the class and apologize to everyone for "obstructing their learning" or even send me out and sometimes back home etc etc and I was being threatened to be kicked out every couple of days because I didn't have a work experience job. So I eventually got one at a junior school and the kids there loved me, they always seemed so interested in what I was doing (I was fixing computers at the time) but I got fired because a debate about one pupil being told off for talking to me got a little bit too firey with someone high up in the department.

      Long story short, I got another job that I loved and thought "great, this is it, it's going to be a good year now" boy was I wrong. Next thing I know, my ex is sending naked pictures of herself to some dude who's almost 20 on my course and he was bragging about it and showing everyone. Shortly after that I got mugged coming home from a nightclub and threatened at knife point for my mobile phone, thankfully the police caught him but I developed anxiety and depression (I still can't walk down dark streets alone and have to keep looking behind me every few seconds). A few mates dragged me outside every couple of days before I finally decided I would return to college but on my way there I bumped into my only mate on the course and he said everyone was laughing about the fact I was attacked, including the tutor so I though "fuck that" and after a month or so of heavy drinking, heavy smoking and partying into the early hours whilst my parents thought I was at college - I slowly decided I would unenroll myself. My Dad went absolutely mental at me saying how I wasn't his son and that I don't have any guts or balls and didn't even try which lead to a family bust up (which soon resolved itself after I packed my suitcase and said I'd found a place - obviously I was bullshitting but it upset my mum enough to get my dad to apologize)

      Then shortly after that there was this "week from hell"... first my Grandma was diagnosed with lung cancer given weeks to live (we later found out it was a false call but we were destroyed at the time), then the family dog passed away, then my ex screwed my life up more (wont go into details) and then my mum went into hospital from stress and I punched a wall shattering my knuckle. Since then everything has been "meh" at best... My dad yells at me for being unemployed every other day (despite the fact there's no jobs anywhere in this economy in England for someone my age) and I spend my life either hanging out with friends or on my computer most the day.

      Nothing too bad, nothing too interesting, it's just nice to get it off your chest every so often I guess...
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    • RunescapeHullFanatic: I know you're not looking for pity points but... *hug* Even though what I'm about to say is a big cliché, it's true that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I've always reckoned that after facing hardships you find it easier to appreciate the small moments of happiness in your life... while your friends are complaining how they don't have enough money to buy a fucking iPhone5. Be proud of yourself, bro!

      Anyways I'm trying to keep my own story short cos it could be very long if I explained everything. I don't usually talk about my past but, hell, what's there to lose?

      Alcoholic and drug addict mother. Dad liked to drink A LOT as well, but he didn't disappear for weeks like mom used to. The many weekends in my childhood included home parties, fighting, getting taken away by my grandparents and being scared as fuck of my parents. My bro was there too, but he's 9 years older than I, so he had more options when it came to getting away from home. Dad grew up at one point, but my mom kept on doing what she was best at; overdoing every single fucking thing in her life - alcohol, tobacco, drugs, gambling, even fucking VIDEO GAMES. Like my dad says, mom was an angel with a bunch of little devils on her shoulder.

      When I was close to puberty my dad started to have major anger management issues. So instead of being hateful towards my mom, I now loathed my dad as well. I went to therapy the first time I was 14, for not talking to my parents, for cutting myself and having panic attacks. At that time I wasn't able to trust my mother, even though she had been sober for almost two years. Mental health-wise I'm doing better now-a-days. I'm on anti-depressants and I think I owe my life to them.

      I grew up a lot in high school and I was finally able to make piece with my parents. Unfortunately this year was the last I got to spend with mom, since she passed away a month ago. She was diagnosed with lung cancer last November and even though she went through many different kinds of treatments, nothing could stop the cancer from spreading. Even though mom wasn't the best possible guardian when I was a child, I truly loved her and still do. Despite all I think that losing her has been the toughest thing in my whole life.

      Now, I live with my dad and we get along really well. I was going to move into my own flat but after losing mom I don't feel like living all alone just yet. I'm still taking baby steps in here, since my depression could take a new turn at any point basically. I'm sick of going to therapy, so that's why I'm attending this support group's meetings every week. I quite like it there. Even though I'm one of the youngest, it's nice to have people around me who have similar kinds of experiences.
    • I'm going to be honest here. I know a lot of people who have really tragic stories, and it makes me feel bad when I say that I'm a lucky one. I didn't have a bad childhood at all- and then I see people like the person above me who had all this shit piled onto them at such a young age and it just feels weird. I can't empathise with you people, but I can be sympathetic. For those of you who I are going through it, I'm truly sorry for you and for those of you who have gotten over things like that, that's awesome and you shouldn't have been made to go through with those things in the first place. The only thing I suffer with is depression and I haven't had a really bad phase in ages. Last time I did it was because I was left with barely any friends at one point, and stupid shit floating around my group. I left my true friends at one point to be someone who I wasn't and that really made me open my eyes to what a fucking idiot I actually was, and I'd like think think that I've matured since then.

    • well

      ever since i started school i was bullied

      when i turned 11 i lost it and attacked everyone and i mean EVERYONE that said somthing out of line around me

      whenever someone questioned my life and insulted me and my interests i would strangle them until someone pulled me off them
      after that i was sent to the principals office and punished and the person who had started it all got off any punishment

      when i turned 13 i turned my life around and stopped being short fused
      but shortly after i became depressed

      the day after our school went to a hot pool at night and i asked the girl i had a crush on for 2 years if she wanted to go on a date and instead of saying no and apologizing like most people would she just shook her head and walked off and because my family normally neglects me i felt like litterally no-one cares about me

      this year i started LP'ing because it distracts me from what my life is usually like

      couple of months later i developed a crush on a girl in the forums and they know who they are
      they rejected me and i got over it fast because of how used to the feeling i am

      shortly after i fell in love with another member of the site but they were already in a relationship
      and she had a condition which made me worry about her 24/7 and i still do

      next month i met the girl i am currently dating and she is amazing

      then 2 days into the relationship my internet got cancelled for 2 months
      i was afraid that me and her were no longer together

      but we are thankfully

      even are some fortunate events in the present i still cant get over some of the things that will forvere haunt me wich is why i can seem emo sometimes
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    • I don't have alot of story... but the most memorable one is... well, bullying. they bullied me since the 2nd grade. They call me "Fatties" and shit. after a few years. i was like "That's it, im gonna do it the manly way". So i kicked one of them in the nuts, stomp his stomach and leaves. I expected it to be a great escape, you know. Im save, they're scared of me, no ones'll disrespect me anymore.. But no... They catch me, beat me, then trampled me. Cracked my right arm in a matter of fact. Even the principal is worried about THE BULLIES, not ME. so i was like "Fuck it" and continue with my life. Nothing so memorable than one of my friend's death is happening since then.

      If you're angry, don't break anybody's heart, they only have one..... Break their bones, they have 206 of them
    • Well, I have always been insecure about everything, my body, my face, my voice, my hair, everythign except my eyes. I didn't really had a tough youth or something, but the insecurities are still there nowadays, but I finally decided to do something about it, I go to the gym, for my body, can't really change my face but it's something, I don't wanna whine since there are people with far more worse problems, but it's something that is with me every day.

      "People will laugh at your dreams, then hate you when you made them come true."
    • Childhood: Terrible, own father tried to kill me twice, most I can remember was being strangled like hell (thus my fear of drowning or suffocation)

      Teen Years: It's about 50/50, got a good amount of friends, but then there are jackass people out there, had to fight two older and larger people because they stole our stuff, my supposed 'friends' just watched me struggle against both of them, none of them even helped (in fact, some of my 'friends' were as big as the two attackers)

      Now: I'm struggling with relationship problems. Depression and emotional issues. Getting a psychologist to help me. Attempted suicide about what... 5 times now? I continuously blame myself for what happened between me and my ex and I will never see the light of it.

      Yeah, pretty much the only stories I can say here. Just thought I'd share it with you guys >.>

      "When life gives you bullets... ME! CORMANO!"
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    • Wobblematic wrote:

      Well, I have always been insecure about everything, my body, my face, my voice, my hair, everythign except my eyes. I didn't really had a tough youth or something, but the insecurities are still there nowadays, but I finally decided to do something about it, I go to the gym, for my body, can't really change my face but it's something, I don't wanna whine since there are people with far more worse problems, but it's something that is with me every day.

      I know that feel, I wish I had the drive and determination to go to the gym but I just hate physical work - to me going to the gym is like doing a grafter's job and I HATE it even though I did go for a while I never saw any results even with a good diet after a few months so I said screw this (I was even putting on weight - which I wouldn't mind if I was starting to see some definition or could feel muscle but nothing -.-) So now I have to find other ways to keep weight off but none of them work :')
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    • Well, in West Philadelphia, born and raised, on the playground....Pffstch, I'm sorry, I had to do that. :P

      My story? Hmm....I could probably write a novel here but I'm not going to. My childhood was alright; my dad worked second shift and I hardly saw him while my mother worked third shift. She basically raised me. Being both factory workers with secure jobs, I had it good, but my parents always punished me severely. It would not take them much to have them threaten to wash my mouth out with soap or spank me, sometimes they'd do it without warning. It was then when I realized that if I punish myself before they did, they won't get the pleasure of it. Denying them that pleasure was basically all that mattered.

      Erm....changing the subject, I met three very close friends of mine in the first grade. Still friends for the most part today. Second grade was when I was diagnosed with ADD and put on Ritalin. Third grade introduced me to racial relations when a big black kid in the same grade as me beat me up on a regular basis. I fought back as well, resulting in my mother being woken up early every day. Third grade was also when I confided in my crush and then I was picked on harshly for the rest of that month, but she seemed fine with it. However, I didn't pursue it, kind of glad I didn't.

      Intermediate was when I tried out band and found out I have no musical talent as well as getting caught up in a type of wrong crowd. One of the guys was a trouble maker, but I was good friends with him for a while. Middle school rolled around and said crowd eventually disbanded after some weird shit went on. The leader guy wanted everyone to be blood brothers and I wasn't going to do that. Got beat up again by another black guy. (I swear, I'm not trying to be racist or have a bias, that is exactly what happened.)

      Seventh grade, in particular, was a trip, also when I started to realize being a teacher's pet didn't mean shit. I stuck a pair of scissors into an electrical outlet and to this day, I don't know what possessed me to do so. I'm still picked on about that to this day. There was also a time when I got an F on a rather important report. Being an all A student and getting that F took me to a new low, as I made an idle comment of killing myself. I didn't have that experience before and everyone took it seriously. Got consoling, didn't get any new meds, thank god. I think that was also the time I went white water rafting and purposely fell out of the raft during a class 5 rapid. I just wanted to swim in the rapid, but I didn't realize how dangerous it was until I was in the water. The true definition of petrified with fear describes that best.

      Eighth grade, eh, I had the coolest science teacher and history teacher ever. Made model rockets in the science class as well as melting glass while in the history one, we got to govern our own country. The 'wrong crowd' friends started getting into trouble, and I'm glad I didn't stick with them.

      Freshman year was a time of change for me. Still being that A/B student know-it-all, I thought everyone was still out to get me. But I still remember the day I was knocked off my pedestal. After ruining my clothes in my first aid demonstration and leaning back into a chair with gum on the seat, I lost my shit. They said I threatened to kill a student, the only thing I can remember is seeing red. I had no recollection of what happened in that time period, but I got suspended the next day. That was when the people I often tried to please turned their back on me, or so I thought, and I stopped telling on people and the like. I got to meet my half-sister and my mother also got appendicitis. Everything was good, for the most part. I also got my Eagle scout at the age of 14, can't remember if it was this year or the previous.

      Sophmore year came with more changes, my dad broke his femur during the summer and I got the chance to interact with him more. I sat next to a gangster in one of my classes, guy was a total pothead and probably hasn't amounted to anything in life, but it was during this time when I got to see people for who they really were, and not picking on me relentlessly. I also sat next to a hard rocker who always wanted to see me stoned, which never happened. I'm good friends with the guy now, since he got clean and everything.

      Junior year was another year of seeing people of who they really were and making more friends. I found out that people constantly picking on me was actually their way of being my friend for the most part, and I learned to deal with it.

      ....I think I'm going to end it here, otherwise I'll just bore you guys all day. I've had a lot of shit happen as well that I could go into depth about, but forget it.
    • I have not much story.

      My mother and father divorced when i was child and i got 2-3 illness that might took my life,but it doesn't,i never had a friend until last year,i always spend my time playing something(replaying megami tensei and persona ftw),reading,creating stories,and day after day in the last years i have to fight against panic syndrome and my mind break down into pieces,always thought about death,but never actually tryed,small,but i don't like to say full things,might spend some hours typing,haha
    • Lets see, I was born with Asperger Syndrome, so i was always really awkward in social interactions, i was seen as a retard throughout Kindergarten. I took Kindergarten twice due to the aspergers. I took Pre-school early, so thats why. I had my first friend in the second grade, I hate him now. I am still being bullied today. Its not like the old school get hit in the face or anything. More like verbal insults toward my girlfriend and I. He always talks about my girlfriend being a midget, which she is not. She is barely shorter than me, if anything hes the midget. I am always brought up the fact that i have no father figure everyday I wake up to my mother telling me i got to go to school. I missed about 12 days already, its not even 2 quarters through. I missed that because i lived in a hotel for a good 2 months. The teachers in my school see me as a ciggerate smoking skipper. I was caught skipping school one day, i had a pack of ciggerates on me, yes i did smoke one. I was only curious, i never smoked in my whole life until then. Someone SOMEHOW found out about that and it was spread ALL OVER my school. Its HORRIBLE, but im so glad my girlfriend just oversees those rumors. I never met my real father, i always thought the man in my house was my real biological father, but he was not. I was glad though, because he was a complete drunk. He hit me one day when he was in a drunken rage. He was going to run away, he took the keys, i grabbed them, then he swung at me, hit me right in the cheek. It left a bruise pretty big. I had to go to school with make-up on to hide it.

      There is a lot more, but ill post it all later.
      Thank you for listening.
    • Let me say it in a song

      There once was a hero named Ragnar the Red, who came riding to Whiterun from ole Rorikstead!

      And the braggart did swagger and brandish his blade, as he told of bold battles and gold he had made!

      But then he went quiet, did Ragnar the Red, when he met the shieldmaiden Matilda who said…

      Oh, you talk and you lie and you drink all our mead! Now I think it’s high time that you lie down and bleed!

      And so then came the clashing and slashing of steel, as the brave lass Matilda charged in full of zeal!

      And the braggart named Ragnar was boastful no moooooree… when his ugly red head rolled around on the floor!

      I died that day.

      GORILLAZ HELL YEA ┌∩┐(◣_◢) ┌∩┐