Help a bro with some homework?

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    • I sort of made these posts more to get the attention of viewers and forum admins than I did to actually get the attentions of Cry and Pewds. I know they have tons of fans and I'm just one of the numbers like everyone else. I want the opinions of those like me that play games with friends, watch Lets Players, and talk to other people that watch and play. I knew Pewds and Cry wouldn't answer, but I also knew that you guys would.
    • Flamez, br00tal and the others are your man.
      I'd also recommend going on the TGN website. I was there, they can help you as well.
      And biggest tip: Never try to get in contact with a celebrity that way , it's just a death sentence.
      Good luck!
      <--- Oh, you hate me son?
    • Although we all know how impossible it is to get in contact with PewDie and how annoying it can be to see randoms show up asking to meet him, when such things do occur please try to be polite and respectful.

      There are many people on here that you can interview about PewDie, the gaming community and Let's Playing in general. I'd suggest Private Messaging those you'd like to get in contact with, like the forum staff and popular members.

      Also, a graduate study on this kind of topic sounds really interesting :)
    • Thanks Marc.

      I'm actually a really nice person, like seriously I rescue animals, work for charities, and work at a university where I do most of my job for free just to help out the department. I'm from Louisiana so it's in my nature to apologize and cook for people if I feel like I've been mean.

      As for the project, I feel like it's about time there was some academic focus on gaming and the sense of community that comes with it. It's going to be a ton of work but I took it upon myself to make the first step in the process.
    • Apocalypgloss wrote:

      Hey Bros,

      So, I'm a PewDie fan that is doing a research study on gamers, gaming communities (like this one), gaming groups (guilds and stuff like that), and pretty much gaming in the online/youtube generation. The note under this was pretty much just me throwing something out into space to get the attention of the forum or anyone that might be interested in helping.

      I'm trying to get information and opinions to bring positive attention to the world of gamers and I'm also trying to seek publication for my study to give people like us a voice in the academic world. If you want to help out or wouldn't mind doing a short survey, answering a few short questions, or just sending me to your YouTube and promoting you in my research/paper feel free to message me.

      It's all painless and for a good cause (I promise)!



      First of all, you are awesome and I am a HUGE fan, and this
      is sort of why I’m asking you to do this. I’m a Graduate Student in the U.S.
      and I’m doing a research project on gaming communities and gaming groups and since
      you’re an extremely popular gaming YouTuber, I was wondering if maybe there was
      some way that I could ask you a few questions about being part of a gaming
      community and pretty much being the center of a community of viewers made up of
      gamers. I promise it wouldn’t take long and it would be a huge favor to a bro,
      but if you can’t that’s fine.

      The project is due November 27 so I’ll be trying to do
      interviews from October 24th-November 11th. If you have
      any time during that time that’s I’d be happy to either set up a web interview
      of some sort or just send you the questions somehow.

      But, uh, yeah, that’s it. You’re a total badass and I <3



      Due 27 november? Thats my birthday!