Can I get your guys' advice?

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    • Can I get your guys' advice?

      My girlfriend and I have been together for a month in three days. Recently my parents told me they dnt want me seeing her anymore and I refused to leave her. I really waht to take her on a date for our one month but I don't Know how to do that without help from my parents. (I'm 14).

      Yes I'm Bisexual. Yes I'm a Girl. Don't Judge.

      ?( 8| :cursing: X(
      Pewdiepie Fan Forever :love:
    • First of, why don't your parents want to see her anymore? Sometimes talking with them about things is the key. Thes ekinda things can be a phase, and sometimes they aren't - they just have to accept you the way you are.
      Second of, don't you have any money saved up? You can definitely get a good date with under 50 USD in your age.
    • They don't like hyer cause her past. Me and her were going to raise her child together bc we have been on and off for a while before this . Luckily she isnt pregnant! ( we are quite young!) They don't like her for that and she yuse to do drugs. (Which i got her to stop :D!!) and she smokes cigs.(Which im also trying to stop.). I try talking to them and my step-dad just blows up on me. :/ And yes i have been out of the closet for almost a year now c: they are mostly ohkk wioth it my step dad is still convinced its a phase which it isnt
      And sadly no i spent the little money on her present and i cant drive so... xD
      Pewdiepie Fan Forever :love:
    • Atleast you help her to get clean from "bad" stuff like drugs and smoking (hopefully)
      You can use that telling your parents that you helped her to get free from that shit and they maybe could understand.
      If you can talk to someone else thats your relative thats older and make her/him stand on your side the impact on your parents would be bigger.
      I dont know and its sweet of you getting a present for her ^^
    • look dude im also bi,you have to go to your parents and say this: hey look i have a girlfriend ,she may not be my love forever,but she is my love now.she has changed and she still can we all make mistakes she made a few but she has corrected them,it may be a phase or not,but i love her now and please let me make the most of it and let me help her" im not sure but it should work :)
    • Well, i think what you have done so far is good, It's always best to be honest. Honesty will set you free. I think that you should have a heart to heart with your Parents telling them how you fell about this person. there's that one person who is special in your life, and you only find them once, but once you have them never let go. If this is that one special person tell her everything, she will understand and will stand by you till your old enough to go out with her. Stay true and all will be well. :)
      Invinsibility is in defence; The possibility of victory in the attack.

      -Sun Tzu
    • Tink7899 wrote:

      They don't like hyer cause her past. Me and her were going to raise her child together bc we have been on and off for a while before this . Luckily she isnt pregnant! ( we are quite young!) They don't like her for that and she yuse to do drugs. (Which i got her to stop :D!!) and she smokes cigs.(Which im also trying to stop.). I try talking to them and my step-dad just blows up on me. :/ And yes i have been out of the closet for almost a year now c: they are mostly ohkk wioth it my step dad is still convinced its a phase which it isnt
      And sadly no i spent the little money on her present and i cant drive so... xD

      Damn, smoking AND drugs at 14? Well, it's good you got her to stop but the smoking will be a little harder... I started smoking at 16 and now I'm nearly 18 and I've pretty much quit but if I go out with friends and drink I'll always end up having one or two... or a tenpack :|

      Anyway, back on topic, there are plenty of nice things you can do even without money, I once took my girlfriend (she's my ex now) to a place in my city that overlooked the ocean and we sat there, bought some fries and icecream for 80p from the stall nearby and we just took photos of each other acting like prats all day XD It was one of the nicest days we ever shared together and it cost me next to nothing!

      Just try and think outside the box, a date doesn't have to be a fancy dinner or going out to see a movie! :)
      Best of luck with your parents, having a secret relationship isn't impossible but if you put your foot down enough eventually they should just shut up. They're probably worried that she'll drag you into drugs and smoking (that's what parents are like :\ )
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    • karlsanada10 wrote:

      Smoking and drugs? :/ It's good you make her stop. And she has a child. *rechecking* How old is she? And, if theyknow that you are a bi and still not letting you go to a date with her, that's really bad, but I think you really should talk. I'm sorry, I'm not used on giving advice to bisexuals or third gender.>.> I'm still not used to them.

      She is 15 and no the pregnancy test was negative.

      And thanks everyone i love the ideas/ advice im talking to them tonight.
      Pewdiepie Fan Forever :love:
    • Tink7899 wrote:

      karlsanada10 wrote:

      Smoking and drugs? :/ It's good you make her stop. And she has a child. *rechecking* How old is she? And, if theyknow that you are a bi and still not letting you go to a date with her, that's really bad, but I think you really should talk. I'm sorry, I'm not used on giving advice to bisexuals or third gender.>.> I'm still not used to them.

      She is 15 and no the pregnancy test was negative.

      And thanks everyone i love the ideas/ advice im talking to them tonight.

      Best of luck, just remember to try and not let the conversation get firery because then you'll get nowhere with them.
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    • I'm going to be honest. Trying to talk to your parents at the age you are, will not do too much. Here's what they are seeing. "You are young, this person is a bad egg for getting into this stuff at so young."

      All you can do is keep things how they are now. Once a few more months go by and you're confident she's cleaned herself up, THEN try talking to your parents. All you can really do right now.
    • TheDauphin wrote:

      She is gonna die soon if she did drugs. I think so.
      What is this based apon? Doing drugs doesn't kill you right kills you slowly. Doing too much drugs kills you fast though.....

      My advice is to try to talk it through with your girlfriend to figure out how serious she is with quiting her bad habits PERMANENTLY. And if she is an "unstable" person, im sorry to say this, but she is MOST likely to fall back to drugs (Have a brother who have been there several times). Its typical to fall back MANY times before eventually quiting forever, or die..... Just think about how hard it is for a person to stop smoking. Drugs (I don't know what she used) are ALOT harder, fucks up your mind, body, and everyone around you. So please consider if this person is worthy of potensialy take up a lot of your teen years with bullshit.
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    • You are still young and their looking out for you... they probably think because of her past, you'll fall down the same path, but in actuality it's having the opposite effect - her being with you is helping her and that's beyond wonderful. You can try talking to your parents, but don't do it for the money - do it for you and her. Your life would be much easier with them being supportive.

      As for taking her out on a date, I don't know where you live, but you can do a lot of romantic things - for free. Take her on a picnic (if it isn't too cold), or cook her dinner and spend a quiet evening in together watching your favorite movie =) Going to restaurants, or to the movie theater, or anything that costs money doesn't make it a date - being with each other does and that's all that matters =) As a gift, pick her flowers instead of buying them and write her a letter instead of buying a card. Give her something important of yours that reminds you of her. Do a mix CD. There's a lot of things =)

      I hope this helps.
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    • Hallo there. I know I may sound like your parents but sometimes you have to clean things up.
      We all go to a phase that we like to wonder, experiment and all that stuff. But trust me, it will ruin you
      emotionally or physically when you are older, I salute you for stopping her do drugs. *brofist*

      Now let me tell you something, you can at least influence your girlfriend more and yes, you are still young
      to rush on things but planning the future is a good side of your trait. Open up with your friends and talk about
      your feelings, not the relationship, but the feelings you are having now, this will help you to break some itch inside your heart.

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