PewDiePie Birthday Ideas? (PEWDIE: KEEP OUT!)

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    • PewDiePie Birthday Ideas? (PEWDIE: KEEP OUT!)

      Ignored the title, eh, Pewds? The following will contain ideas for your birthday from your Bros! So the choice is yours: Either ruin the surprise or go continue fighting off the Barrels! They're trying to invade the party!


      Allow me to introduce myself. I am just your average gamer living in the US who happens to be a Bro like the rest of you! After all the amazing things I've seen Pewdie do this year, I feel like as his fanbase we need to give something back to him (more than we already do!).

      NOTE: This may not be my place persay to actually start this thread, but I felt like getting the ball rolling and seeing if a closer or more higher up person in Pewdie's circle would like to take the reins.

      That being said, IF there is a moderator or Admin that either already has a post for Pewdiepie Birthday Ideas or would like to take over from here, then by all means, it's yours! If not, Bros, let's brainstorm together to give Felix something awesome!

      Despite all the negative comments he gets from a lot of people on YouTube claiming he's another YouTube money w&#@$, I believe Felix has done a great deal more than most for his community and that's alot more than many YouTubers can say! If you're a hardcore Bro like me, you'll have watched his weekly vlogs where he keeps up updated and read his blog here on his website. Felix really does sacrifice a ton to bring you all the content you desire as well as bring us good laughs and scares! He may seem surprised by it, but it's my personal opinion that Pewdie has gained his current status on YouTube not just for his content but for his constant interaction with his subscribers!

      So, what do you say? Can we pull some great ideas together for our awesome Bro? :D
    • i'm not sure there is much we could do, other than donate or send him a game that he personally want to play, someone could send him borderlands 2 or preorder a game in his name and have it sent to him, like dead island 2. just some ideas! ^^
      Invinsibility is in defence; The possibility of victory in the attack.

      -Sun Tzu
    • I have an idea...
      Give Pewdie ONE day of no fame. He seriously misses not being as famous.
      Like think about it, He became famous VERY fast...
      So just one day of no videos, no messages, no spam and especially no flooding.
      It's sad, because Pewdie can't even really communicate with his fans because he is so popular and being flooded all the time. (except through vlogs and stuff)
      Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for him! I'm just sure he would appreciate a day of silence... C:
      Like seriously, have you seen some of the comments on his videos? Like "Brofist from ____" And maybe some random quote that's already in the video.. Not needed. xD (He can't even check all his comments because of spam)
      But I already know this will be Impossible to achieve. xD

      Good luck trying to find something to do for him today!! C:
    • Well if you guys are right and we are still thinking of something to do for his birthday we could do anything from making a song to making a pewdie compilation with funny moments and slow moments also with the slow song. Another idea would be a game but it's way to late for that. We really could do anything that we could shortly do. :P But yeah these are just my ideas.
    • I believe he went out with marzia couple of weeks ago, I think he does that more often. But yea still, he should spend a day without making video's this youtube thing takes alot from him. I saw a tweet from him where he said that he kinda misses not being famous as mentioned above. I think he deserves a break actually.

      "People will laugh at your dreams, then hate you when you made them come true."
    • I think that every one who see that should do a videos with says happy birthday and spam like 1000000000 videos like this and everyone will do one videos like this and the bro army will rule the world HAHAHAHA *mean bros Laugh* and mines was at the 1st
    • 1. His Birthday IS the 24th of october (says it in one of his videos)
      2. I like the idea to make him have a day off, but I don't think that's possible because of the Youtube-Partner-Thing...
      Best we can do is make a Happy birthday-video or 2 and send it to him so he can upload them in his channel.
      And the no spamming/mailing is a good idea, too but nobody except for the bros on this thread will know.
      3. A game is not a good idea, he's not poor and making him do his job on his birthday is quite silly