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  • Hey guys, so pretty simple.. I need someone to make me somekind of decent banner if possibru. I finally made a channel where im going to do only english videos, right now I have done in my native language for 3 years and am the biggest youtuber in my country but seeing how many people love my work I thought to share it with the world As I do all kinds of reviews, previews, hour ones, gameplays and stuff like that the banner should have screenshots of games, like from Uncharted, Halo, Mass Effect…

  • So anybody trying this out? I love RPG-s and such, this is deffinetly one of the greatest f2p games out there, specially if you like action-rpg.

  • I think it was TETRIS on one of those portable russian gaming devices didnt like it, at the same time I was droooooling each time we got to escape 1st class sleeping hour, saying to the teacher we had important things to tend to (LOL).. went to the supermarket nearby, loaned a yellow dendy cassette cartridge of Teenage Ninja Turtles.. omgg wanted that console and those games so bad.. finally got it.. 15years later The Dendy (NES) times were just.. awsomeness, specially here in the Baltics in the…

  • Mistakes

    TheTanelShow - - Real Life


    Was hungry as hell, went to the kitchen, opened up the fridge.. uuu niceeee, honey! Made some bread with honey, came to the living room, sat infront of the tele and took a bite.... WTF IS THAT? Ran back to the fridge, opened it, took the "HONEY" container thingy, turned it to the side... "Goose fat" yuuummmmyyyyy.

  • Should have the video review up at the end of the week. Played it trough last week, was waiting for the game for a long time.. its actually something else then a game, more like a moviegame or I dont know.. needs a new genre Though the storyline and how the game is built up is really great, its not for COD fans but deffinetly for people who love a good story or a long movie but a movie you can interact with and the outcome of the script also changes. If you do something wrong you might miss out …

  • Idiot because of YouTube

    TheTanelShow - - Real Life


    Its just common jealousy, do what you love! I mean, youtube is the future, a LOT of people dont know it, we are the pioneers in the years to come Do it with heart and ignore the haters. I got a looooot of negative stuff when after I did almost 400 videos on youtube in my native language I tried to ask my fans for donations to just support me if they can, because it was the hardest times for me in 3 years... just to keep me living and making more awsome videos.. but omg what hell broke loose, lol…

  • Looking for a mic.

    TheTanelShow - - Technology


    I watched A LOOOT of HDStarcraft videos in the past and found out that he was using the Audiotechnica AT2020 mic.. ordered the USB one and been with it for years now, really really good microphone I think even pewds uses it looks like that. So if you can, deffinetly get that. Also the Blue Snowball should be good, I recently did a giveaway on that mic on my native language channel

  • Allright, thought to make a thread on this. Ive built this up a few years ago, dosent seem to need any upgrades as of yet, can play all games on ULTRA settings on 1920x1080 no problem. no need for Titans or GTX780Ti-s. I will be making some tutorial videos on how to buy the best gaming machines with the lowest of low money to price is no problem I will show you how you can build a brand new PC that can play Battlefield 4 but costs under 150eur In my country the price was 185€ something but when …

  • What do you own?

    TheTanelShow - - Technology


    So.. what do I got? Well for gaming and editing.. the all mighty PC Gathered the money working hard on fixing computers. • Playstation®3 40GB • Logitech® G27 Racing Wheel + Playseat Solberg Edition (white leather) • Oculus Rift 1280x720p version at the moment • Logitech® Z-5500 Digital • Canon EOS 550D + Canon EF 50mm F1.8 II + 18-55mm F3.5 • Hauppauge HD PVR for gamecapture, need to get HDMI one soon for PS4, XBOX ONE + the HDMI to DVI convereter to get the HDMI signal to bypass the HDMI lock I…

  • My youtube channel

    TheTanelShow - - Archive


    Pretty decent videos, I suggiest you start doing more videos of newer big games also like GTA V, NFS Rivals, Forza 5 and so on, a loot of people are interested in those videos Thought that also means u need a capture card and what not.. so just keep doing what you can, its all good if you but your heart into it

  • Who owns the Oculus Rift? Games?

    TheTanelShow - - Technology


    Hey guys, who else here owns an Oculus Rift? Can you give hints on what games to play. Trying to make some videos for my viewers in the coming days, when I get well again. Made tons of videos on my second account but want to make some new stuff in english also iRacing was pretty darn good, also Slenderman works perfect, the Second Arrival atleast and Outlast is pretty ok too right now.