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  • Thinking of writing a book...

    Boza - - Archive


    For all those that read this or are interested, I thought I'd let you know that I am proceeding with the creation of this book and I am now on 15,000 words and going strong

  • What mic's do you use?

    Boza - - Technology


    I use this microphone:…JzE1KOv8LkCFeSWtAodHGsApg It is very good and a very reasonable price... I've done some voice acting on it, and it picks up all vocal ranges I've given it very well

  • Thinking of writing a book...

    Boza - - Archive


    Thanks guys I just realised whilst going through what I had written that I'd managed to miss out a word It's meant to be: "The expansive growth of plant and wildlife is occasionally separated by a gushing river or gurgling brook." Anyway, I want to thank you guys again for the support I shall write the book, I have lots of ideas for it, and it may take a while to get them all into order (especially on top of college >.<) But I will keep you all updated as I will need help and criticism

  • Looking for someone to play with?

    Boza - - Find Player 2


    Age: 17 Location: England System: PC Games: Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, GMOD, GTA IV, The Hidden, Killing Floor, L4D2, Magicka, Portal 2, Terraria (although I'm terrible at it >.<), Torchlight II, Minecraft To be honest, I'm happy to play any game we have in common I just enjoy playing games much more when I'm chatting with someone and playing together My Skype is Boza60123 My Steam is

  • Older Games that you still play??

    Boza - - Other


    What counts as old? Many people have said COD 4, but I don't really think that feels outdated enough to be called old! Anyways, I play: FFX Zelda: Ocarina of Time Oblivion (if that counts) FFVII WarCraft 3 Dynasty Warriors Fable (I & II) Pokemon Yellow If you hadn't guessed... I kinda like RPGs

  • Thinking of writing a book...

    Boza - - Archive


    The idea is that it's the main character watching an advert for the next-gen MMO which has you integrate your conciousness into your character, so it is like you are in a mythical world :3 Thanks for the kind responses guys

  • Thinking of writing a book...

    Boza - - Archive


    Hey there, fellow bros... This is my first post of hopefully many more to come... So basically, I've had an idea for a book running through my head for a while now, and I am considering writing it... I have a small introduction that I wrote that I want to share with you guys to see what you think. I hope you enjoy it! In Somnio Chapter 1 Darkness. Golden letters slowly emerge until they shine bright across the screen: "The next generation of online gaming." The letters fade away; replacing them …