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  • Thank you Pewdiepie (Drawing)

    Smileminer - - Bro Corner


    I made this drawing video, in which I thank Felix for his hard work and more. Enjoy watching Pewdiepie, thank you (Drawing)

  • When PEWDIEPIE gave me a SHOUTOUT

    Smileminer - - Media

    Post So a few years ago I won the shoutout competition of Pewds, here's the story of how and when it happened. Enjoy! Cheers, Smileminer

  • What Should I Do???

    Smileminer - - Help


    It is not about being 'popular' you should be happy with the active subs you have, read and answer as much comments as you can! Just try to make high quality videos, people really love high quality videos. All the tips I can give

  • Intro Or No Intro?

    Smileminer - - Content Creation


    It is your own choice, It does make a difference. People will recognize your videos very quickly if you have an original intro. You do not need one though.

  • [CLOSED] Shoutout Competition #3

    Smileminer - - Other

    Post Dear Felix/Pewdiepie, I have been making videos for youtube for over one year now and it has been wonderfull so far. As you can see I am not a gaming commentator like you, but a graphical artist. I post Speedart videos to inspire and learn people about drawing on a computer instead of paper. I have been posting mainly minecraft related drawings, but I will start making more drawings about other games soon. It is something different but a lot of people allready tell…