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  • my computer/keyboard fooped up

    Lukebyrne1999 - - Help


    my computer keeps showing me in the password box that H removes letters like backspace does, A highlights the text and backspace is apparently a letter, i dont know what to do, could someone please help, i tryed to bring up the easy access but it didnt wprk, also i use windows vista coz my computer is old so i dont know if its playin up or what, hope one of you bros know a way to help! THNX

  • Need Fellow Gamers!

    Lukebyrne1999 - - Find Player 2


    do you only do pc or you you do console (xbox360 maybe)

  • the has been a ghost town recently (or at least that how it looks to me) so i just wanna say what felix might say sometimes and post links for the place......... every where i guess. just a little thought

  • doing art

    Lukebyrne1999 - - Archive


    you could draw lots of different chibi's in drawn landscapes and themes, just a general idea you know, you could draw them from anime characters, real people, fictional people/creatures. i dunno, get creative :D, maybe you could show them off to the interwebs too

  • xbox gt

    Lukebyrne1999 - - Find Player 2


    Lukebyrne1999 is ma tag. if you sent me a friend request just say your a bro in a message or something coz i may not accept if i dont know. once we meet i hope we become great freinds and we haz fun on games

  • Gaming Collabs, anyone?

    Lukebyrne1999 - - Find Player 2


    Age:14 How many people are on your channel: me but I've never recorded coz i don't have equipment Gender: male Gaming systems: xbox 360, xbox one in far future (my pc can barely run minecraft:( ) Games that you'd like to play: depends on mood but im up to anything really Skype: luke.byrne 219, (if that isnt it then ill find you Steam: don't have for obvious reasons Describe sense of humor: random really, i can go from sick and demented to happy fun times Anything notable to add? i dont really kn…

  • Should I Just Quit?

    Lukebyrne1999 - - Real Life


    also just a brief note, if or when you explain more about how you are being a "mockery" to other channels, is when ill come in and see if you actually are, i might just be some random guy on the internet but that 1 guy can get things done if i know where and what im doing, take all the popular youtubers for example XD

  • Should I Just Quit?

    Lukebyrne1999 - - Real Life


    how are you being a mockery to other channels? so your reaching higher achievements and other channels below you are jealous, or channels above you a mocking you because your lower, so what! i hear you out when you say you get reality slaps, i felt like i've had reality bullets being shot at me at times knowing how i've judged existence but that hasent changed me yet and i'm surprised about that, but here's something to consider. when you said you use games as a way to distract and clear your he…

  • I Need Help With Stupid Music!!!!

    Lukebyrne1999 - - Help


    you fuckind life saver :D, the trash bin how do I forget, thanx *brofist*

  • I Need Help With Stupid Music!!!!

    Lukebyrne1999 - - Help


    hi bros, i'm really pissed off because I've deleted my original music saves on my computer so im trying to get them back via itunes but it says i need the original saves, is there any other way because it will take me ages to get it back via internet btw FUCK YOU ITUNES!!!!! X( btw btw sorry if i dont make sence by saying saves, i mean the original music downloads or whatever

  • music

    Lukebyrne1999 - - Real Life


    sound tracks are fine

  • music

    Lukebyrne1999 - - Real Life


    I'm positive there has already been a familiar thread like this in the past but I just wanna know what music you bros like, so please reply your favorite songs, bands/artists and genre of music, heck even reply music videos from youtube, I dont care, as long as you like it or even just okay with it its your choice :D so hope you reply you musics, hope your reply's help other people find music, and with that ill stop there. *brofist* :thumbsup:

  • I'd be willing to do a collab on xbox, what games you got (btw from UK too :D)

  • The big problem with "life"

    Lukebyrne1999 - - Real Life


    I feel limited, well doesn't everyone. whenever I have time to think about A LOT of things I end up asking to myself "what is the meaning of life?" (I'm 100% positive that every person has pretty much asked themselves this) I don't or at least never until now felt limited asking myself this, I usually or at least used to think that the meaning of life is to live it the way you want and the way you'd be happy to, which makes sense because who wouldn't say that that's why we live. but about a week…

  • GTA V which I will get A 3DS with Pokemon Y a high performance gaming PC, internet, and other stuff which would just be awesome if had a high performance also probably a bunch of other stuff that would keep me entertained (I might as well be wanting infinite cash) who wouldn't want that :thumbsup:

  • xbox stuff

    Lukebyrne1999 - - Find Player 2


    I'm Luke and I just wanted to share my gamertag for le xbox ma gamertag is LukeByrne1999, big giveaway, yes btw I'm not usually like this saying ma n soooo, yeah but its 24 midnight here so im pretty brain dead retarded (no offence to anyone for whoever takes offence for the word retarded) hope you bros enjoy playing games on xbox w me if you wanna and as always at the end of a thread that i posted (except probably 1 or 2)*BROFIST* :thumbsup:

  • has anyone got xbox and has got guitar hero warriors of rock or world tour, if so do you wanna add me n play (I feel like that there isnt much people on this game anymore ) also any other games you'd like people to play with? if so just say what game it is to me and I'll see if I have it n possibly play with you *brofist* to all of the awesome people (everyone here) :thumbsup:

  • have you tried redownloading the dlc and have you got enough storage on your harddrive?

  • I'm wanting to help

    Lukebyrne1999 - - Find Player 2


    I'm just curious if anyone is looking to record game play from xbox with no one to play with, if anyone is planning to do so then I will join in (I'm also posting this thread because all or most of the recruitment are pc based games which I cannot currently play or join in for the cause on my pc being the crappiest) but seriously, ill help if someone is planning to do so, if I need to give you information bout myself just say *brofist* :thumbsup:

  • the start of something big for me

    Lukebyrne1999 - - Help


    ok, thnx, really appreciate it alot because without your help i could have made a mess *brofist* if you want ill let you know how the saving up is going if your curious